- Patterns and consequences of individual variation in behavioral plasticity in Spheniscus magellanicus
- Causes and consequences of divorce in Acrocephalus sechellensis
- Behavioral co-option of plant resin by Sitta canadensis as an adaptation against competition and predation
- Genetic, natal, and spatial drivers of social phenotypes in Parus major
- Hindlimb biomechanics of Nothronychus graffami
- No support for solar radiation as a major evolutionary driver of malar stripes in Falco
- Effect of wing-flashing behavior on prey capture performance of Lanius ludovicianus
- Macroevolution of body extremities in furnariidans
- Comparative oxygen metabolism of Anhinga anhinga and Nannopterum auritum
- Identity of "Ninox dubiosa"
- Ecological niche conservatism and diversification in Cyanocorax
- Sex predicts response to novelty and problem-solving in Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi
- Benefits of mate familiarity realized through sex-specific specialization of parental roles in Ptychoramphus aleuticus
- Phylogeny of Camarhynchus pallidus
- Nocturnal camouflage through background matching against moonlight in Tyto alba
- Body size and evolutionary rates of alvarezsaurs
- Global diet diversity spectrum in avian apex predators
- Mitochondrial remodeling supports migration in Zonotrichia leucophrys
- Stimulus-dependent emergence of understanding the 'same–different' concept in Melopsittacus undulatus
- Helpers at the nest mitigate costs of Molothrus bonariensis brood parasitism in Pseudoleistes virescens
- Genetic basis of avian body size evolution
- Effects of immune status on stopover departure decisions are subordinate to those of condition, cloud cover and tailwind in Turdus merula
- Foraging strategies of juvenile Larus fuscus at their first migratory stopover
- Social interactions do not affect mycoplasma infection in Gyps fulvus
- Phylogeography of Ceratopipra rubrocapilla and Pseudopipra pipra
- Review of avian seed dispersal out of forests since the Pleistocene
- Dietary divergence among sympatric tyrannids and hirundinids
- Natal and breeding dispersal patterns of Motacilla flava in Russia
- Behavior and survival of Molothrus bonariensis fledglings
- Migration of Chlidonias niger and Sterna hirundo breeding in Sweden
- Species limits of North American avians
- Taxonomic status of Streptopelia decaocto xanthocycla
- Taxonomic status of Micrastur guerilla jugularis
- Avian dispersal ability shapes species–area relationships on islands
- Identification and quantification of carotenoids in supra-orbital combs of male Lyrurus tetrix
- Upper bill bending as an adaptation for nectar feeding in trochilids
- Environmental drivers of female reproductive investment in egg quantity and quality in Ammodramus savannarum
- Evolutionary drivers of flash plumage signals in North American passeriforms
- Competition and facilitation influence central place foraging ecology in Morus bassanus
- Avian fibular reduction and evolution of theropod locomotion
- Sequential introgression of a carotenoid processing gene underlies sexual ornament diversity in Manacus
- Selasphorus calliope rapidly respond to loss of visible light during escape manuevers
- Psittaciforms live in smaller groups on islands
- Uropygial secretion changes mouth coloration in juvenile Sturnus unicolor
- Coloration of the uropygial secretion in juvenile Sturnus unicolor
- Acrocephalus schoenobaenus rid themselves of haemoparasite infections when breeding in the temperate zone
- Aggregative responses of marine avians to annual inshore pulse of Mallotus villosus
- Morphological characterization of scaly avian skin
- Immigrant Parus major learn from socially observed differences in payoffs when their environment changes
- Evolution of avian foot morphology through anatomical network analysis
- Theoretical basis for range expansion in Stelgidopteryx serripennis
- New avialan Navaornis hestiae
- Phylogeny of parulids
- Acrocephalus scirpaceus can extract positional information from magnetic inclination and magnetic declination alone
- Wing metrics linked to avian dispersal ability predict species occurrence on remote islands
- Host nest defense does not act as selective agent against plumage polymorphism in Cuculus canorus
- Extreme spatial cohesion in Taeniopygia castanotis pairs
- Behavioral and social consequences of stress transmission in Taeniopygia castanotis flocks
- Temporal shifts in habitat use in nonbreeding Limosa limosa limosa
- Rainfall is associated with divorce in Acrocephalus sechellensis
- Troglodytes musculus predation on Tropidurus hispidus
- Species-specific evolutionary processes among passeriforms on oceanic islands
- Migration of Buteo lagopus
- Correlates of avian extinction timing in historical times
- Effect of malaria infection on predation risk in migratory passeriforms
- Global analysis of avian acoustic frequency characteristics
- Aerodynamic efficiency explains avian flapping strategies
- Nestor notabilis do not appear to infer weight from movement of objects in a breeze
- Open-ended vocal learning in Calypte costae
- Review of the diet of Attila rufus
- Climate and ecology predict latitudinal trends in avian sexual selection
- Spread of yellow-bill-color alleles favored by selection in the Poephila acuticauda hybrid system
- Imprinted habitat selection varies across dispersal phases in Milvus milvus
- Molecular mechanism for bright color variation in psittaciforms
- Strong winds reduce foraging success in diomedeids
- Sperm as a speciation phenotype in promiscuous oscines
- Effect of haemosporidian infection on hirundinids
- Inertial coupling of the trochilid body in the flight mechanics of an escape maneuver
- Population trends are more strongly linked to environmental change and species traits in avians than mammals
- Age-dependent shaping of social environment in Sterna hirundo
- Demography as driver of decreasing sociality in Passer domesticus
- Use of vocalizations by nesting Limosa limosa limosa
- New oviraptorosaur Yuanyanglong bainian
- Species limits in Cacatua galerita
- Evolution of sex differences in cooperation can be explained by trade-offs with dispersal in Plocepasser mahali
- Age difference may drive brood reduction in Ara macao
- Receiver response to high-intensity courtship differs with courter status in Ptilonorhynchus maculatus
- Use and definitions of terms describing avian courtship sites
- Distinctive and highly variable avian migration system in Eastern Australia
- Evolution of aggression in Pezophaps solitaria
- Genome of Ciconia boyciana
- Evidence of aerial behavior in microraptorians based on trackways
- Duets convey information about pair and individual identities in Furnarius rufus
- Review of fossil avialans from Brazil
- Decline and extinction of Sitta insularis
- Genetic basis of adaptation to Antarctic environment in Aptenodytes forsteri
- Role of androgen receptor signaling in sexual development of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Female calls promote song learning in male juvenile Taeniopygia guttata
- Season-specific genetic variation underlies early-life migration in Gulosus aristotelis
- Seeds of language-like generativity in call combinations of Turdoides bicolor
- Alvarezsaur femur from the Plottier Formation
- New avialans Avisaurus darwini and Magnusavis ekalakaensis
- Poecile gambeli sing different songs in sympatry versus allopatry with Poecile atricapillus
- Variation in thermal plasticity of Passer domesticus embryos produced by developmental environment
- Brood parasitism of Hirundo rustica by Cuculus canorus recorded in the 3rd Century
- Variation in air sac morphology and postcranial skeletal pneumatization patterns in Psittacus erithacus
- Avian phylogenetic diversity increases with temperature worldwide
- Migrating Pluvialis squatarola killed by Falco peregrinus
- Global loss of avian functional and phylogenetic diversity from anthropogenic extinctions
- MHC-II genes of paleognaths
- New avialans Sulcitarsus aenigmatus, Xenavicula pamelae, and Masillatrogon incertus
- Mitogenomics of muscicapoids
- Gait simulations of Dromaius novaehollandiae reveal optimality of grounded running
- Species morphology better predicts plant–trochilid interactions across elevations than nectar traits
- Highly virulent avian brood parasites show elevated embryonic metabolic rates at specific incubation stages
- Fruit resources shape sexual selection processes in Manacus manacus
- Juvenile Gallus gallus domesticus produce consonant, sometimes jazzy, sounds
- Migratory gruids modulate niche tradeoffs in rhythm with seasons and life history
- Visual fields of larids
- Immobilization during embryonic development contributes to wing reduction in Dromaius novaehollandiae
- Diverse assemblage of migrantory avians supported by grasslands in the Northern Prairie region
- Tactile bill-tip organs in procellariimorphs
- Migratory lifestyle carries no added overall energy cost in Turdus merula
- Colonization history of the Acrocephalus luscinius species complex
- Neighbors affect vocal behavior of Thryophilus rufalbus
- Functional evolution of facial bristles in passeriforms
- Mechanics of male courtship display behavior in Ptiloris
- Comment and response on avian divergence times
- Predation on juvenile Panthera leo by Polemaetus bellicosus
- Review of over-water offspring ferrying behavior in aquatic avians
- New avialan Lumbrerornis rougieri
- Brain shapes of flightless paleognaths emerge through distinct developmental allometries
- Evolution of coloration in nectariniids
- Herbivorous anatids track multiple resource waves during spring migration
- Energy benefits of in-wake flying for Geronticus eremita
- Individual quality and environmental factors interact to shape reproduction and survival in Tyto alba
- Developmental stage shapes the realized energy landscape of Aquila chrysaetos
- Migration of Scolopax rusticola at the turn of the 19–20th Centuries
- Gut contents of Longipteryx indicate frugivory
- Genetic basis of feather color variation in Strigops habroptila suggests selection by an extinct predator
- Demographic history of Clangula hyemalis and Melanitta fusca
- Amazonian rivers as leaky barriers to gene flow in forest understory suboscines
- Foraging trip length of Morus bassanus increases with colony size and decreases with latitude
- Diet of Falco eleonorae during passeriform fall migration
- Taxonomic status of Coua cristata maxima
- Taxonomy of Campocolinus and Pternistis
- Validity of Patagona chaski
- Architectural traditions in the structures built by Plocepasser mahali
- Genetic and phenotypic differentiation in Thamnophilus ruficapillus
- Effects of assortative mating for personality on reproductive success in Anser anser
- Evolution of nest characteristics in troglodytids
- Size differences among fringillids may explain correlated evolution of song and color
- Genomic convergence between avians and chiropterans
- Hearing capabilities of Eudyptula minor
- Maternal stress effects across generations in Coturnix japonica
- Horse-hair fungus used in nests of Tolmomyias sulphurescens and Icterus pustulatus alters behavior of Pseudomyrmex
- Genetic and telomeric variability in Manacus candei × Manacus vitellinus hybrid zone
- Evaluation of the usefulness of morphological characters in avian phylogenetics
- Ecological correlates of phenology in Alle alle
- Ecosystem engineers show variable impacts on habitat availability for cavity-nesting avians in Chile
- Effects of forest structure on breeding success in tetraonins
- Interplay of avian T cell receptor-V gene copy numbers and MHC selection pressure
- Hormonal control of plumage sexual dimorphism in Gallus gallus domesticus
- Genomics of Alectoris rufa
- Review of trait variation and spatiotemporal dynamics across avian secondary contact zones
- Taphonomy of feather biomolecules
- Impact of Oecophylla on avian elevational diversity patterns
- Dialect shifts in Amazona auropalliata
- Changes of epidermal proteins immunolocalization during avian beak development
- Behavioral plasticity shapes population aging patterns in Gyps fulvus
- Home ranges, habitat selection, and energy expenditure of Strix varia
- Song determined by phylogeny and body mass in piprids and cardinalids
- Seasonal resource tracking and use of sea-ice foraging habitats by procellariiforms
- Prehistorical and historical occurrence of Platalea leucorodia and Ciconia ciconia in Europe
- Rediscovery of Pulsatrix perspicillata pulsatrix
- Systematics and nomenclature of Raphus cucullatus and Pezophaps solitaria
- Effect of nest design in Phoenicurus phoenicurus on parasitism rates by Cuculus canorus
- Genomic basis of diversification in Spheniscus
- Drivers of scavenging and social interaction in Aquila audax
- Exposure to calls before hatching affects post-hatching behavior of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Taphonomic signatures of early scavenging by Coragyps atratus and Cathartes aura
- Evidence of adaptation of truffle-like fungi for avians in New Zealand
- Juvenile specimen of Microraptor
- Persistent species relationships in migratory avian communities across stopover sites and seasons
- New avialan Agapornis longipes
- Reevaluation of a phoenicopterid from the Pie de Vaca Formation
- The Amazon Basin supports Nearctic-breeding charadriiforms during southward migration
- Strength of flight feathers in psittaciforms is a function of position on the wing
- Negative impacts of Coryphaena hippurus on Calonectris leucomelas foraging behavior
- Human–food association increases novelty exploration in Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi
- Social programming of development and stress physiology in Aptenodytes patagonicus
- Short-term dietary changes are reflected in cerebral content of Larus delawarensis
- Diet of Circus aeruginosus during breeding season
- Avian trophic guilds differ in blood glucose concentrations
- Evolutionary drivers of avian sex-specific parasite prevalence
- Local resource availability drives habitat use by Poephila cincta cincta
- Avian orientation in radiofrequency fields in the absence of the Earth's magnetic field
- Reinterpretation of mandibular anatomy of Asteriornis maastrichtensis
- Bone histology of juvenile enantiornitheans
- Intraspecific variation in group structure arises from directional dispersal in Lamprotornis superbus
- Phylogenomics of the Campylopterus largipennis species complex
- New avialan Pakudyptes hakataramea
- Avian genome and life history evolution linked to the K–Pg extinction
- Vultur gryphus as a top scavenger
- Geographical and ecological allopatry effects on niche change in Basilinna and Calypte
- Mitochondrial genome of Streptopelia decaocto
- New avialan Oceanites barrosi
- Evolution of the jaw apparatus in picines
- Functional role of metabolic suppression in avian thermoregulation in the heat
- Phylogeography of Oenanthe familiaris
- Influences on feather care and unipedal resting in phoenicopteriforms
- Transitions between color mechanisms affect avian speciation dynamics and range distributions
- Genomic patterns in Ceyx
- Avian fossils from the Quaternary of Brazil
- New troodontid Hypnovenator matsubaraetoheorum
- New avialans Mionetta turgaiensis and Uyrekura chalkarica, and new genus Kustokazanser for "Cygnavus" formosus
- Genomic diversity of Tympanuchus pallidicinctus
- Taxonomic revision of Myrmecocichla arnotti
- Genomic analysis of Vermivora bachmanii
- Ecological dynamics of dinornithiform extinctions
- The Great Rift Valley as a biogeographic barrier for Ethiopian Highland passeriforms
- Lifespans of Neotropical forest avians
- Modulation of landing force as motion-induced sound camouflage in Tyto alba
- Body shape correlates with kinematics but not energetics in selectively-bred Anas platyrhynchos
- Facial blushing and feather fluffing as indicators of emotions in Gallus gallus domesticus
- Personality and foraging success in Calidris canutus
- Review of plumage polymorphism in raptorial avians
- Osteological variation of anatids
- Host–parasite contact and sensitivity to parasitism predict clutch abandonment in Molothrus hosts
- Nest cave of Gymnogyps californianus from the Pleistocene of Texas
- Emotional arousal linked to changes in vocalizations of juvenile Gallus gallus domesticus
- New troodontid Urbacodon norelli
- Comparative osteology of the skull in Molothrus
- Rate of W chromosome degeneration in sylviidans
- New avialans Nasiornis messelornithoides, Parvirallus incertus, and Walbeckornis waltonensis
- New troodontid Harenadraco prima
- Eye morphology correlates with ecology in aquatic avians
- Testing hypotheses for male aggregations in Corapipo gutturalis
- Population structure of Campylorhynchus fasciatus and Campylorhynchus zonatus
- Early-life diet does not affect preference for fish in Larus argentatus
- Hurricane-induced pollinator shifts in Heliconia–Eulampis jugularis mutualism
- Wrist osteology of Heyuannia huangi
- Evolution of avian parental care
- Onychoprion benefit from foraging opportunities created by Istiophorus platypterus
- Niche differentiation of Parus minor and Ficedula zanthopygia
- Population structure of Sialia currucoides
- Evidence of primary feather molt in confuciusornithiforms
- Episodic-like memory in Cyanistes caeruleus and Parus major
- Navigation by juvenile Sturnus vulgaris during migration
- Predictors of avian propensity to join mixed-species flocks
- Feeding ecology of Columba palumbus
- Taxonomy of psittaciforms
- Severe genetic erosion in Copsychus sechellarum
- Genetic and epigenetic differentiation in response to genomic selection for lay date in Parus major
- Phylogenetic affinities of fossil passeriforms
- Expansion of learning capacity elicited by hybridization between Aidemosyne modesta and Taeniopygia guttata
- Passeriform predation on dipteran larvae may be governed by infection risk associated with carnivoran carcasses
- Mitogenome structure of scolopacids
- Prediction of individual differences in structural plumage color of Cyanistes caeruleus
- Correlated evolution of avian oxidative physiology and MHC-based immunosurveillance
- Identifying prey capture events of Pygoscelis antarctica
- Effects of weather on group foraging in Estrilda astrild
- New avialan Sakesphoroides niedeguidonae
- Diving adaptations in Fulica
- Metabolic cost of flight is lower for trailing individuals in small groups of Sturnus vulgaris
- New avialan Phalacrocorax bakonyiensis
- The respiratory system influences flight mechanics in soaring avians
- Role-reversed polyandry is associated with faster Z chromosome evolution in charadriiforms
- Effects of body mass and phylogeny on masses of avian jaw muscle groups
- Genetic structure of Cyanistes caeruleus
- Comment and response on preservation of protein structure in feathers
- Comparative anatomy of sphenisciform tarsometatarsi
- Trophic strategy of Pernis apivorus during breeding
- New avialans Fluvioviridavis michaeldanielsi and Fluvioviridavis nazensis
- Diversification of Chordeiles pusillus
- Taxonomy of the Horornis canturians–Horornis diphone species complex
- Spontaneous biases enhance generalization in the neonate brain of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Simulation of spontaneous cumulative route improvements in Columba livia
- Aggressive interactions influence cognitive performance in Gymnorhina tibicen dorsalis
- Social experiences shape song preference learning in Taeniopygia guttata independently of developmental exposure to song
- Brightness cues affect gap negotiation behaviours in Taeniopygia guttata flying between perches
- Evolution of Coturnix based on mitogenomic analysis
- Seasonal patterns and processes of migration in Charadrius dubius
- Changes in adult sex ratio of anatids breeding in Czechia
- Variations in touch representation in the forebrain of Calypte anna and Taeniopygia guttata
- Risk-sensitive response of Milvus migrans to crosswind during migration
- Phylogeography of Histrionicus histrionicus
- Regulatory and evolutionary impact of DNA methylation in Ficedula albicollis, Ficedula hypoleuca, and their hybrids
- Spatial roost networks and resource selection of female Meleagris gallopavo silvestris
- How the shape of wing and hindlimb bones in aquatic avians relate to locomotor abilities
- Small body size is associated with increased evolutionary lability of avian wing skeleton proportions
- Extrapair paternity alongside social reproduction increases male lifetime fitness in Passer domesticus
- Year-round residency of Sula sula in the Chagos Archipelago
- Corvus corone "count" self-generated vocalizations
- Genome of Anomalopteryx didiformis
- Population genetics of melampittids
- Scope and adaptive value of modulating aggression over breeding stages in Tachycineta bicolor
- Sex-specific effects of dietary restriction on physiological variables in Coturnix japonica
- Survival, nest site affiliation and post-fledging movements of Haliaeetus albicilla
- Translocated Ficedula hypoleuca are predisposed to learn songs of their ancestral population
- Promiscuous mating system in Chalcites minutillus
- Neuroanatomy of Lithornis vulturinus
- Sex allocation is color morph-specific and associated with fledging condition in Strix aluco
- Validity of Miotadorna catrionae
- Conserved regulatory switches for the transition from natal down to juvenile feathers
- Ongoing introgression of a secondary sexual plumage trait in a Manacus candei × Manacus vitellinus hybrid zone
- Avian host nestlings eavesdrop on distress calls of Cuculus canorus nestlings
- Redistribution of oscines within a migratory stopover site as a response to sylviid song playback
- Garrulus glandarius exhibit episodic-like memory
- Vocal convergence and social proximity shape the calls of Acanthisitta chloris
- Thermoregulation of understory furnariidans in lowland Amazonia
- Apparent anti-parasite behavior in Cyanoramphus cookii
- Colonization of the Mediterranean Basin by Aquila fasciata
- Population structure of Mixornis
- Evolution of chromosomal inversions in Lonchura
- Microchromosomal organization of picids
- Correlated evolution of beak and braincase morphology present only in select charadriiform clades
- Unexpected acorn caching sites by Garrulus glandarius
- Preen oil chemical composition during incubation in Anarhynchus alexandrinus
- Mitogenomes of Mergus australis and Mergus octosetaceus
- Adaptive strategies of Anas platyrhynchos feet in response to changes in wetness and compactness of sand terrain
- Seasonal migration directs gene flow in Calothorax lucifer and Selasphorus platycercus
- Habitat selection in foraging Sula sula rubripes
- Sex differences in play ontogeny of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Temporal pattern in foraging behavior of Vanellus malabaricus
- Body size shapes song in meliphagids
- Evolution and genetic architecture of sex-limited polymorphism in Cuculus
- Possible giant troodontid tracks from the Shaxian Formation
- Evolution of gigantism in phorusrhacids
- Flexibility underlies differences in mitochondrial respiratory performance between migratory and non-migratory Zonotrichia leucophrys
- Wing morphing dynamics of Larus glaucescens × Larus occidentalis
- Prolactin associated with proximity to incubating partner rather than parental care in Chroicocephalus ridibundus
- Flow interactions lead to self-organized flight formations in avian flocks
- Avian family-living and cooperative breeding associated with number of avian predators
- Genomic basis of vocal rhythm in Pogoniulus
- Historical demography of Willisornis
- Evolution of sex chromosomes in paleognaths
- Population structure of Bucorvus leadbeateri
- Review of how structural variants shape avian phenotypes
- Seasonal migration in a Catharus ustulatus hybrid zone
- Possible dromaeosaurid eggs from the Lianhe Formation
- Importance of migratory drop-off for avian island colonization
- Itinerant breeding in Scolopax minor
- Social restructuring during harsh environmental conditions promotes cooperative behaviour in Malurus cyaneus
- Brain surface morphology of tyrannideans
- Experience reduces route selection for conspecifics by Ciconia ciconia
- Association between the gut microbiome and carotenoid plumage phenotype in Vermivora chrysoptera × Vermivora cyanoptera hybrid zones
- Genetic basis of spatial cognition in Poecile gambeli
- Morphological disparity and structural performance of dromaeosaurid skulls
- Parallel executive pallio-motor loops in the brain of Columba livia
- Removal of older males increases extra-pair siring success of yearling males in Cyanistes caeruleus
- Growth factors during post-hatching growth of the spleen in Coturnix japonica
- Babbling opens the sensory phase for imitative vocal learning in Taeniopygia guttata
- Avian responses to unfamiliar alarm calls
- Remote-tactile foraging success of Bostrychia hagedash is positively affected by the water content of foraging substrates
- Review of avian island radiations
- New avialans Waltonirrisor tendringensis, Septencoracias simillimus, Pristineanis minor, and Pristineanis major
- Evolution of cranial biomechanics in oviraptorosaurs
- Evidence for and drivers of plumage mimicry in Garrulax monileger and Pterorhinus pectoralis
- Comparative reproductive ecology of trogonids
- Cervical anatomy of aquatic neoavians
- Phylogeography of Branta bernicla in North America
- Dryocopus martius use stepping stones between woodland units
- Sexual differences in bite force not related to testosterone level in Gallus gallus jabouillei
- First-sight recognition of touched objects in juvenile Gallus gallus domesticus
- Beak iridescence in Spermophaga
- Language-like efficiency and structure in song of Haemorhous mexicanus
- Haemoparasite infection intensity but not telomere length is associated with plumage morph in Astur melanoleucus
- Aggressiveness predicts dominance rank in Anser anser
- Heterogenous resources associated with components of offspring fitness in Centrocercus urophasianus
- Phylogeny of neornitheans
- A region of suppressed recombination misleads neoavian phylogenomics
- Light conditions and the evolution of the avian visual system
- Role of climatic variables on nest evolution in thraupids
- Foraging behavior of ardeids in Oman
- Long-term trends in the abundance and breeding performance in Pygoscelis adeliae
- Review of avialans from the Cretaceous of Antarctica
- Barcoding of episodic memories in the hippocampus of Poecile atricapillus
- Lack of genetic structure in Anous stolidus
- Osteology of Nothronychus
- Alternative explanations for call sequence in Parus minor
- Preening correlates with lower feather bacteria abundance but not feather coloration in Pavo cristatus
- Drivers of flight altitude during nocturnal avian migration over the North Sea
- Flying fast improves aerodynamic economy with mass increase in Columba livia
- Grasping-related musculature of accipitrids
- Sex-linked supergene with large effects on sperm traits has little impact on reproductive traits in female Taeniopygia guttata
- Drivers of forced extra-pair copulations in Coloeus monedula
- Patterns of integrated growth in Corvus frugilegus
- Immune gene expression and epigenetic potential affect consumption of risky food by female Passer domesticus
- Taxonomic status of Phylloscopus collybita tristis
- Genetic basis for color differences between Sporophila beltoni and Sporophila plumbea
- Social network centrality predicts dietary decisions in Parus major
- New avialans Eocypselus geminus, Eocypselus grandissimus, and Eocypselus paulomajor
- Phylogeny of accipitrids
- Synchronous timing of return to breeding sites in Stercorarius parasiticus
- Consistency of spottiness and colouration across avian eggshells
- Avian foraging traces from the Tanjung Formation
- Hidden fitness of the male Taeniopygia guttata courtship song
- Turbulence causes kinematic and behavioural adjustments in Columba livia
- Ontogeny of limb bone microstructure in Aptenodytes patagonicus
- Evolution of avian sexual size dimorphism
- Evolution of avian thermal tolerance
- Reproductive tract anatomy of Chlamydotis undulata
- Sex-specific nest attendance rhythm and foraging habitat use in Platalea leucorodia
- Nuclear parcellation and numbers of orexinergic neurons in larger-brained avians
- Rainforest avians avoid biotic signal masking only in cases of high acoustic saturation
- Use of social information in Gyps flight decisions
- Heritability of cognitive performance in Gymnorhina tibicen dorsalis
- Convergent evolution of plumage coloration in Agapornis
- Population trends in Aptenodytes forsteri
- Early developmental carry-over effects on exploratory behaviour and DNA methylation in Parus major
- Migration of Stercorarius parasiticus
- Apparent range expansion or recolonization of Antrostomus noctitherus on the Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge
- Effect of biogeographical barriers on historical dynamics of thamnophilids
- Male Sturnus unicolor floaters preferentially visit nests of males with reduced resource holding potential
- Taxonomic and conservation status of Ceyx sangirensis
- Learning shapes development of migratory behavior in Ciconia ciconia
- Decoupling of avian migration from the changing phenology of spring green-up
- Potential role of brain parasites in misorientation of migratory avians
- Inventory of Urile perspicillatus specimens
- Evolution of Pseudocolopteryx
- Compensation for chromatic changes in nest illumination during egg rejection by Phoenicurus phoenicurus
- Hissing as part of threat display in Aegotheles cristatus
- Genetic basis and evolution of structural color polymorphism in Malurus leucopterus
- Migration of Pluvialis squatarola
- Interplay of cooperative breeding and predation risk on egg allocation and reproductive output in Philetairus socius
- Seasonal and annual variation in the diet of Lagopus lagopus lagopus
- New avialan Imparavis attenboroughi
- Correlates of wing- and tail-feather molt sequence in passeriforms
- Phylogenomic conflict in Prunella
- Evolutionary dynamics of microsatellites in Pygoscelis adeliae
- H3 histone acetylation in Passer domesticus
- Species limits in Puffinus
- Social associations are predicted by nest proximity but not kinship in Myiopsitta monachus
- Macroevolutionary drivers of morphological disparity in the avian quadrate
- Energetic trade-offs in migration decision-making and reproductive effort in Anser albifrons flavirostris
- Extended incubation recesses in Calidris alba impacted by temperature and body condition
- Only rare classical MHC-I alleles are highly expressed in Passer domesticus
- Diet of Gulosus aristotelis during non-breeding season
- Seasonal migration and the evolution of an inverse latitudinal diversity gradient in charadriiforms
- Syrinx morphology of apodids
- Osteology of Oksoko avarsan
- Reconstructing locomotor joint poses in paravians
- Detecting cultural evolution in Spizella passerina
- Functional constraints on flight feather number and shape in pennaraptorans
- Diversification of neornitheans
- Effect of avian guano on intertidal food webs in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago
- Possible neornithean from the Lance Formation
- Axial anatomy of Struthio camelus
- Cathartes aura from the Pleistocene of Brazil
- Evolution of avian cryptochromes
- Male Taeniopygia guttata with high levels of oxidative damage form weak pair bonds
- New genus Driophlox for "Habia" gutturalis and closely related species
- Review of avian chromosomic evolution
- Diversification of certhioids
- Relationship between avian flock size and flight initiation distance
- Genetic differentiation of Leiothrix lutea
- Effect of building ability and object availability on bower construction in Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis
- Honest signalling of age in Gavia immer
- Personality-related differences in timing of migration in Calidris canutus
- Population genomics of Pygoscelis papua
- Song differences in Spizella breweri subspecies
- Review of niche segregation across sympatric breeding marine avian assemblages
- Functional imaging of the Columba livia brain
- Object permanence in Anthracoceros albirostris
- Beakiation as a novel arboreal gait in Agapornis roseicollis
- Variation in avian abundance in North America
- Evolution of multiple color mechanisms correlated with diversification in nectariniids
- Diversification of alaudids
- Phorusrhacid from the Sarmiento Formation
- Phylogenetic position of Ptilinopus arcanus
- Phylogenetic position of "Amazilia" boucardi
- Population dynamic life history models of avians (and mammals)
- Migration patterns of Circus cyaneus breeding in Spain
- Characterization of diagentiforms in a dinornithid proteome
- Prey flushing as a potential adaptive advantage of proto-wings in pennaraptorans
- Avians that breed exclusively on islands have smaller clutches
- Ciconia ciconia nests as an attractant to avians and chiropterans
- Functional neurogenomic responses to acoustic threats in the auditory forebrain of Agelaius phoeniceus
- New oviraptorosaur Eoneophron infernalis
- Spatial variation in meliphagidean bill size is associated with temperature extremes
- Bone microstructure of Musivavis amabilis
- Population links between Cyanistes caeruleus and lepidopterans
- Structure and composition of avifauna in two forest areas in Brazil
- Experimental manipulation of population density in Parus major alters social structure but not patch discovery rate
- Diet composition explains interannual fluctuations in reproductive performance in Aquila chrysaetos
- Year-round movements of Pterodroma longirostris
- Michener's Paradox in cooperatively breeding avians
- An evolutionary approach to molt terminology
- Review of avialans from the Cretaceous of China
- Thermal tolerance of Alle alle
- Grus grus soar on thermal updrafts behind cold fronts as they migrate across the sea
- Role of recombination dynamics in shaping signatures of selection across the Ficedula genome
- Timing of fall migration in Antrostomus vociferus
- Noise constrains heterospecific eavesdropping more than conspecific reception of alarm calls in Malurus cyaneus and Sericornis frontalis
- Limited ecological opportunity influences the tempo of avian morphological evolution
- Evolution of bill morphology in thraupids
- Historical biogeography of Francolinus francolinus
- Xiphorhynchus fuscus excavate nest cavities in trees
- New genus Wunketru for "Telmabates" howardae
- Nest architecture influences host use by avian brood parasites
- Evolution of bare parts in galliforms
- Calypte anna use distinct control strategies for forward and hovering flight
- Genomic architecture of continuous plumage color variation in Tyto alba
- Buzzes as signals of aggressive intent in Camarhynchus
- Vocal complexity in male Corvus frugilegus
- Early corticosterone increases vocal complexity in Forpus passerinus
- Sexual dimorphism of Confuciusornis sanctus
- Patterns of avian species richness and turnover in mountains
- New genus Rufiphonia for "Euphonia" rufiventris and closely related species
- Unfamiliarity generates costly aggression in interspecific avian dominance hierarchies
- Review of avian integumentary development
- Development of vocal folds in the avian syrinx
- Climatic variation influences annual survival of Charadrius alexandrinus on Maio
- Phylogenetic position of "Ixos" nicobariensis
- Role of tropical rainfall in driving range dynamics of Setophaga ruticilla
- Relationships between avian flight feather count and underlying skeletal size
- Gavia from the Liuchungchi Formation
- How Agapornis personatus dissipate heat before, during, and after flight
- Melanin-rich skin color associated with increased net diversification rates in avians
- Innovative food-soaking behavior in Cacatua goffiniana
- Taxonomy of Myioborus
- Importance of high-elevation habitats to avians during post-breeding migration period in the Alps
- Daily vocal exercise is necessary for peak performance singing in Taeniopygia castanotis
- Genetic structure of Catharus fuscescens
- Altitudinal movement and seasonal ecosystem use by trochilids in the Andes
- Role of anterior forebrain pathway of Melopsittacus undulatus in producing learned vocalizations
- Vegaviids from the López de Bertodano Formation
- Variable macroevolutionary outcomes of interhemispheric dispersal in passeriforms
- Culturally determined interspecies communication between Indicator indicator and Homo sapiens
- Long-term memory of experienced Aphelocoma wollweberi facilitates problem-solving by naïve group members
- Chemical characterization of the odor of Taeniopygia castanotis
- Foraging range of Phaethon lepturus
- New avialan Vultur messii
- Social influences on delayed gratification in Corvus moneduloides and Garrulus glandarius
- Syrinx morphology of Struthio camelus
- Marine avians boost coral reef resilience
- Correlation between avian wing morphology and life history
- Timing of fledging in Hydrobates leucorhous
- Estimation of diomedeid flight posture
- Experience shapes migration and flight in Neophron percnopterus
- Mutual mate guarding with limited sexual conflict in Phalaropus fulicarius
- Ancient mitogenomes of Porphyrio hochstetteri and Porphyrio mantelli
- Stabilizing selection on tail spots of Setophaga citrina
- Eggshell color differences in Cuculus canorus and Acrocephalus arundinaceus
- Reduction of wing area affects estimated stress in flight muscles of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Avians from the Pleistocene of France
- Foraging ecology of Pterodroma cahow
- Genetic load and adaptive potential of Terpsiphone corvina
- Genetic diversity of Leptotila wellsi
- Avians are better at regulating heat loss through their legs than their bills
- Reinterpretation of tuberculate cervical vertebrae of perplexicervicids
- Sexual selection in Calidris melanotos associated with exceptional sex differences in oxygen carrying capacity
- Energy expenditure in marine avians
- Emergence of the avian dawn and dusk chorus
- High temperatures associated with reduced cognitive performance in Turdoides bicolor
- Seed dispersal by anatids
- Ontogeny of hindlimb bone texture in Rhea americana
- Skull shape predicts feeding ecology in scavenging accipitrimorphs
- Migratory movements of Pelagodroma marina
- Muscle forces and strain distribution in the femur of Tragopan caboti
- Taxonomic status of Lophornis melaniae
- New alvarezsaur Jaculinykus yaruui
- Enamel biogeochemistry suggests omnivory in troodontids
- Mechanism of avian postural stability
- Convergent evolution in feather reflectance of oscines on the Channel Islands
- Marine avian migration in the tropical Indian Ocean
- Avialan tracks from the Wonthaggi Formation
- Repeatability and heritability of inhibitory control performance in Petroica longipes
- Malurus coronatus helpers assist most to breeding pairs that comprise a potential mate and a relative
- Highland and lowland forest oscines differ in feather growth rates
- Genetic and environmental drivers of migratory behavior in Athene cunicularia hypugaea
- Associations between weather and nest success of Meleagris gallopavo silvestris
- Equivocal support for the climate variability hypothesis within Neotropical avians
- Hybrid viability across life-stages in a Ficedula albicollis–Ficedula hypoleuca contact zone
- Evolutionary history of Columba livia
- Spheniscus demersus utilize ventral dot patterns for individual recognition
- Taxonomy of Zanda
- Caenagnathids from the Aguja Formation
- Home range and territory Furnarius rufus
- Review of roles materials play in determining functional properties of avian nests
- Dual function of prokinesis in the feeding and locomotion of Agapornis roseicollis
- Diving efficiency and pre-breeding foraging effort increase with haemoglobin levels in Pygoscelis papua
- Female Plocepasser mahali increase investment per offspring when they have more help with post-natal care
- Producer–scrounger dynamics in the Indicator indicator–Homo sapiens mutualism
- Variation in avian thermal sensitivity in North America
- Attaching organic fibers to avian eggshell
- Impact of helping experience on helper life history and fitness in Acrocephalus sechellensis
- Long-term female bias in sex ratios of Harpia harpyja
- Breeding ecology of Cursorius cursor
- Pace of avian mitochondrial molecular evolution varies with seasonal migration distance
- Candidate genes under selection in Melospiza melodia co-vary with climate and body mass
- Flight performance of Confuciusornis sanctus
- Biogeographic history and egg coloration in Turdus
- Genomic divergence of Sitta carolinensis
- Review of disturbance-based avian foraging associations
- Effects of moonlight on the vertical flight profiles of apodids
- Phylogenetic position of Pica hudsonia and Pica nuttalli
- New genus Neophilydor for "Philydor" erythrocercum and "Philydor" fuscipenne
- Redescription of Dapingfangornis sentisorhinus
- New genus Protopelma for "Neopelma" chrysolophum
- New genus Stictocerthia for "Dasycrotapha" plateni and "Dasycrotapha" pygmaea
- Innovation and elaboration of avian beak shape
- Cognitive ecology of mirror self-recognition in Gallus gallus domesticus
- Lonchura oryzivora increase eye ring conspicuousness when pair-bonded
- Sensitivity in newborn Gallus gallus domesticus to the role of an animated agent from observed interactions
- Genetic structure of Lepidothrix coronata
- Heritable variation in thermal profiles is associated with reproductive success in Struthio camelus
- Binocular field configuration in strigiforms
- Pre-existing visual preference for white dot patterns in estrildids
- Quantification of gastral masses in Archaeorhynchus spathula and Iteravis
- Phylogeny of Falco cherrug
- Role of the neck in avian macroevolution and mosaicism
- Limit to sustained performance constrains trill length in oscine song
- Post-colony swimming migration in Uria
- Interactions between procellariiforms and Carcharodon carcharias at an Arctocephalus forsteri carcass
- Parental infanticide in Phaethon aethereus
- New genera Quechuavis for "Systellura" decussata and Tepuiornis for "Setopagis" whitelyi
- How Falco peregrinus induce vulnerability in Calidris alpina pacifica
- Nest morphology in Taeniopygia guttata is repeatable and associated with experience
- Vocal tract shape variation contributes to individual vocal identity in Spheniscus demersus
- Review of avian eye color variation
- How windscapes shape migratory movements of Fratercula arctica and Rissa tridactyla
- Differences in foraging area use and predation susceptibility between Phaethon lepturus and Phaethon rubricauda
- Diomedea exulans movement suggests sensitivity to infrasound cues at sea
- Space weather disrupts nocturnal avian migration
- Habitat and climate influence hybridization among genetically distinct Perisoreus canadensis morphotypes
- Preservation of phaeomelanin in paravian (and other vertebrate) fossils
- Hybridization of Fratercula arctica coincides with 20th-century climate change
- Introgression underlies phylogenetic uncertainty but not parallel plumage evolution in Motacilla
- Low mutation load in supergene underpinning alternative male mating strategies in Calidris pugnax
- Population differentiation in Hirundo
- Geogenomic predictors of gene tree heterogeneity explain phylogeographic and introgression history in Thamnophilus aethiops
- Trochilids use wing inertial effects to improve maneuverability
- Evidence for vocal signatures and voice-prints in Myiopsitta monachus
- Resident temperate forest avians approach an unfamiliar Neotropical alarm call
- Somateria mollissima show limited heart rate responses to variation in threats of Ursus maritimus
- Evidence of site-specific and male-biased germline mutation rate in Acrocephalus arundinaceus
- Phorusrhacid tracks from the Río Negro Formation
- Imperfect mimicry of Accipiter nisus by female Cuculus canorus
- Genomic basis of geospizin evolution
- Convergent evolution of dim light vision in strigiforms and deep-diving cetaceans
- New avialan Schiffornis cracrafti
- Taxonomy of Corypha
- Domestication is associated with increased hybrid compatibility in galliforms
- Genomic variation in Perdix hodgsoniae
- Consistent changes in muscle metabolism underlie dive performance in diving anatids
- Beak morphometry and morphogenesis across oscine radiations
- Dopaminergic error signals retune to social feedback during courtship in Taeniopygia guttata
- Landfast sea ice shapes Aptenodytes forsteri habitat around Antarctica
- Cues to individuality in Anser anser faces
- Egg size variation in the context of polyandry in Charadrius nivosus
- Uncoordinated sleep replay across hemispheres in Taeniopygia guttata
- Phylogeography of Ara militaris
- Links between personality, reproductive success and re-pairing patterns in Rissa tridactyla
- Equivalent roles of marine subsidies and island characteristics in shaping island avian communities
- Functional trade-offs in foot morphology of Australian avians
- Preservation of corneous β-proteins in fossil feathers
- Host learning selects for coevolution of greater egg mimicry and narrower antiparasitic egg-rejection thresholds
- Role of behavior changes in geographic range expansion of Quiscalus mexicanus
- Social calls of Alle alle reflect body size but not sex
- Oscines that display more complex vocal learning are better problem solvers
- Genomic basis of leg length divergence among parids
- Phylogenomics of Tympanuchus cupido cupido
- Habitat geometry rather than visual acuity limits clutch visibility to terrestrial predators in Vanellus vanellus
- Individual preferences for sound tool design in Probosciger aterrimus
- Phylogenetic comparative analysis of avian alula morphology
- Metabolic rate does not explain performance on a short-term memory task or personality traits in juvenile Gallus gallus domesticus
- Social pairing decisions and spatial cognitive ability in Poecile gambeli
- Review of a reproductive sharing continuum in cooperatively breeding avians (and mammals)
- Comment and response on patterns of egg laying in Cuculus canorus
- Latitudinal and elevational variation in reproductive biology of Troglodytes aedon
- Food supply and parental provisioning behavior of Upupa epops
- Higher plasma oxidative damage during resting compared to active state in female Parus major
- Coloeus monedula can selectively adjust social associations while preserving long-term relationships
- Incubation behaviors of passeriforms in Malaysia
- Caenagnathids from the Scollard Formation
- Solar heating may explain extreme diel flight altitude changes in migrating avians
- Egg polymorphism in Cinnyris erythrocercus
- Review of the avian taste system
- Population genetics of Lanius bucephalus in Japan
- Provenance of the only known egg of Gallinula nesiotis
- Physical basis of carotenoid redshift in Ramphocelus
- Taxonomy of the Anthus rubescens species complex
- Taxonomic status of Turdus plumbeus eremita
- Taxonomic status of Psalidoprocne nitens centralis
- Taxonomic status of Erythrogenys erythrogenys imberbis
- Nomenclature of the Philemon buceroides species complex
- New avialan Fujianvenator prodigiosus
- Handedness during plunge diving in Morus bassanus
- Binocular vision and foraging in anatids
- Swirling flight of Calonectris leucomelas caught in a huge typhoon
- Co-migration fidelity at a stopover site increases over time in African–European migratory avians
- Territorial behavior of Luscinia luscina outside the breeding season
- Energetic consequences of prey type in Eudyptula minor
- Review of avian neck evolution, function, and development
- New avialan Clymenoptilon novaezealandicum
- Species-wide genomics of Strigops habroptilus
- Plumage-assisted divergence in the Dicrurus paradiseus species complex
- Exceptionalism of passeriform adaptive radiations
- Setophaga petechia aureola do not produce or respond to referential alarm calls indicating allopatric brood parasites
- Gradual migratory divide in Anser anser
- Correlates of migration behavior in Phoenicopterus roseus
- Loss of ciliary genes WDR93 and CFAP46 in avians
- Predictors of avian eye size variation
- Diversification of the Eurystomus orientalis–Eurystomus azureus species complex
- Geographic drivers of genetic and plumage color diversity in Lepidothrix coronata
- Reasons for divorce in Uria lomvia
- Costs and benefits of voluntary attention in Corvus corone
- Co-existence of ecologically similar bird species in east-central Africa
- Drivers of shape variation in the diomedeid compound bill
- Immune challenge reduces daily activity period in Turdus merula for weeks
- Phylogeography of Onychorhynchus
- Predation by Strix aluco on Nyctalus lasiopterus
- New genus Pinarostola for "Pycnopygius" cinereus and "Pycnopygius" ixoides
- Evolutionary predictors of avian coloration
- Melanism in Pygoscelis papua
- Competition and generalization impede cultural formation in Coloeus monedula
- Phylogeny of Bubo virginianus
- Phylogenetic position of Oceanites oceanicus
- Transcriptome profiling of the Gallus gallus domesticus uterus during laying periods
- Phoenicopterid egg from the Pleistocene of Mexico
- Loss of flockmates weakens winter site fidelity in Zonotrichia atricapilla
- Evolutionary divergence of Melospiza melodia subspecies
- Natal down of Struthio camelus
- Locomotor performance of developing avians
- Mitonuclear discordance as a result of incomplete lineage sorting in Todiramphus
- Rapid gene content turnover on the germline-restricted chromosome in oscines
- Evidence for folivory in Jeholornis prima
- Early exposure to songs of another subspecies enhances song discrimination in Melospiza georgiana nestlings
- Ecological predictors of avian bill and leg length variation
- Egg signatures in Dicrurus adsimilis are an effective defense against mimicry by Cuculus gularis
- Consequences of delayed migration timing for Ciconia ciconia
- Seasonal changes in hematological parameters of Passer domesticus
- Influence of behavioral and morphological group composition on flocking dynamics of Columba livia
- Variation in genetic diversity of Falco peregrinus
- Limited repeatability and no heritability of cognitive flexibility in Parus major
- Food availability shapes dynamic aggressive behavior among juvenile Milvus milvus
- Genome of Otis tarda
- Bone histology of Pygoscelis adeliae
- Personality-dependent nest site selection and nest success in Turdus rubrocanus
- New avialans Pulchrapollia eximia and Pulchrapollia tenuipes
- Jaw anatomy of Vegavis iaai
- Osteology of recently extinct Nyctanassa and Nycticorax
- Running speed of Opisthodactylus kirchneri
- Phylogeography of Asian Ploceus
- Geographic variation in Monarcha frater
- Population genetics of Selasphorus rufus and Selasphorus sasin
- Tyto alba from the Holocene of Socotra Island
- Luscinia megarhynchos flexibly match whistle pitch in real time
- The sight of Cuculus canorus does not increase egg rejection rate in Acrocephalus arundinaceus
- Quantifying inter-annual variability on the space-use of Morus bassanus in pursuit of different prey types
- Interspecific cooperative breeding in Phoenicurus ochruros and Phoenicurus phoenicurus
- Poecile gambeli can learn abstract rules to solve a complex spatial-temporal pattern
- Surface texture heterogeneity in maculated avian eggshells
- Poecile gambeli do not use scrounging as a stable strategy when learning a spatial task
- Avian beak shape correlates with nest material use
- Evolution of nest architecture in tyrannidans
- Variation in avian nest-building behavior
- Spring migration patterns of Calidris canutus rufa in the Southeast United States
- Breeding propensity and success of Stercorarius longicaudus
- Variation in aquatic diet of Protonotaria citrea
- Review of the evolution of contact incubation in maniraptors
- Review of the evolution of nesting behavior in avians (and other dinosaurs)
- New avialan Catharus arcanus
- New genus Nubotis for "Neotis" nuba
- Rhamphotheca anatomy of pelagornithids from the Eocene of Antarctica
- Obstacle avoidance by Parabuteo unicinctus during aerial pursuit
- Migrating Aquila pennata stop in the Sahara Desert
- Population structure and genetic diversity of Ammospiza caudacuta
- Record numbers of Columba palumbus casiotis in western Nepal
- Correlates of avian divorce rate
- Increased initial task difficulty drives development of sub-optimal conformity in Passer domesticus
- Life history variation in avians (and mammals)
- Rarity of molt evidence in Mesozoic pennaraptorans
- Molecular and cellular characterization of avian reticulate scales
- Upper bound for broadband radiofrequency field disruption of magnetic compass orientation in Sylvia atricapilla
- Evolutionary maintenance of sex chromosomes in Struthio camelus
- Admixture and introgression in the Curruca curruca species complex
- Atlas of Nothoprocta pentlandii pectoral anatomy
- Comparative morphology of the avian bony columella
- Corvus corone flexibly apply statistical inferences based on previous experience
- Evolution of extra-pair paternity and paternal care in avians
- Responses of Emberiza citrinella, Emberiza leucocephalos, and their hybrids to con- and heterospecific vocalizations
- Review of the avian visual system
- New avialan Eudyptula wilsonae
- New specimen of Shri devi
- Spring arrival of Cuculus canorus at breeding grounds strongly determined by environmental conditions in tropical Africa
- Complex relationships between climate and reproduction in Poecile gambeli
- Additive genetic and environmental variation shape dynamics of seasonal migration in Gulosus aristotelis
- Low heritability of social phenotypes in Sterna hirundo
- Dispersal patterns of Syrmaticus reevesii
- Genetic diversity in Acrocephalus paludicola
- Only females show repeatable responses to partner removal in Ficedula hypoleuca
- Effect of nest aggregation on survival rates in Calidris pusilla
- Ingestion of ethanol by Calypte anna
- Predicting avian richness and functional diversity within forest ecosystems
- Hydrodynamic performance of spheniscid wings
- Digital reconstruction of cranial suture ontogeny in Struthio camelus and Pica pica
- Genomes of Vermivora bachmanii
- Sexual selection for both diversity and repetition in song of Cyanistes caeruleus
- Genetic differentiation of Fratercula cirrhata in North America
- Maintenance of key components of vocal learning in ageing Melopsittacus undulatus
- Ecological factors drive divergence of phenotypic traits in Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus
- Visual versus visual-inertial guidance in Parabuteo unicinctus pursuing terrestrial targets
- Bullying as an advertisement of social dominance in Estrilda astrild
- New avialan Falco powelli
- Plumage coloration of Wulong bohaiensis
- Dispersal of plants by Anser brachyrhynchus
- New avialan Praecarbo strigoniensis
- Defenses of Acrocephalus arundinaceus and Acrocephalus orientalis against brood parasitism by Cuculus canorus
- Implicit learning of the one-back reinforcement matching-mismatching task by Columba livia
- Age effects on foraging performance of Sula granti largely constant across variation in marine environment
- Upper beak depression dominates cranial kinesis in picids
- Differentiation in Diglossa cyanea
- Ancestry of the domestic form of Streptopelia risoria
- Prevalence of avian hybridization
- Genotypes selected for early and late lay date in Parus major differ in phenotype but not fitness
- Taxonomic status of Parabuteo unicinctus unicinctus and Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi
- New subspecies of Rubigula dispar
- New maniraptor Migmanychion laiyang
- Morphological disparity and evolutionary rates in the limbs of maniraptors (and other theropods)
- Widespread brain activation and reduced cerebral spinal fluid flow during REM sleep in Columba livia
- Genetic basis of feathered feet in Gallus gallus domesticus
- Heterothermic migration strategies in avians (and bats)
- Social situations differ in contribution to population-level social structure in Gyps fulvus
- Mechanistic hypotheses for proprioceptive sensing within the avian lumbosacral spinal cord
- Avialan from the La Colonia Formation
- Intraspecific variation in migration routines arise after fledging in Limosa limosa limosa
- Comparative genomics of Empidonax difficilis and Empidonax occidentalis
- Effect of flapping on early paravian locomotion based on robotic modeling
- Leptin resistance does not facilitate migratory fattening in Archilochus colubris
- Passive and active parental food allocation in Ficedula hypoleuca
- Effect of data type on paleognath phylogenetics
- Foraging behavior of Cepphus grylle during the breeding season
- Imprinting in Molothrus bonariensis
- Larus argentatus mimic human food choice during foraging
- Eggshell composition and surface properties of avian brood parasites
- Poecile palustris use temporal avoidance as a means of reducing competition with other parids
- Effect of climate and individual heterogeneity on reproductive strategies in Lagopus lagopus lagopus
- Gallus gallus domesticus exhibit long-term consistent individual differences and behavioral syndromes in spatial traits
- Convergent genomic signatures of local adaptation in Dryobates pubescens and Dryobates villosus
- Evolution of gaze following in avians (and other archosaurs)
- Origin of Colinus virginianus on Cuba
- Ontogeny of the feeding apparatus of Rhea americana
- Evolution of avian eye size
- Brood demand shapes parental preference for offspring UV color in Cyanistes caeruleus
- Developmental pathway underlying transition of skin appendage fate in the Gallus gallus embryo
- Dental microstructure of paravians
- Adaptive significance of off-lek sociality in Cephalopterus penduliger
- Foraging habitat preferences of Oenanthe oenanthe
- Variation in the diet of Coccothraustes coccothraustes
- Update of the Cenozoic avian fossil record of Argentina
- Effects of speed on foot kinematics of Anas platyrhynchos
- Oxytocin receptor antagonism during early vocal learning reduces song preference and imitation in Taeniopygia guttata
- Enantiornithean from the La Huérguina Formation
- Nest predation on Phoenicurus auroreus by Copsychus saularis and Passer montanus
- Review of elongated tail feather function in avians
- Tail feather strength in tail-assisted climbing avians achieved through geometric change
- Fast visual adaptation to dim light in Melopsittacus undulatus
- Gradual changes in model shape affect egg-directed behaviors by Molothrus bonariensis
- Dietary selection in Coccothraustes coccothraustes within mixed woodland habitats
- No evidence of inbreeding depression in Pterodroma cahow
- Foraging preferences of Calypte anna during extreme heat events
- Morphological characteristics influence spatial mixing patterns of charadriiforms
- Nestling physical condition predicts first-year survival in Neophema chrysogaster
- Review of bone histology in dromaeosaurids and troodontids
- New avialan Eotrogon stenorhynchus
- Molting in juvenile enantiornitheans based on feathers preserved in amber
- Phylogeny of Neotropical ramphastideans
- Distinct patterning responses of wing and leg neuromuscular systems to different preaxial polydactylies in Gallus gallus domesticus
- Long-term record of diet and nest usage in Vultur gryphus
- Role of culture in dietary specialization of Gyps fulvus
- Role of egg darkness and nest similarity in crypsis of avian brood parasite eggs
- Nonpathological inflammation drives avian pygostyle development
- Lifetime inclusive fitness effects of cooperative polygamy in Melanerpes formicivorus
- Referential signaling in Crotophaga major
- Statistical classification of estrildid song link vocal features with phylogeny
- Ecological and life-history drivers of avian skull evolution
- Sphenisciform skull from the Bahía Inglesa Formation
- Covariation in sternum and pelvis shape in aquatic avians
- New genus Karoocichla for "Cercotrichas" coryphaeus
- Group augmentation underlies the evolution of complex sociality in Lamprotornis superbus
- Breeding biology of Periparus ater cypriotes
- Ecomorphological variation of the sphenisciform wing
- Lineage diversity in the Troglodytes aedon species complex
- Color diversification of alcedinids
- Recently extinct subspecies of Papasula abbotti from the Mascarenes
- Morphology and niche evolution influence trochilid speciation rates
- Pleistocene decline of Spheniscus demersus
- Causes and consequences of nest site fidelity in Chiroxiphia lanceolata
- Migration strategy in Larus fuscus has no effect on survival or reproduction
- Early-life sibling conflict in Perisoreus canadensis has lifetime fitness consequences
- Role of experimental perches on hover and perch hunting preferences of Ceryle rudis
- Neuronal activation in the geomagnetic responsive region Cluster N covaries with nocturnal migratory restlessness in Zonotrichia albicollis
- Protein catabolism during flight in migratory parulids
- Acoustic similarity of flight calls in parulids corresponds with the composition and structure of mixed-species flocks
- Adaptive regulation of stopover refueling during migration in Sylvia borin
- Network structure of avian mixed-species flocks across the Andes
- Review of evolutionary divergence as a result of convergence in mixed-species avian flocks
- Review of mixed-species avian flock classification
- Hindlimb musculature of Falcarius utahensis
- Phylogenetic discordance in Coeligena bonapartei and Coeligena helianthea
- Ecological niche partitioning between Cerorhinca monocerata and Fratercula cirrhata
- Maniraptoran teeth from the Middle Jurassic of the United Kingdom
- Structure of the water-holding feathers of Pterocles namaqua
- Evolution of the avian-like cephalic thermoregulation system
- Systematics of the Charadrius alexandrinus species complex
- Patterns and predictors of avian population density
- Signaling function of plumage coloration in Turdus rubrocanus
- Variation in DNA methylation in Parus major nestlings largely determined by genetic effects
- Pupil dynamics in avians (and mammals)
- Effects of brood and group size on nestling provisioning and resource allocation in Crotophaga major
- Factors affecting egg size in Synthliboramphus scrippsi
- Review of the European-Asian population of Pelecanus onocrotalus
- Decline in foraging performance in Pygoscelis adeliae with old age
- Time constraints may pace ontogeny of movement behavior in Neophron percnopterus
- Domestication affects sex-biased gene expression evolution in Anas platyrhynchos
- Eggshell mineralization and body temperatures in troodontids
- Phylogeography of passeriforms from Amazonian white-sand ecosystems
- Effect of wildfire on Oreortyx pictus occupancy
- Asymmetry of feather ornaments in Aethia pygmaea
- Rallids from the Quaternary of the United States
- Extent of feral introgression in British and Irish Columba livia populations
- Biomechanical trade-offs in bill shape of ramphastideans
- Reversed sex roles in Centropus associated with testosterone in females but not males
- Avian island diversity–area relationships
- Pumice ingestion in procellariids
- Importance of social history in rank dynamics of Myiopsitta monachus
- Subspecies limits of Quiscalus quiscula
- Structure and composition of Struthio camelus eggshell
- Putative avialan teeth from the Late Cretaceous of Canada more likely belong to crocodylians
- Decline in dietary breadth of Strigops habroptilus
- Prospecting movements link phenotypic traits to female annual potential fitness in Tyto alba
- Avian retroelement evolution in relation to adaptation for arid environments
- Cytotaxonomy of Mycteria americana
- Demographic history of polymorphism in the Ceyx erithaca species complex
- Geographic variation in the altitudinal migration patterns of Zonotrichia capensis
- Annual molt of Apus affinis
- Nest predation by Garrulus glandarius on Parus minor
- Evolution of body shape and mass distribution in pennaraptors (and other dinosaurs)
- Strength of the island rule in avians associated with absence of predators
- Morphological covariance in skull and hindlimb dimensions of ardeids
- Visual fields of Harpia harpyja
- Thalamus drives vocal onsets in courtship song of Taeniopygia guttata
- New genus Plocealauda for "Mirafra" assamica and closely related species
- Absence of song suggests heterogeneity of vocal learning in trochilids
- New avialan Murgonornis archeri
- Neural hub for holistic courtship displays in Taeniopygia guttata
- Importance of cooperation in Acrocephalus orientalis for preventing brood parasitism by Cuculus canorus
- Reconstruction of non-contractile soft tissues in the hindlimb of Nothronychus graffami
- Concentration of tropical forest nutrient hotspots generated by Harpia harpyja
- Cranial adaptations of Pezoporus occidentalis
- Evolution of coloration in coraciiforms
- Non-stationarity in long-term population dynamics of over-wintering avians in North America
- Genomic divergence in Parus monticolus
- Nest site selection by Picus vaillantii
- New avialan Dynatoaetus gaffae
- New avialan Sericuloides marynguyenae
- Ecological drivers and consequences of torpor in Andean trochilids
- Drivers of sociality in Malurus assimilis and Malurus cyaneus
- Quantification of avian humeral pneumaticity
- Review of avian post-migratory nonbreeding movements
- Predation by Aquila chrysaetos on Vulpes lagopus
- Temporal stability of the hybrid zone between Calocitta
- Vital rates of Picoides arcticus in unburned forests
- Island volcanism predicts pheomelanin-based plumage coloration in the Tyto alba species complex
- Testosterone coordinates gene expression to produce carotenoid-based ornamentation in Malurus melanocephalus
- Biogeographic history of columbids
- Prenatal sound experience affects song preferences in male Taeniopygia castanotis
- Adjustment of foraging trips and flight behavior in Pterodroma externa
- Shifting drivers of decline of Strigops habroptila
- Locomotor ecology of Ichthyornis dispar
- New specimens of Kansaignathus sogdianus
- Opposite-sex associations are linked with annual fitness in Passer domesticus
- Bryophyte use in nest building by parids
- New avialan Sororavis solitarius
- Hindlimb muscle architecture of Tyto furcata
- Sex-specific effect of ectoparasite removal on telomere length in juvenile Tachycineta bicolor
- New avialan Yarquen dolgopolae
- New genus Dicranurania for "Eupherusa" ridgwayi
- Collection history of Rhizothera dulitensis
- Status of Glaucidium castaneum and Glaucidium albertinum
- Oscines singing at the same pitch avoid singing at the same time
- Review of Beringia as an engine of avian speciation
- Review of avian migration genetics
- Scolopax rusticola produce the most brilliant white plumage patches among avians
- Rapid formation of new migration route and breeding area by Anser brachyrhynchus
- Hybridization explains rapid gorget color divergence in Heliodoxa
- Effect of sociality on avian competitive interactions
- Individual personality predicts social network assemblages in Phoenicopterus ruber
- New avialans Avolatavis europaeus, Tynskya brevitarsus, and Tynskya crassitarsus
- Diversity of aepyornithiforms based on ancient DNA
- New avialans Papulavis annae and Tegulavis corbalani
- Mirror responses in Psittacus erithacus
- Advancing morning emergence time does not increase extra-pair siring success in male Cyanistes caeruleus
- Changes in avian body size in the Yucatán Peninsula since the Late Pleistocene
- Breeding phase and outcome determine space use in Coracias garrulus prior to migration
- Evolution of the propatagium in pennaraptors
- Marine avian morphology determines operational wind speeds
- Decoupled spatiotemporal patterns of avian taxonomic and functional diversity
- Self control in Cyanistes caeruleus
- Experimental evidence that Cuculus canorus choose host nests following an egg matching strategy
- Naive Sylvia atricapilla show seasonally appropriate spring orientation
- Aerial insect biomass is associated with chick survival in Hirundo rustica
- Population trajectory of Meleagris gallopavo silvestris
- Geochemistry of sphenisciform fossils from the Paleogene of Antarctica
- Species coexistence by wide constant size spacing in Ducula and Ptilinopus
- Genetic structure of Larvivora akahige
- Factors influencing timing of reproduction in Elaenia chilensis
- Mate preference in Poephila acuticauda
- Phylogeography of Australasian anatids
- Genetic differentiation in Emberiza schoeniclus
- Evolution of claw function in alvarezsaurs and therizinosaurs
- Intraspecific fledgling adoption in Malurus cyaneus
- Resource partitioning in mixed-species colony of Aerodramus
- Population genomics of the Anas crecca species complex
- Spontaneous coordination of vocalizations to water noise in Corvus frugilegus
- Effect of insect food availability on passeriform reproductive success
- Combined measures of mimetic fidelity explain imperfect mimicry in the eggs of Anomalospiza imberbis
- Diet of pengornithids
- Characterization of Geronticus eremita flight formations
- Recovery of constitutive immune function after endurance flight in migratory avians
- Evolution of ground nesting in passeriforms
- Avian preferences for fruit size vary with fruit traits along a tropical elevational gradient
- Avalanches create avian habitat in the Alps
- Metabolic scaling of avians (and mammals)
- Avian tracks from the Miocene of Spain
- Genomic basis for batrachotoxin resistance in toxic corvideans
- Complete genome of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Struthioniform femur cast from the Pleistocene of China rediscovered
- Patterns of microsatellite distribution across avians
- Flexible tool set transport in Cacatua goffiniana
- Reproductive success of Acanthisitta chloris and Petroica macrocephala along an elevational gradient
- New avialans Kumimanu fordycei and Petradyptes stonehousei
- Departure, routing, and landing decisions of oscines in relation to weather
- Parus major differentially prioritize visual and olfactory foraging cues depending on habitat of origin and sex
- Newborn Gallus gallus domesticus prefer stimuli that move against gravity
- Large-scale movement patterns in Gyps fulvus are influenced by seasonality, sex, and breeding region
- Determinants of natal dispersal distances in North American avians
- Photoperiod-driven changes in hypothalamic and brainstem transcription of sleep and immune genes in Emberiza bruniceps
- New avialans Anachronornis anhimops and Danielsavis nazensis
- Complex genomic architecture underlies reproductive isolation in a Icterus bullockii x Icterus galbula hybrid zone
- Radial porosity profiles as a tool for tracing locomotor maturation in avian limb bones
- Resolving the associative learning paradox by category learning in Columba livia
- Phylogeography of Climacteris melanurus and Climacteris picumnus
- Winter connectivity and leapfrog migration in Passerina ciris
- Local-scale impacts of extreme events drive demographic asynchrony in Thalassarche melanophris populations
- Multi-level combinatoriality in non-song vocalizations of Gymnorhina tibicen dorsalis
- Evolution of paleognath eggshell structure
- Offspring plumage coloration as a condition-dependent signal in Cyanistes caeruleus
- Mobbing behavior of oscines in response to calls of Glaucidium gnoma
- New avialan Macronectes tinae
- Reproductive skew in Polytelis swainsonii favors breeders that monopolize nest cavities
- Genetic evidence for population size expansion in North American boreal avians prior to the Last Glacial Maximum
- Behavioral and musculoskeletal changes as a result of wing disuse in Gallus gallus domesticus
- Acoustic model of the upper vocal tract in Passer domesticus
- Evolution of female song and duetting in Fringilla
- Spatial coding in the hippocampus and hyperpallium of flying Tyto alba
- Genomes of Cygnus atratus and Cygnus olor
- Spatial memory predicts home range size and predation risk in Phasianus colchicus
- Functional traits and environment determine spatial scaling of avian population stability in North America
- Historical increases in intraspecific body size variation in avians (and mammals)
- Phylogeny of the Anser fabalis species complex
- Loss of wild Gallus gallus genotype through introgression
- Plasticity in migratory phenology of parulids
- Dispersal of Plegadis falcinellus in the West Mediterranean basin
- Dromaeosaurid from the Villalba de la Sierra Formation
- Feather taphonomy of Sapeornis chaoyangensis
- Population genetics and phylogeography of Falco columbarius in North America
- Reproductive consequences of mate retention and pair bond duration in Aphrastura spinicauda
- Correlates of passeriform diversity in the East Yunnan-Kweichow Plateau
- Breeding origins of Dolichonyx oryzivorus in the Galápagos Islands
- Genetic and ecological drivers of molt in Passerina ciris
- Plastic plumage coloration in response to experimental humidity in Passer domesticus
- Fall fueling behavior in passeriforms in relation to migratory distance and daylength
- Divergences in the Paradoxornis webbianus species complex
- Determinants of departure to natal dispersal across an elevational gradient in Milvus milvus
- Loss of a gluconeogenic muscle enzyme contributed to adaptive metabolic traits in trochilids
- Song preferences predict quality of vocal learning in Taeniopygia guttata
- Review of avian hatching failure
- Phylogeny of Amaurospiza
- Ecomorphology of strigiform feet
- Migration direction in Phylloscopus trochilus explained by two loci
- How keratin cortex thickness affects iridescent feather colors in Phasianus colchicus
- Reconstruction of an Ardea purpurea glacier mummy
- Fall stopover hotspots and habitat associations of migratory avians in the eastern United States
- Geomagnetic disturbance associated with increased vagrancy in migratory avians
- Morus from the Miocene of Portugal
- Allometry of avian pectoral flight muscles
- Parental provisioning drives avian brain size
- Putative Numida meleagris x Penelope superciliaris hybrid refuted
- Coprolites of Gypaetus barbatus from the Pleistocene of Portugal
- Breeding biology of Eugymnomyza aubryana
- Morphological convergence in thraupids
- Processes underpinning convergence in open-habitat saxicolines
- Macroevolutionary consequences of passeriform nest type
- Novel form of blue structural color in Argusianus argus feathers
- Taxonomy of the Emberiza godlewskii species complex
- Patterns of hybridization between Luscinia megarhynchos and Luscinia luscinia
- Shelter from mobbers drives reproductive success in Accipiter gentilis
- New avialan Confuciusornis shifan
- Convergent evolution of pendent nests as structural defenses in ploceids and icterids
- Taphonomy of a claw sheath in Confuciusornis sanctus
- Contrasting patterns of divergence among island and mainland avians of the Eastern Mediterranean
- Mixed-species avian flocks re-assemble interspecific associations across an elevational gradient
- Experience does not change importance of wind support for migratory route selection in Pernis apivorus
- Cognitive performance declines with female age in Turdoides bicolor
- Pedal soft tissues of Mesozoic paravians
- Microraptor zhaoianus ate mammals
- Social role of song in Taeniopygia guttata
- Gradual transitions in genetics and songs between coastal and inland populations of Setophaga townsendi
- Review of tool use in Corvus corax
- New avialan Yatenavis ieujensis
- Postcranial morphology of Ichthyornis dispar
- Climbing adaptations in the feet of furnariids
- Population genetic structure of Phaeoptila sordida
- Troodontid hand from the Yixian Formation
- Partner intrinsic characteristics influence foraging trip duration but not coordination of care in Diomedea exulans
- New genus Eugymnomyza for "Gymnomyza" aubryana
- Evolution of diving in aquatic neoavians
- Evolution of sexually dimorphic traits in trochilids
- Plumage color change in Icterus bullockii from the hybrid zone with Icterus galbula
- Mate choice for body size leads to size assortative mating in Otus elegans interpositus
- Effects of weather and decision-making on nest success of Pluvialis squatarola
- New avialan Geokichla longitarsus
- Endocast of Sylviornis neocaledoniae
- Model of the musculoskeletal system of trochilid wings
- Geographical variation in Apaloderma vittatum
- Geographical variation in Phoenicurus ochruros
- Review of avian developmental plasticity
- New clade name Sasiinae
- Evolution of avian facial bristles
- Heterogenous forests improve reproductive success for Strix occidentalis occidentalis
- Cranial anatomy of Yuanchuavis kompsosoura
- Development of denticulations in Anser anser
- Survey of vocal mimicry in companion psittaciforms
- New avialan Janavis finalidens
- New avialans Lutavis platypelvis, Plesiocathartes insolitipes, Waltonavis paraleptosomus, and Waltonavis danielsi
- Deep divergence in Cyanocitta stelleri
- Across-wind flight speed of Diomedia exulans
- Exogenous and endogenous spatial attention in Corvus corone corone
- Diagnosability of Grallaria rufocinerea romeroana
- A blinking focal pattern of re-entrant activity in the avian tectum
- Haemosporidian parasites and incubation period influence plumage coloration in thraupids
- Strix nebulosa hover to defeat an acoustic mirage while hunting
- Benefits of mixed-species avian flocks depend on role and foraging strategy
- Loop-migration and non-breeding locations of Phylloscopus sibilatrix
- Avian coracoid strength as an indicator of wing-beat propulsion
- Drivers of conspecific attraction in Phylloscopus sibilatrix
- New avialans Minutornis primoscenoides, Primoscens carolinae, Psittacomimus eos, and Psittacopes occidentalis
- Body profiles of Mesozoic paravians based on soft tissues
- Ecological boundaries explain spatial discontinuities in avian frugivory interactions
- Sociality, ecology and developmental constraints predict variation in avian brain size
- Genomic trajectories of a near-extinction event in Petroica traversi
- Generation of three-dimensional illusion in the wing feathers of male Argusianus argus
- Social phenotype-dependent selection of social environment in Cyanistes caeruleus and Parus major
- Spontaneous preference for unpredictability between agents' motion in juvenile Gallus gallus domesticus
- Parus major differ in glucocorticoid plasticity in response to spring temperature
- Split molt as a response to time constraints during the main molt period in passeriforms
- Selective foraging behavior of sternines in small-scale slicks
- Social network analysis of Cacatua galerita
- Asymmetric song recognition does not influence gene flow in the Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii x Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis hybrid zone
- Mitochondrial genome of Charadrius dubius
- Environmental signal in diversification of avian skeletons
- Correlated evolution between color conspicuousness and drum speed in picids
- Communal signaling correlated with year-round territoriality in rallids
- Phylogeography of Cinnyris jugularis and Leptocoma aspasia
- Feather coloration mechanisms of male Passerina ciris
- Drivers of species-specific song responses in juvenile Ficedula hypoleuca
- Cranial osteology of Jeholornis prima
- Review of avian genomic bases for adaptation
- Comment and response on the origins of Gallus gallus domesticus
- New avialan Centuriavis lioae
- Temporal patterns in sex-specific diet of Accipiter nisus
- Social environment shapes early exploratory phenotype of Larus fuscus
- Social encounters produce different autonomic response in Corvus macrorhynchos based on social dominance
- Phylogeny of muscicapids
- Divergent foraging habitat preferences in Procellaria
- Gymnorhina tibicen dorsalis discriminate between the territorial calls of intra- and extra-group conspecifics
- Color of adult avian integumentary features in Charadrius vociferus reflects differences related to in ovo stressors
- Breeding biology of Eudyptes sclateri
- Selection on embryonic haemoglobin in Spinus magellanicus
- Oestradiol reduces female bill color in Estrilda astrild
- Avian from the Na Duong Formation
- Pressure for rapid mate recognition promotes plumage sexual dichromatism in Turdus
- Phylogeny of Thraupis
- Variation in developmental condition has limited effect on spatial cognition in Poecile gambeli
- Response of Calonectris leucomelas to cyclones
- Divergent benefits of cooperative breeding for male and female Struthio camelus
- Genomic basis of insularity and ecological divergence in Tyto alba of the Canary Islands
- Vocal performance during spontaneous song is equal in male and female Erithacus rubecula
- Enantiornithean braincase from the Adamantina Formation
- Linking personality traits and predator response in Malurus cyaneus
- Syntactic modulation of rhythm in the song of Cracticus nigrogularis
- At-sea movements of Gygis alba
- Drivers of variation in cup nest size in passeriforms
- Genomic landscapes of desert avians
- Thalassarche chlororhynchos scavenging on Caretta caretta
- Nocturnal flight activity in Morus bassanus in response to predator presence
- Phylogenetic conflict in piprids
- Presence of Cuculus canorus alters egg-ejection decisions in Phoenicurus auroreus
- Drivers of variation in risk-taking behavior during reproduction in Somateria mollissima
- Brain regions of Dryobates pubescens linked to drumming displays mirror those that enable vocal learning in oscines
- Patterns of song variation in Pogoniulus predicted by biogeographic rules
- Central-place foraging poses variable constraints in Progne subis
- Tonality over a broad frequency range linked to avian vocal learning
- Niche construction by Molothrus ater through altering host brood size
- Quantifying phenology and migratory behaviors of trochilids
- Boldness predicts divorce rates in Diomedea exulans
- Migration of early olfactory placode-derived neurons in Gallus gallus domesticus embryos
- Genetic diversity of Todiramphus macleayii
- Variability in prey field structure drives differences in prey encounter by Eudyptula minor
- Potential innovation arms race between Cacatua galerita and humans
- Diversity and adaptations of avian eggshell thickness indices
- Hatching failure is greater in passeriforms with cavity nests and large clutches
- Inferred oviraptorosaur tracks from the Late Cretaceous of Italy
- Maternal testosterone affects offspring telomerase activity in Larus michahellis
- Migratory route of Phylloscopus borealis
- Earlier and more frequent occupation of breeding sites during non-breeding season increases breeding success in Uria aalge
- Comparative anatomy of the passeriform carpometacarpus
- Intersexual social dominance mimicry drives female polymorphism in Florisuga mellivora
- Coevolution between Scythrops novaehollandiae and Strepera graculina
- Reproductive success of Phylloscopus sibilatrix varies across Europe
- Stressors interact across generations to influence offspring telomeres and survival in Passer domesticus
- Extinction risk of Copsychus
- Correlates of pre-alternate molt acquisition in European passeriforms
- Intercolony variation in reproductive skipping in Spheniscus demersus
- Breeding records of avians in south-east Sulawesi
- Sympatry of Lepidothrix coronata exquisita and Lepidothrix coronata caelestipileata
- Taxonomy of Menelikornis leucotis donaldsoni
- Status of the dark morph of Pterodroma heraldica
- Sexual selection for flight performance in mellisugins
- Weighted averaging of individual routes in Columba livia flocks
- Rate of mutation accumulation correlates with generation time and body mass in neoavians
- Optimization of locomotor and olfactory search efficiency by Bulweria bulwerii
- Range of Aptenodytes forsteri
- Cathartid from the Luján Formation
- Patterns of ultraviolet reflectance evolution in passeriforms
- High site and mate fidelity in Stercorarius longicaudus
- Nest attendance and chick provisioning strategies of Leucophaeus modestus
- New avialan Aphrastura subantarctica
- Avians from the Pleistocene of Spain
- Avian (and mammal) tracks from the Peralta Formation
- Genome of Coragyps occidentalis
- Phylogeography of Fregata
- Avoidance of the confusion effect by Buteo swainsoni while hunting Tadarida brasiliensis
- Disjunct resident population of Mirafra cheniana in East Africa
- Climate fluctuations influence variation in group size in Crotophaga major
- Low behavioral flexibility in response of Lanius minor to approaching humans
- Sexual and individual signatures are encoded in the temporal rate of display calls in Morus capensis
- No evidence endohelminths cause selection against hybrids across the Icterus bullockii x Icterus galbula hybrid zone
- Chloephaga from the Toropí/Yupoí Formation
- Evolution of sweet taste perception in picids
- Patterns of postcranial skeletal pneumaticity in accipitrimorphs
- No apparent benefits of breeding near heterospecifics for Phoenicurus phoenicurus
- Segregration of young and old endemic trochilid species in the Andes
- Bone histology of Dromornis stirtoni
- Importance of sleep for avian vocal communication
- Species limits in the Scytalopus superciliaris species complex and Scytalopus simonsi
- Evidence of frugivory in Jeholornis
- Neural circuit for social authentication in song learning in Taeniopygia guttata
- Migration routes of Gavia stellata
- Taxonomy of Erithacus
- Implications of maximum load carrying capacity for prey use of urban and rural Accipiter gentilis
- Deinonychus antirrhopus teeth associated with Tenontosaurus tilletti
- Phylogeography of callaeids
- Play ontogeny in Gallus gallus affected by domestication and early stress
- Demographic history of Amblyornis macgregoriae
- Avian remains from medieval Hungary
- Comparative morphology of the remote-touch bill-tip organ in threskiornithids
- Brain atlas of Corvus corone
- New avialan Ypresiglaux michaeldanielsi
- Intraspecific variation in the casque of Casuarius casuarius
- Genetic structure of Basilinna xantusii
- Telomere length predicts timing and intensity of migratory behavior in Spinus pinus
- Seasonal but not sex-biased gene expression of a carotenoid ketolase in Euplectes orix
- Phylogeny of psittaciforms
- Environmental niche and flight intensity associated with molecular evolutionary rates in furnariids
- Myological variation in the hindlimbs of raptorial avians
- Historical genetic structure of Phoebastria albatrus in Canada
- Favorable winds speed up avian migration in spring but not in fall
- Sustained plumage divergence despite weak genomic differentiation between Artamus personatus and Artamus superciliosus
- Causes and consequences of variation in early-life telomere length in Passer domesticus
- Anatid nest-site selection in the western boreal forest
- Evolution of carotenoid-based plumage coloration in passeriforms
- Review of avian adjustments to cold and non-shivering thermogenesis
- Evolution of eggshell maculation in hirundinids
- Spatial patterns in survivorship of Larus argentatus
- Development of the avian pelvis parallels its evolutionary history
- Avian remains from the Holocene of China
- Mergus merganser use wings while hunting underwater
- Foraging range scales with colony size in Uria
- Problems with using comparative analyses of avian brain size to test hypotheses of cognitive evolution
- Interspecific competition limits avian species ranges in tropical mountains
- Phylogeny of phoenicopteriforms
- Application of quantitative metabolomics to avian phylogeny
- New avialan Notochen bannockburnensis
- New genus Cryptogyps for "Taphaetus" lacertosus
- Neophobia and innovation in Leucopsar rothschildi
- Variation in Halcyon senegalensis
- Genomic insights into sphenisciform evolution
- Review of thermal effects of plumage coloration
- Introgressive hybridization between Chroicocephalus bulleri and Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae scopulinus
- Traits and ecological space availability predict avian densities in Czechia
- Phylogeography of Alectoris chukar in Turkey
- Timing of vocalization intervals in Microcerculus marginatus
- Unenlagiine teeth from the Alcântara Formation
- New avialan Nasidytes ypresianus
- Picids minimize cranial shock absorption
- Thermoregulatory function and sexual dimorphism of the throat sac in Numida meleagris
- Response to dispute of role of WAIR in avian flight evolution
- New specimens of Leptoptilos robustus
- Vocal accommodation in Spheniscus demersus as a result of social environment
- Underwater visibility constrains the foraging behaviour of Puffinus puffinus
- Development of sex differences in song of Cantorchilus nigricapillus
- Visual complexity of egg patterns predicts egg rejection by Prinia subflava
- Assessment of angular separation of multi-modal signallers in Grallina cyanoleuca
- Telomere length correlates with responses of Rissa tridactyla to reduced food availability
- Validity of Caryothraustes canadensis frontalis
- Correlation between avian neuron numbers and innovativeness
- Phylogeny of callaeids
- Foraging strategies of Hydrobates leucorhous during the incubation period
- Nest-site selection of Diomedea exulans
- Population history of Chlidonias albostriatus
- Genetic structure of Agelaioides badius
- Mixed evidence for nest masquerading in Chiroxiphia caudata
- New avialan Danielsraptor phorusrhacoides
- Taxonomy of Tarsiger
- Phylogenetic position of Cyanolimnas cerverai
- Comparative genomics of geospizins
- Genetic structure of Thryophilus rufalbus
- Trade-offs in the behavior of Cygnus cygnus and Cygnus olor
- Contrastingly-colored ventral wings as a visual collision avoidance signal in avians
- Reinterpretation of Diogenornis-like fossils from Argentina
- Reinterpretation of "tinamid egg" from the Dolores Formation as mammal intestinal stone
- Riverine barriers as obstacles to dispersal in Amazonian avians
- Successful brood from a pair of Dendrocopos major x Dendrocopos syriacus hybrids
- Passeriform clutch size increases with latitude in China
- Limited domestic introgression in Columba livia of the Outer Hebrides
- Hand-wing index as a surrogate for dispersal ability in emberizoids
- Mitogenomics of Motacilla
- Migratory divide between Buteo japonicus burmanicus and Buteo japonicus japonicus
- Avians from the Pleistocene–Holocene of Vietnam
- Geographic range size and speciation in meliphagids
- Optimization of perching maneuvers by Parabuteo unicinctus
- Early social environment affects attention to social cues in juvenile Corvus corax
- Taxonomic status of Accipiter gentilis populations
- Insights into neoavian phylogeny from retroelement insertions
- Complexity of avian brood parasite–host relationships
- Changes in avian range size from Pleistocene climatic oscillations
- Development of ribs and intercostal muscles in Gallus gallus domesticus
- Adaptive variation in the upper limits of avian body temperature
- Patterns of genetic diversity in Clanga pomarina
- Population genetic structure of Apteryx mantelli
- Large trees and forest heterogeneity facilitate prey capture by Strix occidentalis
- Cyanopica cyanus would rather avoid losses than strive for benefits based on reciprocal altruism
- Chain migration by Numenius arquata arquata
- Ancestry and gene flow in Anas diazi
- Migration routes of Limosa lapponica anadyrensis
- Survival and adoption rates of juvenile Centrocercus urophasianus
- Diversification of corvideans
- Avoidance and control of collisions by Forpus coelestis
- Conceptual preferences can be transmitted via social information use between competing avian species
- Prey-field characteristics influence foraging decisions of Eudyptula minor
- Movement strategies of Spheniscus magellanicus
- Leptin administration does not influence migratory behavior in Zonotrichia albicollis
- No evidence of metabolic costs following adaptive immune activation or reactivation in Passer domesticus
- Genetic differentiation in Ispidina picta
- Maintenance of local adaptation despite gene flow in Melospiza melodia atlantica
- Conflict in neoavian phylogenetics
- Comparative morphology of the compound rhamphotheca in procellariiforms
- Compensation for wind drift during migration improves with age in Milvus migrans
- No evidence that seasonal changes in large-scale environmental conditions drive marine avian migration
- Insights into ecology and evolution from Southern Hemisphere avians
- Influence of visual background on discrimination of signal-relevant colors in Taeniopygia guttata
- Flexible growth and body mass predict physiological condition at fledging in Sturnus vulgaris
- Avians from the Baynunah Formation
- Timing of the introduction of Gallus gallus domesticus to Europe and northwest Africa
- Wing morphology of Rhea americana
- Origins and dispersal of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Evolution of picid drumming components
- Genetic differentiation and structure in Polioptila californica
- Cryptic diversity in the Oriolus xanthonotus species complex
- Taxonomic status of Sphenopsis ochracea
- Review of the host specificity of Polihierax semitorquatus
- Differential effects of ecosystem engineering by Menura novaehollandiae and herbivory by large mammals
- Species limits in the Tanysiptera galatea species complex
- Compensation in a wetland avian community
- Eriosoma lanuginosum galls as a double food source for Dendrocopos major
- Optimization of dynamic soaring in Puffinus puffinus
- Vocal babbling in Forpus passerinus
- Correlates of avian intestine length
- Maintenance of color polymorphism in Tyto alba
- Extra-pair copulations provide fertility insurance in Coturnix japonica
- Links between personality traits and problem-solving performance in Taeniopygia guttata
- Feeding habits of Circaetus gallicus during the breeding period
- Evolutionary trade-offs between heat and cold tolerance in Struthio camelus
- Craniomandibular simplicity in Systellura longirostris
- Review of organizational conservation and flexibility in the evolution of oscine song
- Macroevolutionary dynamics of avian climatic niche space
- Orbit and endocranial morphology of Elanus scriptus
- Year-round at-sea movements of Pachyptila turtur
- Phylogeography of Hirundo rustica
- Age-related pattern in feather growth contributes to ornament expression in Hirundo rustica
- Female presence does not increase testosterone but ameliorates sickness behavious in male Coturnix japonica
- Feather chemicals contain information about the major histocompatibility complex in Hydrobates leucorhous
- Ancient proteins support dromornithid assignment of disputed Genyornis eggshells
- Relationship between flightlessness and brain morphology in rallids
- Effect of flight efficiency on gap-crossing ability in avians from the Amazon
- Taxonomy of Lyncornis
- Vocally mediated consensus decisions govern mass departures by Coloeus monedula from roosts
- New subspecies of Copsychus malabaricus
- Specializations in optic flow encoding in the pretectum of Calypte anna and Taeniopygia guttata
- Use of the beak in tripedal locomotion by Agapornis roseicollis
- Social information allows Loxia curvirostra to better conserve body and intestinal mass during food stress
- Diversification of the Sporophila corvina species complex
- Speciation in Aphelocoma
- Incipient speciation in the Amazilis amazilia subspecies complex
- Individual variation explains ageing patterns in Aegithalos caudatus
- Trade-off between immune investment and life history in Tachycineta bicolor
- Genetic evidence for post-glacial population expansion in Emeus crassus
- Biomass of marine avians enhances cross-ecosystem nutrient subsidies
- No evidence of immediate fitness benefits of within-season divorce in monogamous avians
- Morphometrics of the avian pelvis
- Male Menura novaehollandiae mimic functionally distinct vocalizations of other species during different modes of sexual display
- Diversification of Nucifraga
- Asymmetric architecture is non-random and repeatable in the nest of Furnarius rufus
- Dancing drives sexual size dimorphism in piprids
- Clock-linked genes underlie migratory timing in Falco sparverius
- Plasticity in social behavior varies with reproductive status in Lamprotornis superbus
- Causes and consequences of dispersal syndromes in Ficedula hypoleuca
- New therizinosaur Paralitherizinosaurus japonicus
- Environmental factors affecting feather taphonomy
- Habitat use of Harpia harpyja
- Drivers of genomic variation in Phasianus colchicus
- Biogeography of avian (and mammal) trophic structures
- Avians from the Pleistocene of South Africa
- Telomere length relates to immune function independent of age in Malurus coronatus
- Nest defense, personality, and fitness of Aplonis opaca
- Home range size of Geospiza fortis
- Reproductive biology of oviraptorosaurs
- Review of avian toxins
- Non-breeding distribution and activity patterns of Hydrobates pelagicus
- Sleep loss impairs cognitive performance in Gymnorhina tibicen
- Short-term fitness proxies in Passer domesticus
- Silicification of feathers in a hot spring
- Evolution of aerial displays in passeriforms
- Diversification of Willisornis
- Home range size and habitat quality affect breeding success but not parental investment of male Tyto alba
- Scientific discovery of avian phylogenetic diversity
- Coordination of offspring provisioning by Parus major pairs
- Diversity dynamics of late Quaternary avians in Cuba
- Correlation between plumage coloration and environmental stress in Egretta
- Long bone microstructure of large flightless avians
- Bone histology of paleognaths
- Genomic basis for avian tactile foraging
- Illustration of sphenisciform cranial anatomy
- Genetic architecture facilitates then constrains adaptation in host mimicry by Anomalospiza imberbis
- River network rearrangements promote speciation in lowland Amazonian avians
- Perception and exclusion performance in Bucorvus leadbeateri
- Influence of marine avians on their breeding, roosting, and nesting grounds
- Role of WAIR in avian flight evolution disputed
- Evolution of gene expression underlying superfast muscles of piprids
- Sympatry leads to reduced body condition in Poecile atricapillus and Poecile gambeli
- Male Malurus alboscapulatus elevate androgens greater when courting females than during territorial challenges
- Turnicids from the Oligocene–Miocene of France
- Review of hesperornithiforms
- Pectoral girdle morphology of Sapeornis chaoyangensis and Piscivorenantiornis inusitatus
- Neotype designation for Phoebastria albatrus
- Evolution of the avian broken-wing display
- Social environment influences termination of nomadic migration in Spinus pinus
- Avian diversity in Atlantic Forest valley bottoms relative to uplands
- Review of sphenisciform evolution and biogeography
- Nest architecture linked to ecological success in oscines
- Diversification of Leucocarbo
- Mound building by Leipoa ocellata creates resource-rich patches
- Interrelationships among avian body mass, jaw musculature, and bite force
- Survey of avian paramedullary diverticula
- Differences in stopover duration and body mass change among Emberiza during fall migration
- Coevolution of relative brain size and life expectancy in psittaciforms
- Paternal transmission of migration knowledge in Hydroprogne caspia
- Moonlight drives nocturnal vertical flight dynamics in Cypseloides niger borealis
- Intralocus conflicts associated with a supergene in Calidris pugnax
- Evolution of exaggerated sexual traits in Tyrannus
- Reduced survival of charadriiform nests at a wet grassland-forest edge
- Phylogeography of Paradisaea
- Species limits in the Bubo blakistoni species complex
- Genetic basis of sex determination in paleognaths
- New avialan Musivavis amabilis
- Catalogue of Cuban fossil avians
- Validity of Fregetta lineata
- Breeding ecology of Nyctibius bracteatus
- Nomenclatural history of "Haplopelia forbesi"
- New alvarezsaur Dzharaonyx eski
- Taxonomic status of Garrulax courtoisi
- Soaring performance of giant extinct avians (and pterosaurs)
- New avialan Miotadorna catrionae
- Avians transition between stable and unstable states via wing morphing
- Feather growth in passeriforms is explained by breeding latitude
- Performance of a post-copulatory multimodal display by male Menura novaehollandiae
- Higher-order sequences of vocal mimicry performed by male Menura alberti are socially transmitted and enhance acoustic contrast
- New avialan Allgoviachen tortonica
- Resource allocation underlies parental decision-making during incubation in Puffinus puffinus
- Compensation for wind drift prevails for Limosa haemastica on long-distance flights
- Social diffusion of foraging techniques in Bucorvus leadbeateri
- Hybrid trochilids perform variable courtship sequences
- Nest site selection by Nipponia nippon
- Cranial musculature and bite forces of oviraptorosaurs
- Coscoroba coscoroba from the Capellanía Formation
- Influence of plant reproductive systems on the evolution of trochilid pollination
- Certhia familiaris have effective camouflage against mammalian but not avian vision
- Phylogeography of Dendrocoptes medius
- Evolution of chromosomal rearrangements in psittaciforms
- Variation between Alca torda and Uria aalge in non-breeding aggregations
- Nest predation in oscines
- No apparent effect of magnetic pulse on behavior of Oenanthe oenanthe at fall stopover site
- Gymnorhina tibicen cooperate to remove tracking devices
- Social behavior mediates the use of social and personal information in Aphelocoma californica and Aphelocoma wollweberi
- Migratory divide in Hirundo rustica associated with genomic and ecological divergence
- New avialan Dryornis hatcheri
- Molecular parallelism in signaling function across different ornaments in Geothlypis trichas
- Seasonal diet diversity expansion in Aquila chrysaetos in Greece
- Rheiform fossils of South America and Antarctica
- Drag minimization during gliding in Tyto alba
- Morphology and differentiation of stromal cells in the cortex of follicles in the bursa of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Ecomorphology of the anseriform tarsometatarsus
- Review of the stratigraphic distribution of Psammornis
- Molt strategies of trochilids
- Fear of predators reduces population growth over generations in Melospiza melodia
- Wintering strategies in Milvus milvus
- Identification of avian skeletal growth cessation
- High individual repeatability of migratory behavior of Sterna hirundo
- Systematics of Acrocephalus from the Mariana Islands
- Head direction cells in Calonectris leucomelas prefer a north orientation
- Cranial kinesis facilitates quick retraction of stuck beaks in Dryocopus martius
- Evolution of sex chromosomes in neognaths
- Foraging habitat of Ardenna tenuirostris and Cerorhinca monocerata
- Acrocephalus scirpaceus use magnetic inclination to return to breeding grounds
- Innovative composite tool use by Cacatua goffiniana
- Heterothermic spectrum in trochilids
- Local extirpation of Australian avians
- Long-distance dependencies in song syntax of Melospiza melodia
- Evolutionary history of the Oriolus traillii species complex
- Phylogeography of Sternula nereis
- New avialan Beiguornis khinganensis
- Occasional paternal inheritance of the germline-restricted chromosome in Taeniopygia guttata
- Redescription of Parvicursor remotus
- Preservation of feather microstructures in Late Cretaceous Burmese amber
- Revision of the Cacomantis variolosus species complex
- Genetic basis of emergent plumage patterning in Sporophila
- Formation of avian montane diversity across barriers and along elevational gradients
- Disruption of magnetic compass orientation in Sylvia atricapilla using broadband radiofrequency fields
- Faster evolution of song discrimination is not associated with faster speciation rates in passeriforms
- Reduced diurnal activity and increased stopover duration by molting Catharus ustulatus
- New avialans Brevidentavis zhangi and Meemannavis ductrix
- Review of fossil avian and avian-like tracks
- Iridescence in Eoconfuciusornis
- Population specific annual cycles and migration strategies in Charadrius hiaticula
- Oviraptorid embryo preserved in avian-like prehatching posture
- Corvus moneduloides keep hooked tools safer than basic non-hooked tools
- Evolution of iridescent feather nanostructures
- Macroevolutionary trends in feeding mechanics of maniraptors and other theropods
- Heterothermy in Eopsaltria australis
- Demographic profiles and environmental drivers of variation relate to individual breeding state in Puffinus puffinus
- Ontogenetic shifts from social to experiential learning drive migration timing in Grus americana
- Reinterpretation of putative blood cell preservation in Beipiaosaurus inexpectus
- Evolution and development of psittaciform pseudoteeth
- Pathologies suggesting severe bone infection in Genyornis newtoni
- Metabolic rates of Concornis lacustris and Iberomesornis
- Prenatal acoustic programming of mitochondrial function for high temperatures in Taeniopygia guttata
- Diversification of Ardenna, Calonectris, and Puffinus
- New specimen of Scandiavis mikkelseni
- Sex role similarity and sexual selection predict male and female song elaboration and dimorphism in malurids
- Phylogenetic affinities and morphology of Borogovia gracilicrus
- Lighter coloration in migratory avians
- Population history of Tyto alba in the Western Palearctic
- New genus Leucoptilon for "Cyornis" concretus
- Working memory capacity of Corvus corone and Macaca mulatta arises from similar neuronal computations
- Effects of local temperature on abundance of mountain avians
- Migration of Motacilla citreola on the Indo-European flyway
- Disparity and rates of avian beak shape evolution
- New avialan Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus
- Hunting and feeding behavior of Hieraaetus moorei
- Larus delawarensis can solve the string-pull test
- Diversification of Calocitta
- Trophic niches of different sexes of Heteralocha acutirostris
- Foraging habitat of Aptenodytes patagonicus
- New avialan Buteo dondasi
- Environmental variability affects prevalence of divorce in Thalassarche melanophris
- Investigation of heated objects by Corvus moneduloides
- Asymmetric allelic introgression across a hybrid zone of Periparus ater
- New alvarezsaur Khulsanurus magnificus
- Population structure of Ammospiza maritima
- Introgression in Phasianus colchicus in the Hyrcanian zone
- Punctuated evolution in songs of Cinnyris
- Cavity-nesting avians use feathers to dissuade nest usurpers
- New avialan Rhynchocyclus cryptus
- Loss of functional diversity through avian extinctions on islands not offset by biotic invasions
- Phylogenetic position of Cataponera turdoides
- Fitness costs of female choosiness are low in Taeniopygia guttata
- Wing kinematics of Caudipteryx
- Evolution of first-year wing feather molt in avians
- Genetic basis of spatial cognitive variation in Poecile gambeli
- Evolutionary history of Ficedula hypoleuca
- Phylogenetic analyses of avians using mitochondrial data
- Microevolutionary dynamics of montane avians of the Atlantic Forest
- Facultative parthenogenesis in Gymnogyps californianus
- Dispersal of fungal spores by rhinocryptids
- Taxonomy of the Turdus nudigenis species complex
- Taxonomy of the Caprimulgus affinis species complex
- Evolution of sex chromosomes in paleognaths
- Frequency of embryo movement in avian brood parasites
- Relationship quality underpins pair bond formation in Taeniopygia guttata
- Avians from the Pleistocene–Holocene of Tajikistan
- Disease tolerance alters host competence in Haemorhous mexicanus
- Post-glacial colonization route explains white color of Tyto alba from the British Isles
- Plumage color saturation predicts long-term social dominance in Estrilda astrild
- High rates of hybridization in trochilids
- Taxonomy of Symposiachrus guttula and Symposiachrus trivirgatus
- Drivers of complex movement of the Corvus corone x Corvus cornix hybrid zone
- Demographic history and divergence of Tetrastes bonasia and Tetrastes sewerzowi
- Inhibitory control and exploration behavior are associated with foraging flexibility in Parus major
- New westward migration route in Anthus richardi
- Beak color polymorphism in geospizins
- Wing-boom displays of Chordeiles minor delineate exclusive nesting territories
- Comparison of avian pallial circuits and cognition to those of mammals
- Phylogeography of Chalcophaps
- Associations between morphology and migration in Tyrannus
- Cryptic speciation in the Vireo gilvus species complex
- Seasonal migration patterns and the maintenance of evolutionary diversity in Riparia diluta
- Taxonomy of Chlorospingus flavopectus phaeocephalus and Chlorospingus semifuscus
- Frugivory in raptorial avians
- Histology of skull sutures in Gallus gallus domesticus
- Changes in winter diet of Uria lomvia in southwest Greenland
- Low hatching success in Strigops habroptilus driven by early embryo mortality instead of infertility
- Evolution of tinamids
- Ecological drivers of avian eggshell wettability
- Cross-modal individual recognition in Spheniscus demersus
- Age-related decline in expression of red carotenoid-based ornamentation in Loxia curvirostra
- Factors predicting susceptibility of oscines to nest predation by corvids
- Evolution of egg color and patterning in Australian oscines
- Possible interspecific feeding of Amazilia tzacatl by Chlorestes candida
- Associations between plumage color and fear behavior in young Meleagris gallopavo
- Displaced clines in the Rhegmatorhina berlepschi x Rhegmatorhina hoffmannsi hybrid zone
- Avians learn to avoid aposematic prey using the appearance of host plants
- Avians from the Pleistocene of Mexico
- Quantifying the avian altricial–precocial spectrum
- Pelecanus from the Trinidad Formation
- Wave-riding and wave-passing by young anatids in formation swimming
- New troodontid Papiliovenator neimengguensis
- Histological survey of avian post-natal skeletal ontogeny
- Nestor notabilis do not discriminate between physical and virtual worlds
- Avian host and brood parasite coevolutionary interactions covary with comparative patterns of the visual system
- Development of the avian sternum
- Dynamics of introgression across suboscines
- Body mass range of Anzu wyliei
- Phylogenetic patterns of ultraviolet sensitivity in avians
- Habitat association constrains population history in Mazaria propinqua and Synallaxis albigularis
- Taphonomy of avians from the Pleistocene of France
- New avialan Archaehierax sylvestris
- Hunting and egg harvesting from Casuarius by humans in the Pleistocene and early Holocene
- Relative skull size as a constraint on skull shape variation in passeriforms
- Link between avian brachial index, flight capability, and evolutionary radiation
- Nuclear preservation in cartilage of Caudipteryx
- Identification of avian gastroliths at archaeological sites
- Taxonomy of Eudyptes
- Brain size and allometry in avian craniofacial evolution
- Diffuse coevolution as a mechanism for the generic eggshell color of Molothrus ater
- Fading of feather coloration in Phoenicopterus roseus in the absence of cosmetics
- Local field potentials in a pre-motor region predict learned vocal sequences in Taeniopygia guttata
- Phylogeography of Milvus migrans
- Lack of synchronized breeding success in marine avians of Antarctica
- Taxonomy of Loxia curvirostra species complex
- Passeriform pollination of Meriania macrophylla
- New avialan Yuanchuavis kompsosoura
- New avialan Kairuku waewaeroa
- Genomic differentiation with gene flow in Xiphorhynchus obsoletus
- New avialan Buteogallus irpus
- Tool innovation in a disabled Nestor notabilis
- Myrmotheridae as the correct name for "Grallariidae"
- Sharp increase of problematic avian mitogenomes
- Vocal learning in Biziura lobata
- Phylogenetic signal in avian vocalizations
- Evolution of socially guided vocal learning in oscines
- Prenatal auditory learning in avians
- Role of syllable order in song recognition in Taeniopygia guttata
- Plotopterids from the Paleogene of the United States
- Review of variation in vocal learning in oscines
- Review of vocal learning in non-oscine avians
- Trochilids detect and avoid defensive insect compounds using olfaction
- Nymphicus hollandicus sing music in synchrony with a playback of the melody
- Global topographic uplift has elevated speciation in avians (and mammals)
- Parallel molecular adaptations in sugar metabolism enzymes between trochilids and nectarivorous chiropterans
- Eggshell thicknesses indicate diversity and abundance of dinornithiforms
- Diversification of Attila spadiceus
- Male-like plumage in female Florisuga mellivora results from social harassment rather than sexual selection
- Passeriforms from the Miocene of Austria
- Dopamine in the auditory cortex shapes auditory preference in Taeniopygia guttata
- Mitogenomes of cathartids
- Tempo and mode of morphological evolution in avians are decoupled from latitude
- Relationship between avian sternal variation and locomotion
- Eavesdropping networks between Thamnomanes schistogynus and Leontocebus weddelli
- Site fidelity of Ptyonoprogne rupestris at the Gorham's Cave Complex
- Lifetime reproductive benefits of cooperative polygamy vary for males and females in Melanerpes formicivorus
- Garrulus glandarius are sensitive to cognitive illusions
- Morphology of the nutrient artery and its foramen in relation to femoral bone perfusion rates of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Role of locomotor modularity in avian origins
- Genomic homogenization in Ramphocelus carbo and Ramphocelus melanogaster
- Testosterone treatment produces sex-dependent effects in social dominance in Estrilda astrild
- Ecology and behavior predict an evolutionary trade-off between song complexity and elaborate plumages in formicivorins
- Analysis of fossilized chondrocytes in Confuciusornis and Yanornis martini
- How Melopsittacus undulatus fly through gaps
- Metric variation in the postcranial skeleton of Struthio
- Diversification of the Fringilla coelebs species complex
- Evolution of the skull of Molothrus oryzivorus
- Cerebellar anatomy of avians
- Differentiation of Sitta neumayer and Sitta tephronota
- Variation in Phylloscopus collybita
- Factors influencing detectability and responses of Micrathene whitneyi to playback of conspecific vocalizations
- New dromaeosaurid Ypupiara lopai
- Occurrence and functional significance of lateral openings and fossae in avian vertebrae
- Sterna paradisaea from circumpolar breeding colonies share common migratory routes
- Male Cuculus canorus use a three-note call for duetting with females
- Mechanism of toxin resistance in poisonous avians (and anurans)
- Predation on Anolis cristatellus by Troglodytes aedon rufescens
- Phylogenetic position of eogruids and ergilornithids
- Geographic contact drives increased reproductive isolation in Empidonax alnorum and Empidonax traillii
- Predictable outcomes of parulid hybridization
- Changes in surface water drive the movements of Balaeniceps rex
- Molt strategies in Empidonax
- Egg morphometrics for Plegadis chihi
- New genus Microspizias for "Accipiter" collaris and "Accipiter" superciliosus
- Genome of Diglossa brunneiventris
- Avians from the Pleistocene of Spain
- Egg covering in Parus major may prevent nest usurpation by other species
- Nestling behaviour predicts naris deformation in Geospiza fuliginosa parasitized by Philornis downsi
- Skull of Ichthyornis dispar
- Morphological signature of introgression in geospizins
- Phylogenetic distribution of behavior in gruids
- Phylogeny of zosteropids
- Variable precipitation leads to dynamic range limits of passeriforms in the southern Great Plains
- Potential troodontid pellets containing mammal bones
- Genomic signatures of rapid adaptive divergence in Amblyornis papuensis
- Population differentiation in Sakesphorus luctuosus
- Innovation and spread of bin-opening behavior in urban Cacatua galerita
- Context-dependent social benefits drive cooperative predator defense in Malurus coronatus
- Troodontid from the Wulansuhai Formation
- Dietary shifts in Aquila chrysaetos following wildfire and shrub loss have negative consequences for nestling survivorship
- Evolution of growth and miniaturization in alvarezsaurs
- Marine avians create a prey depletion halo around Ascension Island
- Evolution of avian neuroanatomical integration and scaling
- Chlamydotis macqueenii use individually consistent temperature cues to time migration departure
- Limb morphometrics of avialans
- Absence of "selfish herd" dynamics in flocks of Columba livia under threat
- One-to-one innervation of vocal muscles allows precise control of song in Taeniopygia guttata
- Disparate origins for endemic avians from Central Eastern Australian rainforests
- Early-life corticosterone body condition influences social status and survival in Perisoreus canadensis
- Plumage changes in an intersex Anas platyrhynchos
- Reevaluation of purported tooth sockets in a juvenile gastornithid
- Genome of Gymnogyps californianus
- Genetically identified neurons in avian auditory pallium mirror core principles of their mammalian counterparts
- Picids can act as dispersal vectors for fungi, plants, and microorganisms
- Review of avian phylogeography in the western Palearctic
- Evolution of the inner ear in maniraptors and other reptiles
- Evolution of hearing and vision in maniraptors and other theropods
- Extreme altitudes during diurnal flights in Acrocephalus arundinaceus
- Character displacement drives trait divergence in avians
- Balanced imitation sustains song culture in Taeniopygia guttata
- Charadriid embryos exhibit anti-predator responses
- Nest helpers contribute to long breeder lifespans in cooperative avians
- Biology of Ploceus holoxanthus
- Brood sex ratio modulates effects of extra food on parental effort and sibling competition in Falco naumanni
- Chick mortality and plastic female desertion in Charadrius nivosus
- Genetic load has potential in large populations of Cyrtonyx montezumae but is realized in small inbred populations
- Evolution of disparity in Mesozoic avialans
- Demography of extinction in eastern North American avians
- Genome size reduction and transposon activity impact tRNA gene diversity while ensuring translational stability in avians
- Cryptic speciation in Vireo gilvus
- Multiple coloration genes underlying a complex plumage phenotype in Colaptes auratus
- Nest helpers compensate for age‐related declines in parental care and offspring survival in Acrocephalus sechellensis
- Introductory gestures before vocal displays are shaped by learning and biological predispositions in Taeniopygia guttata
- New avialan Parapsittacopes bergdahli
- Nestling odor modulates behavioral response in male Taeniopygia guttata
- Universal principles underlying segmental structures in parrot song of Melopsittacus undulatus and human speech
New avialan Ornimegalonyx ewingi
Shared decision-making in Acryllium vulturinum allows subordinates to lead when dominants monopolize resources
Phylogeny of piprids
Wing musculature of flightless pan-alcids
New avialan Prosobonia sauli
New specimens of Trierarchuncus prairiensis
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Evolution of split molt in passeriforms
Time available for molting shapes variability in molt extent of Oenanthe
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Longitudinal climate gradient across the Palearctic affects passeriform feather molt extent
(Read about it: Ecography)
Selasphorus sasin hybrids in southern California
(Read about it: Conservation Genetics)
Modeling spring migration patterns of Gavia and Melanitta in the Bay of Fundy
Extreme hyperthermia tolerance in Quelea quelea
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
(Read about it: DML)
Variation across the Icterus bullockii x Icterus galbula hybrid zone
New avialan Primoptynx poliotauros
(Read about it: DML)
Soft tissue analyses of enantiornithean ovarian follicles
(Read about it: DML)
New specimen of Protopteryx fengningensis
(Read about it: DML)
Morphology of avian flight feather shafts
(Read about it: DML)
New oviraptorosaur Citipes (new genus for "Leptorhynchos" elegans)
(Read about it: Greg Funston)
Nocturnal migration patterns of Anthus campestris
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Differentiation among the Eugenes fulgens species complex
(Read about it: The Auk)
Taxonomy of Euphonia affinis
(Read about it: ZooKeys)
Luscinia luscinia share categorical rhythms with humans
(Read about it: Current Biology)
New avialans Grallaria alvarezi, Grallaria ayacuchensis, Grallaria centralis, Grallaria gravesi, Grallaria oneilli, and Grallaria sinaensis
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
(Read about it: Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research)
Cascading effects of climate variability on breeding success of Falco eleonorae
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Taxonomy of the Amytornis striatus species complex
(Read about it: Emu)
High-frequency hearing in Oreotrochilus chimborazo
(Read about it: Science Advances)
Sequential wing feather molt in Microraptor
(Read about it: DML)
Enantiornithean preserved in amber shows feather patterning
(Read about it: DML)
Taxonomy of the Carpodacus sibiricus species complex
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Smaller-brained Petrochelidon pyrrhonota are more likely to die during harsh weather
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Gruid from the Miocene of Germany
(Read about it: DML)
Long-distance foraging movements in Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis
(Read about it: Ardeola)
New avialan Tongoenas burleyi
(Read about it: DML)
New loriin genera Charmosynoides, Saudareos, and Synorhacma
(Read about it: Emu)
Flight performance of Vultur gryphus
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of complex cognition in avians
(Read about it: DML)
CT-scan of the Oxford specimen of Raphus cucullatus
(Read about it: DML)
Birdsong learning is mutually beneficial for tutee and tutor in Melospiza melodia morphna
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Population expansions in Aethomyias and Sericornis
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Evolution of innate immunity receptors in parids
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Mitochondrial genome of Pluvialis squatarola
(Read about it: Mitochondrial DNA Part B)
New alvarezsaur Trierarchuncus prairiensis
(Read about it: DML)
Endocranium of Velociraptor mongoliensis
(Read about it: DML)
Evolutionary history of struthioniforms
(Read about it: DML)
Review of visual adaptations in raptorial avians
(Read about it: DML)
Mitochondrial genome of Jynx torquilla
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Eggshell pigmentation in tinamids
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Juvenile dromaeosaurid from the Prince Creek Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Numerical ordinality in Selasphorus rufus
(Read about it: Science News)
Species limits in the Euscarthmus meloryphus species complex
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Craniofacial pneumaticity in dromaeosaurids
(Read about it: DML)
Population genomics of structural variation in Corvus
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Syrinx morphology in Florisuga fusca
(Read about it: BMC Zoology)
Endogenous opioids facilitate intrinsically-rewarded song in Sturnus vulgaris
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Evolution of genomic diversity in Arremon taciturnus
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Spatial predictors of genomic and phenotypic variation differ in Icterus gularis
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Continent-wide shifts in song dialects of Zonotrichia albicollis
(Read about it: Audubon News, New Scientist)
Variation and development of Mesozoic feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Sub-surface foot kinematics in Numida meleagris
(Read about it: DML)
New specimens of Pinguinus impennis
(Read about it: DML)
Late Quaternary range dynamics in Quiscalus quiscula
(Read about it: DML)
Alcids fly at efficient Strouhal numbers in both air and water but vary stroke velocity and angle
(Read about it: eLife)
Taxonomy of the Myiomela diana species complex
(Read about it: Treubia)
Comparative osteology of plotopterids and sphenisciforms
(Read about it: DML)
Determination of spring migration onset, progress, and advancements in Afro-Palearctic migrant passeriforms
(Read about it: PNAS)
Breeding ground diet of Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Drivers of call type differentiation in Loxia curvirostra
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Assessment of avifauna of the Wakatobi Islands
(Read about it: The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology)
Ecological niche evolution in Icterus
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Evolution of beak length in Pseudopodoces humilis
(Read about it: Molecular Biology and Evolution)
Attention capture in Melopsittacus undulatus performing an auditory streaming task
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Ornithuran from the Dinosaur Park Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Origin and domestication of Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: Science News)
Chemical preservation of feathers in Anchiornis huxleyi
(Read about it: DML)
Review of flight behavior development in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Foraging behavior links sea ice to breeding success in Pygoscelis adeliae
(Read about it: Science Advances)
Contingent parental responses are naturally associated with song learning in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Cost, risk, and avoidance of inbreeding in Aegithalos caudatus
(Read about it: PNAS)
Morphology of Prosobonia cancellata
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club)
Taxonomy of Gygis
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club)
Taxonomy of Rheinardia ocellata
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club)
New subspecies of Amytornis whitei
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club)
Genus assignment of "Picus" rafflesii
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club)
First record of Harpagus diodon in Colombia
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club)
Avian tracks from the Green River Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Intraspecific responses to different color morphs of female Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: The Science of Nature)
Homology, form, and function of the microraptorian lateral pubic tubercle
(Read about it: DML)
Casque ontogeny in Casuarius casuarius
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of Aimophila and Peucaea
(Read about it: DML)
Sex‐specific effects of wind on flight decisions of Diomedea exulans
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Population divergence in Charadrius cucullatus
(Read about it: Conservation Genetics)
Phylogeny of Arborophila
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Natal imprinting to the Earth's magnetic field in Puffinus puffinus
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Taxonomic and conservation reappraisal of avians from Nias
(Read about it: The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology)
Scaling of the avian middle ear
(Read about it: DML)
Tyrannidan from the Oligocene of France
(Read about it: DML)
New specimens of Struthio karatheodoris
(Read about it: DML)
Anatomy of the mandibulosphenoidal joint in austrodyptornitheans
(Read about it: Vertebrate Zoology)
Sylvioid gene flow in Southeast Asia during the Quaternary
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Selasphorus platycercus discriminate non-spectral colors
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Phylogeny of the Grallaria rufula species complex
(Read about it: The Auk)
Diversification of Zosterops in the Solomon Islands
(Read about it: Evolution)
Plotopterids from the Itanoura and Kakinoura Formations
(Read about it: Paleontological Research)
Genetic mechanism for avian sexual dichromatism
(Read about it: Science)
Metabolic cost of subcutaneous and abdominal rewarming in Aptenodytes patagonicus
(Read about it: Journal of Thermal Biology)
Conspecific egg and nestling consumption in Corvus corax
(Read about it: Western North American Naturalist)
Endocast of Pezoporus occidentalis
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Mitogenomes of Oenanthe oenanthe
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Taxonomy of the Nisaetus cirrhatus species complex
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Factors influencing aggression and foraging activity in Phoeniconaias minor
(Read about it: Ethology)
Phylogeny of bucconids
(Read about it: Papéis Avulsos De Zoologia)
Review of telluravian diversification across the Oligocene-Miocene
(Read about it: DML)
Linking weather and phenology to stopover dynamics of Numenius phaeopus islandicus
(Read about it: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution)
Predictability of food supply modulates nocturnal hypothermia in Parus major
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Spatial ecology of the Puffinus assimilis-Puffinus lherminieri species complex
(Read about it: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Seasonal shift in offspring sex ratio of Molothrus ater
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Convergent morphological responses to flightlessness in rallids
(Read about it: DML)
List of fossil avialans from Australia
(Read about it: DML)
Review of extended parenting and evolution of cognition in corvids
(Read about it: Science News)
Population genomic diversity and structure at the discontinuous southern range of Strix nebulosa in North America
(Read about it: Conservation Genetics)
Macronectes prey on Physeter macrocephalus
(Read about it: Polar Biology)
Migration of Sterna sumatrana in cyclonic conditions
(Read about it: Marine Biology)
Genetic factors for short lifespan associated with loss of flight ability in avians
(Read about it: DML)
New genus Syrtidicola for "Muscisaxicola" fluviatilis
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington)
Phylogeny of Sitta
(Read about it: Vertebrate Zoology)
Phylogeny of loriins
(Read about it: Genome Biology and Evolution)
Chromosomal evolution in cuculiforms
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
New paravian Overoraptor chimentoi
(Read about it: DML)
Pelvic morphology of caenagnathids
(Read about it: DML)
Development and regionalization of the axial skeleton in Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: DML)
No evidence for social transmission of foraging patch quality in oscines
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Climate variability and breeding parameters of Ardenna tenuirostris
(Read about it: Marine Ecology Progress Series)
Comment on pelagornithid specimens from the Eocene of Antarctica
(Read about it: Journal of South American Earth Sciences)
Accuracy of trackways in predicting gait and speed of Lagopus muta hyperborea
(Read about it: DML)
Cryptic speciation of Chloris sinica
(Read about it: Zoological Science)
Biomechanical diversity in alcedinids
(Read about it: DML)
Recent introgression between Anser fabalis and Anser serrirostris
(Read about it: Heredity)
Phylogeny of Apteryx
(Read about it: DML)
Differentiation in Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Spatiotemporal distribution pattern of Clangula hyemalis
(Read about it: BMC Ecology)
Morphological differences between Zosterops from Arabia
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
New avialan Kompsornis longicaudus
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Vocal recognition within the Campylopterus curvipennis species complex
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
New avialans Buteo sanfelipensis, Buteogallus royi, Coragyps seductus, Gigantohierax itchei, and Milvago diazfrancoi
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Circumstantial evidence for fatal mobbing of Cuculus canorus by Acrocephalus arundinaceus
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Biology)
Falling out of host nests as a source of mortality in juvenile Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Divergence in Basileuterus rufifrons
(Read about it: The Auk)
Female Setophaga citrina compensate for molt-associated male nest desertion
(Read about it: Ibis)
Extraterritorial forays by Parus major are associated with dawn song
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Avian scavengers respond to auditory cues while foraging
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Foreign egg adoption by Stercorarius antarcticus
(Read about it: Polar Biology)
Parental defense in charadriids mediated by embryonic calling, ambient temperature, and predator latency
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Seasonally changing visual preference for habitat in Calidris canutus
(Read about it: Ethology)
Oviraptorosaur from the Nanxiong Formation with associated eggs
(Read about it: DML)
Ecological drivers of global gradients in avian dispersal
(Read about it: DML)
Adaptation of the master antioxidant response in neoavians
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeography of Hylocharis leucotis
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Effect of conspecific attraction on the presence of Colinus virginianus
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
Brood site selection in anatids
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Poecile atricapillus can identify individual females by song
(Read about it: The Auk)
Phylogeny of ptilonorhynchids
(Read about it: Systematic Biology)
Responses of Acrocephalus orientalis to different alarm signals according to breeding stage
(Read about it: Current Zoology)
Migration route and timing of Circus aeruginosus
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Development of avian webbed feet
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Ecology and allometry predict evolution of avian developmental durations
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Anatomy of Parahesperornis alexi
(Read about it: DML)
Structural coloration in paleognaths
(Read about it: DML)
Diversification of the Parus major species complex
(Read about it: DML)
Scaling trends of avian alular feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Diversification of podargids
(Read about it: DML)
New avialans Icterus turmalis and Molothrus resinosus
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Cranial osteology of Sapeornis chaoyangensis
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeography of Calyptorhynchus banksii
(Read about it: Heredity)
Evaluation of disruptive camouflage of avian cup nests
(Read about it: Ibis)
Role of female age in morning incubation and brooding behavior in Setophaga citrina
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
New avialan Jacamatia luberonensis
(Read about it: DML)
Testing Gloger's rule in Thamnophilus caerulescens
(Read about it: The Auk)
Phylogeny of the Alaudala rufescens-Alaudala raytal species complex
(Read about it: Zoologica Scripta)
Avians from Cumberland Bone Cave
(Read about it: DML)
New specimens of Anhinga pannonica
(Read about it: DML)
Regulation of flight feather position in avian wings
(Read about it: Development)
Evolution between forest macrorefugia linked to discordance between
genetic and morphological variation in Neotropical passeriforms
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Female-biased gene flow between Geospiza fortis and Geospiza scandens
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Song variation in Sakesphorus cristatus
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Ontogenetic dietary shifts in Deinonychus antirrhopus
(Read about it: DML)
Cuculus canorus do not adjust offspring sex based on their own or host quality
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Enantiornithean foot preserved in amber
(Read about it: DML)
Juvenile socio-ecological environment shapes material technology in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Natal dispersal in Milvus migrans migrans
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Comment and response on Gargantuavis-like specimen from the Sânpetru Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Hesperornithiform from the Kita-ama Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Morphological disparity in avian humeri
(Read about it: DML)
Parallel genetic origin of foot feathering in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Reduced immune responsiveness contributes to winter energy conservation in Lagopus muta hyperborea
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Diversification of Pachyramphus
(Read about it: Journal of Biogeography)
Peramorphic features in avian skulls
(Read about it: DML)
Age distribution and longevity in a breeding population of Buteo swainsoni
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Diversification of sylvioids
(Read about it: Journal of Biogeography)
Speciation rates correlated with changes in plumage color complexity in thraupids
(Read about it: Evolution)
Tempo and pattern of avian brain size evolution
(Read about it: DML)
Ecological release as driver of neoavian adaptive radiation
(Read about it: DML)
Owl from the Jebel Qatrani Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Winter roost counts of Hirundo rustica in Peninsular Malaysia
(Read about it: The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology)
Identity of "Dendrocolaptes miniatus" and "Dendrocopus rubricaudatus"
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Migratory strategies of avians across the Caribbean Sea
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Singing behavior of Regulus calendula
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Heat dissipation capacity influences reproductive performance in Tachycineta bicolor
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Dental ultramicrostructure in paravians
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of Afrotropical Zosterops
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
New specimen of Longusunguis kurochkini
(Read about it: DML)
Development of the olfactory system in Gallus gallus
(Read about it: DML)
Body surface temperature responses to food restriction in Parus major
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Systematics of Saxicola rubicola in the Caucasus
(Read about it: Zoosystematica Rossica)
Stable isotope niches in Fregetta tropica and Oceanites oceanicus
(Read about it: Science of The Total Environment)
Year-round sexual trophic segregation in Larus michahellis
(Read about it: Marine Biology)
Language discrimination by Corvus macrorhynchos
(Read about it: Corvid Research)
Phylogeny of Chlorophonia and Euphonia
(Read about it: The Auk)
Reevaluation of Antigone antigone subspecies
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Avian tracks from the Aspelintoppen Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Taxonomy of the Sylvia curruca species complex in Iran
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Caudal spinal nerve development in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Taphonomy of material generated by nesting Ardea herodias
(Read about it: DML)
Flight feather adaptations to migration in Erithacus rubecula
(Read about it: DML)
Evolutionary history of Pyriglena
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Buphagus erythrorynchus alert Diceros bicornis to danger
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Quantifying plumage color variation in thamnophilids
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Phylogeography of Thamnophilus caerulescens
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Bone histology of aepyornithids
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of musophagids
(Read about it: DML)
Rapid colonization and turnover of avians in a tropical forest treefall gap
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
Textural ageing in Pygoscelis antarctica
(Read about it: Vertebrate Zoology)
New avialan Linxiavis inaquosus
(Read about it: DML)
Agelaius phoeniceus eavesdrop on anti-parasitic referential alarm calls of Setophaga petechia
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Phylogenetic signal in the skull of Molothrus
(Read about it: Zoologischer Anzeiger)
Origin of elevational replacements in Scytalopus
(Read about it: Neotropical Diversification: Patterns and Processes)
Competition with Oecophylla smaragdina as a contributor to low oscine diversity in the eastern Himalaya
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Geographic variation in the duets of the Campylorhynchus rufinucha species complex
(Read about it: The Auk)
Body mass dynamics during molt in Branta bernicla nigricans
(Read about it: Ibis)
Morphological divergence in Spanish Loxia curvirostra
(Read about it: Ibis)
Variation in monthly sizes of home ranges of Necrosyrtes monachus
(Read about it: Ibis)
New dromaeosaurid Dineobellator notohesperus
(Read about it: DML)
Taxonomic status of Caprimulgus centralasicus
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Phylogenetic position of Sundaic passeriforms
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Selection for rhythm as a trigger for recursive evolution in the display system of picids
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
Anatomy of strisorean rictal bristles
(Read about it: Journal of Anatomy)
New patterns of coordinated motion in marine avians
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Phylogeny of Scytalopus
(Read about it: The Auk)
Experimental cultural evolution of song in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Behaviour)
Snout morphology of eudromaeosaurs
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of Nannus troglodytes
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Speciation in tyrannids associated with shifts in migratory behavior
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Sleep time in Sturnus vulgaris strongly affected by night length and moon phase
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Seasonally specific responses to wind patterns and ocean productivity facilitate migration in Sterna paradisaea
(Read about it: Marine Ecology Progress Series)
Spatial synchrony of breeding success in Rissa tridactyla reflects spatial dynamics of prey
(Read about it: Marine Ecology Progress Series)
Ecological limits as the driver of avian species richness patterns along the east Himalayan elevational gradient
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
Taxonomy of avians from the Tres Marías Islands
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club)
Taxonomic status of Ortalis motmot ruficeps
(Read about it: Papéis Avulsos De Zoologia)
New avialan Asteriornis maastrichtensis
(Read about it: Science News)
New avialan Phasianus bulgaricus
(Read about it: Historia Naturalis Bulgarica)
Large caenagnathid from the Hell Creek Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Modularity in the avian neck
(Read about it: DML)
Within-island diversification in Zosterops borbonicus
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Phylogeny of Gallus
(Read about it: Avian Research)
Lung morphometrics of high-altitude anatids
(Read about it: Journal of Anatomy)
Special volume on the evolution of feathers
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Oculudentavis khaungraae
(Read about it: Mark Witton.com Blog, Theropoda, The Theropod Database Blog, Tetrapod Zoology, Nature News)
Ecological mechanisms explaining trochilid-plant interactions
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Phylogeny of trochilins
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Foraging habitat selection of wintering Grus nigricollis
(Read about it: Avian Research)
Use of biometrics for sex discrimination of Merops apiaster
(Read about it: Bird Study)
Sex-specific telomere length and dynamics in relation to age and reproductive success in Calonectris borealis
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
New avialan Asio ecuadoriensis
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Environment influences phenotypic variation in Centurus santacruzi
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Evolution of altitudinal migration in passeriforms linked to diet
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Metapopulation dynamics and foraging plasticity in Eudyptes chrysocome
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Review of avian sensory systems
(Read about it: DML)
Alarm calls of Parus minor toward different predators
(Read about it: Ethology)
Statistical inference in Nestor notabilis
(Read about it: Science News)
Bill disparity and feeding strategies in sphenisciforms
(Read about it: DML)
Influences on beta diversity of passeriforms in Amazonia
(Read about it: Ecography)
Taxonomy of fluvicolines
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Phylogeny of Lipaugus and Tijuca
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Early life learning ability predicts adult social structure in Phasianus colchicus
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Frequency of avian hybridization
(Read about it: Evolution)
Partial migration in Mycteria americana
(Read about it: Ecosphere)
Winter thermoregulation in Polihierax semitorquatus
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
New avialan Khinganornis hulunbuirensis
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Paraortygid from the Uinta Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Predictors of natal dispersal in Aphelocoma coerulescens
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Taxonomic reassessment of Pomatorhinus gravivox and Pomatorhinus swinhoei
(Read about it: Zoologica Scripta)
Dietary plasticity in Ectopistes migratorius
(Read about it: Quaternary Science Reviews)
Diversification of Zosterops borbonicus
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Factors influencing feeding behavior and efficiency in Egretta gularis
(Read about it: Animals)
Patterns in age structure of Aquila chrysaetos wintering in North America
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
Sensitivity of Hirundo rustica body mass to local weather conditions
(Read about it: Ibis)
Diet of Cyanistes caeruleus prior to breeding
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Ecology and evolution of Halszkaraptor escuilliei
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Recent immigrants alter the quantitative genetic architecture of paternity in Melospiza melodia
(Read about it: Evolution Letters)
Amphibious hearing in Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Evolution of plumage coloration in loriins
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Evolution of complex sociality in avians
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Mitogenome of Athene noctua
(Read about it: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules)
Pleistocene Eremophila alpestris preserved in permafrost
(Read about it: Communications Biology)
Individual variation in migratory behavior in Haematopus ostralegus
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
New avialans Scytalopus frankeae, Scytalopus krabbei, and Scytalopus whitneyi
(Read about it: The Auk)
Testosterone secretion varies in a sex- and stage-specific manner in Jacana spinosa
(Read about it: General and Comparative Endocrinology)
Diversity of island avians
(Read about it: Nature)
Social learning in parids reduces attacks on aposematic prey
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Conveyance of rapid, reliable information about urgent danger in alarm calls of Phylidonyris novaehollandiae
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Reconstruction of global avian migration through time
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Neutral genetic differentiation and diversity in Regulus satrapa
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
New specimen of Chirostenotes pergracilis
(Read about it: DML)
Hybridization between Buteo lineatus and Buteogallus anthracinus
(Read about it: Journal of Raptor Research)
Suspected kidnapping in Bucorvus leadbeateri
(Read about it: Ostrich)
Ficedula albicollis use song quality of Parus major as social information for settlement decisions
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Nestling Cuculus canorus do not mimic begging calls of Acrocephalus
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Effect of riverine barriers in avian divergence in the Del Plata basin
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Generation times of avians
(Read about it: Conservation Biology)
Wing and tail myology of Tyto furcata
(Read about it: Journal of Morphology)
Nonbreeding avian foraging behavior and its impact on mixed-species flocking
(Read about it: The Auk)
Evolution of hoods in larids
(Read about it: Journal of Evolutionary Ecology)
Wind conditions influence breeding season movements in Calidris melanotos
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Introgression in the ancestry of Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: BMC Biology)
Disassociated feathers preserved in Late Cretaceous Burmese amber
(Read about it: DML)
Nomenclature of Lophorina
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Evolution of plumage coloration in the Petroica multicolor species complex
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Geographic variation in the songs of the Arremonops rufivirgatus species complex
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
High aerodynamic lift from the tail reduces drag in gliding raptorial avians
(Read about it: DML)
Effect of snow cover on the population size of Calidris canutus
(Read about it: BIOS)
Shape and thickness of Pinguinus impennis eggs
(Read about it: Ibis)
Experimentally increased brood size accelerates actuarial senescence in Coloeus monedula
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Review of avian distraction displays
(Read about it: Ibis)
Phylogeny of rallids
(Read about it: Diversity)
Cryptic hybridization between Corvus brachyrhynchos and Corvus caurinus
(Read about it: Corvid Research)
Genetic differentiation between Perisoreus infaustus and Perisoreus internigrans
(Read about it: Conservation Genetics)
Convergence between syrinxes of trochilids and oscines
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Brain activity underlying Corvus brachyrhynchos processing of encounters with dead conspecifics
(Read about it: Corvid Research)
Vocalizations of Spheniscus demersus conform to linguistic laws
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Inferring paravian lifestyles from claw curvature
(Read about it: DML)
Differential locomotor and predatory strategies in dromaeosaurids
(Read about it: DML)
Experimental taphonomy of feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Avialan wing preserved in amber
(Read about it: DML)
Consequences of craniofacial integration for adaptive radiations of drepanidins and geospizins
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Phylogeny of estrildids
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of Ramphotrigon
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Breeding Pelecanus occidentalis improve foraging performance as energetic needs rise
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Development of the corticosterone stress response in passeriforms
(Read about it: General and Comparative Endocrinology)
Genome of Eremophila alpestris
(Read about it: Genes, Genomes, Genetics)
Forest avian communities in Chitwan Valley
(Read about it: Ornithological Science)
Review of avian paleoneurology
(Read about it: DML)
Vocal tract anatomy of Aptenodytes patagonicus
(Read about it: Frontiers in Zoology)
Metabolic rate negatively linked to adult survival but does not explain latitudinal differences in oscines
(Read about it: Ecology Letters)
Sitta canadensis vary alarm calls based on the source of eavesdropped signals
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Sphenisciform wing from the Waipara Greensand
(Read about it: DML)
Reversible outer toe in Haliaeetus humilis and Haliaeetus ichthyaetus
(Read about it: Ibis)
Color variation and taxonomy of Picumnus limae and Picumnus fulvescens
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Broad-scale patterns of Afro-Palaearctic avian migration
(Read about it: Global Ecology and Biogeography)
Ontogeny of the pelvis in Rhea americana
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of Turdus
(Read about it: DML)
Review of the diversification of Tetraogallus
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Migratory routes of Limosa limosa limosa
(Read about it: Ardea)
Rates of ecomorphological trait evolution in passeriforms
(Read about it: DML)
Marine avians from the Pleistocene of Japan
(Read about it: DML)
Pelagornithids from the Eocene of Antarctica
(Read about it: DML)
How flight feathers stick together to form a continuously morphing wing
(Read about it: DML)
Brain structure volumes of extinct avialans
(Read about it: DML)
Systematics of the Sylvia cantillans species complex
(Read about it: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Behavioral patterns of parasitic egg rejection in Phoenicurus phoenicurus
(Read about it: Vision Research)
Signature of adaptive evolution in olfactory receptor genes in Calonectris borealis
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Confirmation of hybridization between Pipra aureola and Pipra fasciicauda
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Life history shifts in avians from Rancho La Brea
(Read about it: DML)
Review of potential drivers of sexual size dimorphism in raptorial avians
(Read about it: DML)
Probability of incubation by male Hirundo rustica gutturalis increases with plasma testosterone level
(Read about it: Ibis)
New dromaeosaurid Wulong bohaiensis
(Read about it: DML)
Fossilized skin from Palaeeudyptes gunnari
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Pterodroma deserta use knowledge of windscape to optimize foraging trips
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Sexual dichromatism in passeriforms is associated with sperm morphology
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Female Gymnorhina tibicen dorsalis sing more often and at higher frequencies than males
(Read about it: Behavioural Processes)
Macroevolutionary convergence connects avian morphological form to ecological function
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeography of Tetraogallus himalayensis and Tetraogallus tibetanus
(Read about it: Avian Research)
Drivers of evolution in Acanthiza
(Read about it: Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research)
Timing of arrival in breeding area is repeatable and affects reproductive success in Cyanistes caeruleus
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
"Gekkotan" eggshell from the Late Cretaceous of Europe reinterpreted as maniraptoran in origin
(Read about it: DML)
New avialans Locustella portenta, Myzomela wahe, Phylloscopus emilsalimi, Phylloscopus suaramerdu, and Rhipidura habibiei
(Read about it: Audubon News, New Scientist)
Evolution of trochilid melanosomes
(Read about it: Audubon News, Nature Research Highlights)
Psittacus erithacus voluntarily help each other obtain food rewards
(Read about it: Science News, Nature Research Highlights, New Scientist)
Avians (and mammals) from the Eocene of Antarctica
(Read about it: DML)
Trophic ecology of Hydrobates castro
(Read about it: Marine Biology)
Evolutionary stasis in passeriforms from Rancho La Brea
(Read about it: DML)
Evolutionary history of Arremon taciturnus
(Read about it: Ibis)
Fast and slow components of motor learning in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Nature)
Male Melospiza georgiana respond less aggressively to songs of older individuals
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Evolution of avian endothermy
(Read about it: DML)
Juvenile ornamentation in Fulica americana favored by selection within families
(Read about it: The Atlantic)
Tool use in Fratercula arctica
(Read about it: PNAS)
Evolutionary divergence in avians from from the Sierra Madre del Sur
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Neck anatomy in aegypiines
(Read about it: DML)
Syrinx, hyoid, and larynx morphology in Casuarius casuarius
(Read about it: DML)
Introgression in Dendrocincla
(Read about it: Evolution)
Rapid loss of flight in Dryolimnas cuvieri aldabranus
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Evidence of linked selection on the Z chromosome of hybridizing Selasphorus
(Read about it: Evolution)
New avialan Mirusavis parvus
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of beak morphology in meliphagids
(Read about it: DML)
Mitochondrial genome of Corvus macrorhynchos intermedius
(Read about it: Mitochondrial DNA Part B)
Juvenile Agelaius phoeniceus suppress vocal begging in response to predator playback
(Read about it: The Auk)
Taxonomy of Tanygnathus sumatranus
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club)
Density of Thalassoica antarctica affects foraging strategy of Catharacta maccormicki
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Genome of Conuropsis carolinensis
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Phylogeny of strigids
(Read about it: The Auk)
Mixed-age flocking in avimimids
(Read about it: Greg Funston)
Flight performance of Protopteryx fengningensis
(Read about it: DML)
Egg size in Taeniopygia guttata unrelated to ambient temperature
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
No evidence for an adaptive role of early molt into breeding plumage in female Malurus coronatus
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Kinematics of ventilation in Meleagris gallopavo
(Read about it: DML)
Genome of Malurus cyaneus
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology Resources)
Vision speed in raptorial avians
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Migration pattern of Charadrius hiaticula
(Read about it: Journal of Theoretical Biology)
Ecology of Actophilornis albinucha
(Read about it: Ostrich)
Reevaluation of Tereingaornis moisleyi
(Read about it: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics)
Wing shaking and preening help recover ruffled feather vanes
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of feather barb angles and their relationship to flight
(Read about it: DML)
Review of the role of the red blood cell and platelet in the evolution of avian (and mammalian) endothermy
(Read about it: DML)
Modeling dispersal in Probosciger aterrimus
(Read about it: Landscape Ecology)
Errors in egg laying by Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: Ibis)
Population genomics of Numenius arquata and Numenius phaeopus
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Consumption of unpalatable prey does not vary as a function of bitter taste perception in Parus major
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Population densities of dinornithiforms
(Read about it: DML)
Rachis-dominated feathers preserved in amber
(Read about it: DML)
Genetic structure of the Catharus bicknelli-Catharus minimus species complex
(Read about it: The Auk)
Programmed DNA elimination of germline development genes in oscines
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Foray behavior in Melanerpes formicivorus
(Read about it: Ecology)
New avialan Sinoergilornis guangheensis
(Read about it: DML)
Night conditions affect morning incubation behavior of Sialia sialis differently across a latitudinal gradient
(Read about it: Ibis)
Sex chromosome expansion in alaudids
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Structure and development of flight feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Demographic reconstruction supports rapid extinction of Pinguinus impennis
(Read about it: eLife)
Female solo song and duetting associated with different territoriality in oscines
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
A fruit diet maintains robust innate immunity in Pycnonotus barbatus
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Biogeography of Francolinus francolinus
(Read about it: Systematics and Biodiversity)
Correlated evolution of avian nest and egg characteristics
(Read about it: DML)
Nest attendance by tropical and temperate passeriforms
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Avian tracks from the Main Body Tirari
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Metabolic rate and water turnover in Taeniopygia guttata during a summer heatwave
(Read about it: Frontiers in Physiology)
Migratory divides coincide with reproductive barriers in Hirundo rustica
(Read about it: Ecology Letters)
Origin of the euornithean predentary
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Antarcticavis capelambensis
(Read about it: DML)
New avialans Ducula shutleri and Hypotaenidia vavauensis
(Read about it: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Behavioral plasticity and the transition to order in Corvus monedula flocks
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Hatching asynchrony in oviraptorids
(Read about it: DML)
Cryptic diversification in Lepidothrix coronata
(Read about it: Zoologica Scripta)
New avialan Fukuipteryx prima
(Read about it: DML)
Acoustic password enhances auditory learning in juvenile Molothrus ater
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Morphology of the otic region in neognaths
(Read about it: Vertebrate Zoology)
Transcriptional regulatory divergence underpinning species-specific learned vocalization in Taeniopygia
(Read about it: PLoS Biology)
Drivers of diversification rates in emberizoids
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Hesperornithiforms as environmental indicators in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
(Read about it: DML)
Niche divergence in Eriocnemis luciani and Eriocnemis sapphiropygia
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Dynamic body acceleration during flight ontogeny in Anser anser
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
New avialan Mengciusornis dentatus
(Read about it: DML)
Feathers from the Early Cretaceous of Australia
(Read about it: DML)
Beak preservation in Confuciusornis sanctus
(Read about it: DML)
Reevaluation of Halszkaraptor escuilliei
(Read about it: DML)
Review of scavenging by strigiforms
(Read about it: Journal of Raptor Research)
Psittacids do not show inequity aversion
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Affiliative social relationships and coccidian oocyst excretion in Corvus corone
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Within-group relatedness and patterns of reproductive cooperation in Yuhina everetti
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Variation in the crest of Numida meleagris
(Read about it: DML)
Diversification in the Loxia curvirostra complex
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Patterns of divergence between Charadrius alexandrinus and Charadrius dealbatus
(Read about it: Frontiers in Genetics)
Secondary contact after allopatric divergence in sylvioids
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Evolution of the avian digestive system
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Dromaius arleyekweke
(Read about it: DML)
Avians from the Glib Zegdou
(Read about it: DML)
Multilevel society in Acryllium vulturinum
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Nest association between Buteo lagopus and Falco peregrinus as a response to low rodent density
(Read about it: The Auk)
High foraging site fidelity and spatial segregation among Larus marinus
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Extensive chondroid bone in juvenile Anas platyrhynchos domesticus
(Read about it: DML)
New genus Elliotomyia for "Elliotia"
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Diversification of seminal fluid proteome in Passer domesticus and Passer hispaniolensis
(Read about it: Molecular Biology and Evolution)
New alvarezsaur Nemegtonykus citus
(Read about it: DML)
Enantiornithean foot and tail feather in amber
(Read about it: DML)
Global distribution of avian eggshell colors suggest thermoregulatory benefit of darker pigmentation
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Inexperienced Gallus gallus can select appropriate responses to threats
(Read about it: PNAS)
Genetic admixture despite ecological segregation in Passer domesticus × Passer hispaniolensis
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Taxonomy of Gallinago paraguaiae
(Read about it: Ibis)
New avialan Gretcheniao sinensis
(Read about it: DML)
Avifauna of the forest mosaic habitats of the Mariarano region
(Read about it: EcoEvo@TCD)
Conjugate eye movements guide jumping locomotion in Pavo cristatus
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Extent, frequency and ecological functions of food wasting by psittaciforms
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Range of motion in the avian wing is strongly associated with flight behavior
(Read about it: DML)
Novel cellular structure in the retina of Empidonax
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Differential song deficits after knockdown of FoxP1, FoxP2 or FoxP4 in Area X of juvenile Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Journal of Neuroscience)
Male Procnias albus produce extremely loud courtship calls in close proximity of females
(Read about it: Audubon News, New Scientist, Science News, Nature Research Highlights)
New avialans Coturnix alabrevis, Coturnix centensis, and Coturnix lignorum
(Read about it: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Corticobasal ganglia projecting neurons are required for juvenile vocal learning but not for adult vocal plasticity in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: PNAS)
Drivers of divergence in Habia rubica
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Dopamine-related gene expression in the ventral tegmental area of male Taeniopygia guttata relates to interactions with female partners
(Read about it: Genes, Brain, and Behavior)
Lower breeding success in South American Hirundo rustica
(Read about it: The Auk)
Delayed gratification in Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: Animal Cognition)
Hindlimb morphology of Palaeotis weigelti
(Read about it: DML)
Avians from the Pliocene of Mallorca
(Read about it: Comptes Rendus Palevol)
New avialan Dicaeum dayakorum
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Skull evolution in oviraptorosaurs
(Read about it: DML)
Thermoregulatory role of the bill in Fratercula cirrhata
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Lunar cycle drives migration of Caprimulgus europeaus
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Itinerant breeding across drastically different habitats in Phainopepla nitens
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Differences in tail feather growth rate in hydrobatids and oceanitids
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Differential habitat selection in boreal passeriforms
(Read about it: Diversity and Distributions)
Gargantuavis-like pelvis from the Sânpetru
(Read about it: DML)
Taxonomy of perdicines
(Read about it: Ostrich)
Phylogeographic histories of forest passeriforms in Upper and Lower Guinea
(Read about it: Ostrich)
Phylogeography of Dacelo leachii
(Read about it: Emu)
Brood parasitism of Setophaga citrina by Coccyzus
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Differently sized cuculids pose different threats to hosts
(Read about it: Current Zoology)
Broad-front migration leads to strong migratory connectivity in Falco naumanni
(Read about it: Journal of Biogeography)
New avialan Myzomela prawiradilagae
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Biotic interactions are the dominant drivers of phylogenetic and functional structure in avian communities along elevational gradients in Borneo
(Read about it: The Auk)
Inception of memories that guide vocal learning in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: New Scientist)
New avialan Carpathiavis meniliticus
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of passeriforms
(Read about it: DML)
Introgression between Gavicalis fasciogularis and Gavicalis versicolor
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Wind-associated detours promote seasonal migratory connectivity in Caprimulgus europaeus
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Avian tracks from the Vinchina
(Read about it: Historical Biology)
Individual discrimination and numerical assessment in collective antipredator behavior in Corvus monedula
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Symmetry breaking in the embryonic avian skin triggers directional and sequential plumage patterning
(Read about it: PLoS Biology)
Speed consensus in flocking Columba livia
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Relationship between the bony core and keratinous sheath in avian pedal claws
(Read about it: DML)
Greater opportunities for sexual selection in male Molothrus ater
(Read about it: Journal of Evolutionary Biology)
Phylogeography of Eremophila
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Niche differentiation in Parus monticolus and Passer cinnamomeus
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Invariant neural responses for sensory categories in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: PLoS Computational Biology)
Association between non-breeding Ardenna gravis and Ardenna grisea
(Read about it: Marine Ecology Progress Series)
Plumage redness signals mitochondrial function in Haemorhous mexicanus
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Effects of growth rate and biomechanical loading on bone laminarity in Dromaius novaehollandiae
(Read about it: DML)
Ramphastoid from the Khalagay
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Social information use and collective foraging in Phalacrocorax aristotelis
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Clarifying the taxonomy of Pternistis hildebrandti and Pternistis leucoscepus
(Read about it: Ostrich)
Personality predicts foraging site fidelity and trip repeatability in Rissa tridactyla
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Preservation of feather melanosomes and keratin
(Read about it: DML)
Mitochondrial genome of Pelecanus crispus
(Read about it: Mitochondrial DNA Part B)
Genomes of sphenisciforms
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Wind drift compensation in migratory avians on the Pacific Flyway
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Immature Morus follow adults in commuting flocks
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
New avialan Protodontopteryx ruthae
(Read about it: Dr. Neurosaurus)
Heyuanninae coined as a replacement for "Ingeniinae"
(Read about it: DML)
Song learning in Lonchura striata domestica enhanced by tailoring instruction to genetic differences
(Read about it: eLife)
Species delimitation in the Glaucidium brodiei complex
(Read about it: Avian Research)
Male age and its association with reproductive traits in Passer domesticus
(Read about it: Journal of Evolutionary Biology)
Maturation and senescence of highly repeatable song characteristics in Melospiza georgiana
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Avian taphonomy in Grotta di Castelcivita
(Read about it: Quaternary International)
Genetic distinctiveness of Sula dactylatra
(Read about it: Emu)
Phylogeny of strisoreans
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Phylogeny of coraciiforms
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Behavioral analysis of male Ploceus cucullatus in a breeding colony during early incubation
(Read about it: Ostrich)
Calls of Pomatostomus ruficeps are composed of meaningless shared building blocks
(Read about it: PNAS)
Cranial anatomy of Saurornitholestes langstoni
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of the vomer in paravians
(Read about it: DML)
Fossorial avians help shape the plant community of a Peruvian desert
(Read about it: In Defense of Plants)
Plumage melanism is linked to male quality and female parental investment in Eremophila alpestris
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Complete genomes of Callaeas cinereus and Heteralocha acutirostris
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Review of avian magnetoreception
(Read about it: Journal of the Royal Society Interface)
Specimen of Haliaeetus leucocephalus with multiple anatomical abnormalities
(Read about it: Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology)
Chemistry and structure of the CRY4 protein in Columba livia
(Read about it: PNAS)
Reduced metabolism supports hypoxic flight in Anser indicus
(Read about it: Science News, The Atlantic)
Correlated evolution between repertoire size and song plasticity in passerideans
(Read about it: eLife)
New avialan Geronticus thackerayi
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Differential fitness effects of moonlight on plumage colour morphs in Tyto alba
(Read about it: All About Birds, Nature Research Highlights)
Spheniscus from the Pleistocene of Uruguay
(Read about it: Journal of South American Earth Sciences)
Shallow genetic divergence between Coeligena bonapartei and Coeligena helianthea
(Read about it: The Auk)
New specimen of Anthropornis grandis
(Read about it: DML)
Reconstruction of oviraptorid clutches
(Read about it: DML)
Historical distribution of callaeids and Notiomystis cincta
(Read about it: Check List)
Function of the dromaeosaurid sickle claw
(Read about it: DML)
Volitional control of vocalizations in Corvus corone
(Read about it: PLoS Biology)
Hypotarsal morphology of ralloids
(Read about it: Acta Ornithologica)
Food of young Sitta europaea
(Read about it: Acta Ornithologica)
Selection on the VPS13A gene linked to migration in Vermivora
(Read about it: PNAS)
Vocalization of Pharomachrus mocinno
(Read about it: Bioacoustics)
Taxonomic status of Haematopus meadewaldoi
(Read about it: Ibis)
Phylogeny of strisoreans
(Read about it: DML)
Plumage of juvenile enantiornitheans
(Read about it: DML)
Evolutionary drivers of seasonal plumage color in passeriforms
(Read about it: Ecology Letters)
Comparison of toepads in Australian avians
(Read about it: Journal of Morphology)
Trade-off between locomotion and reproduction in Apteryx
(Read about it: Journal of Anatomy)
Cross-decades stability of the Setophaga townsendi x Setophaga occidentalis hybrid zone
(Read about it: Journal of Evolutionary Biology)
Sleeping with the head tucked in conserves energy in Sylvia borin
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Juvenile pheomelanin-based plumage coloration has evolved more frequently in carnivorous avians
(Read about it: DML)
Diversification of the Dendrocincla fuliginosa species complex
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Kleptoparasitism of Enhydra lutris and Eumetopias jubatus by Larus glaucescens
(Read about it: Polar Biology)
Evidence for hybridization between Setophaga americana and Setophaga cerulea
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Cause of interspecific feeding in Sialia sialis
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Evolution of female promiscuity in passerideans
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Decoupling of basal metabolic rate and body temperature in avians and other endotherms
(Read about it: DML)
New alvarezsaur Shishugounykus inexpectus
(Read about it: DML)
Development of avian footpad scales
(Read about it: DML)
Vision of Agelaius phoeniceus
(Read about it: DML)
Diversification of laniids
(Read about it: DML)
Extinct accipitrid from the Quaternary of Hispaniola
(Read about it: Journal of Raptor Research)
Nesting behavior of Buteo platypterus in Pennsylvania
(Read about it: Journal of Raptor Research)
Population genetics of Geospizopsis unicolor
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
New avialan Crossvallia waiparensis
(Read about it: DML)
Rapid plastic breeding response to rain matches peak prey abundance in Malurus coronatus coronatus
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Emergent tuning for learned vocalizations in the auditory cortex of estrildids
(Read about it: Nature Neuroscience)
Avians from the Naranbulag
(Read about it: DML)
Reproductive anatomy asymmetry in malurids
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
New avialan Heracles inexpectatus
(Read about it: Science News)
Larus argentatus respond to human gaze direction
(Read about it: New Scientist, Science News, All About Birds)
Development of the paratympanic pneumatic system of Coturnix japonica
(Read about it: DML)
Response time of Columbia livia to Accipiter melanoleucus attacks is independent of predator color morph
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Nest site selection and nest survival of Picoides arcticus after wildfire
(Read about it: The Condor)
Cryptic diversity in Phalacrocorax punctatus
(Read about it: The Condor)
Species limits and biogeography of Rhynchospiza
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Human impact on New Zealand avifauna
(Read about it: DML)
Chemical composition of avian urinary excreta
(Read about it: DML)
Function of female song in Sialia sialis
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Phylogenetic position of Caracara creightoni
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Cynanthus latirostris budget energy flexibly in response to changing resources
(Read about it: Functional Ecology)
Corvus moneduloides behave optimistically after using tools
(Read about it: Nature Research Highlights)
Neuronal correlates of spatial working memory in the endbrain of Corvus corone
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Genetic divergence in Emberiza godlewskii
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Conspecific olfactory preferences in a Poecile atricapillus x Poecile carolinensis hybrid zone
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Phylogeny of Anhinga
(Read about it: DML)
Generalist avians outperform nectariniids as pollinators of Aloe ferox
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Sex-specific spatiotemporal variation in Eremophila alpestris
(Read about it: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution)
High niche overlap in sympatrically breeding procellariids
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Use of forest islands as roost sites by Progne subis during migration
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
Feather evolution exemplifies sexually selected bridges across the adaptive landscape
(Read about it: DML)
Ontogeny of the avian femur
(Read about it: DML)
Mitochondrial divergence in the Phylloscopus affinis species complex
(Read about it: Molecular Biology and Evolution)
Ontogenetic scaling of pelvic limb muscles and tendons in Struthio camelus
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of brain shape in pennaraptors (and other archosaurs)
(Read about it: DML)
Habitat use by Anas acuta during winter
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Thermal impacts of avian wing coloration on surface temperature during flight
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Rates of morphological evolution in Mesozoic avialans
(Read about it: DML)
Review of the avian fossil record from James Ross Basin
(Read about it: DML)
Genome differentiation in the Pitta sordida species complex
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Intraspecific variation and symmetry of the inner-ear labyrinth in Meleagris gallopavo
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of open-habitat muscicapids
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Chromosomal inversion predicts the expression of sex steroid-related genes in Zonotrichia albicollis
(Read about it: Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology)
Length polymorphisms at two candidate genes explain variation of migratory behaviors in Setophaga striata
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Larus michahellis embryos perceive vibratory cues of predation risk from clutch mates
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Phylogeny of Catharus
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Digit identity in avian forelimbs
(Read about it: DML)
Molecular and morphological differentiation among Merganetta armata
(Read about it: Zoologica Scripta)
Trophic interactions between marine avians and fishes in coastal West Africa
(Read about it: Marine Ecology Progress Series)
Nesting behavior of Poecile montanus
(Read about it: Ringing and Migration)
Genomics of rapid ecological divergence and parallel adaptation in tidal marsh passerellids
(Read about it: Evolution Letters)
Flight style of Calciavis grandei
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Aldiomedes angustirostris
(Read about it: DML)
Drivers of genetic differentiation between Eudyptes chrysolophus and Eudyptes schlegeli
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Mitochondrial genomes of Piranga
(Read about it: Mitochondrial DNA Part B)
Behavior influences range limits and patterns of coexistence in Andean avians
(Read about it: Ecography)
New cranial material of Phorusrhacos longissimus
(Read about it: DML)
Rapid reproductive isolation in Zosterops kulambangrae and Zosterops murphyi
(Read about it: Evolution)
New avialan Elektorornis chenguangi
(Read about it: DML)
Microraptor zhaoianus ate Indrasaurus wangi
(Read about it: DML)
New troodont Hesperornithoides miessleri
(Read about it: Skeletaldrawing.com, The Theropod Database Blog)
Phylogenomic supertree of avians
(Read about it: DML)
Femur from the López de Bertodano referred to Vegavis
(Read about it: DML)
How Agapornis roseicollis maneuver through lateral gusts with minimal visual information
(Read about it: PNAS)
Spontaneity and diversity of movement to music in Cacatua galerita eleonora
(Read about it: The Atlantic, New Scientist, Science News)
Phylogenetic signal of indels in neoavians
(Read about it: DML)
Dentary histology of caenagnathids
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Dryolimnas chekei
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Cryptic species in the Hydrobates castro species complex
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
A dynamic continental moisture gradient drove diversification of Amazonian avians
(Read about it: Science Advances)
New specimens of Pellornis mikkelseni
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Cherevychnavis umanskae
(Read about it: DML)
New specimen of Gargantuavis philoinos
(Read about it: DML)
Possible dromaeosaurid eggshells from the Late Cretaceous of South Korea
(Read about it: DML)
Incipient speciation in Charadrius alexandrinus and Charadrius dealbatus
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Coloration of Eocoracias brachyptera
(Read about it: DML)
Teratornithid from the Arroyo Chasicó
(Read about it: DML)
New specimen of Pachystruthio dmanisensis
(Read about it: New Scientist, Nature Research Highlights)
Nocturnal torpor in Malurus cyaneus
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Foot feathering in Columba livia reveals conserved limb identity networks
(Read about it: DML)
Function of three main call types in Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: Ethology)
Convergent genomic signatures of flight reduction in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Avians from the Middle Stone Age of South Africa
(Read about it: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports)
Novel vocalizations from female Setophaga cerulea
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Phylogenetic position of Becassius charadriioides
(Read about it: DML)
Columba livia increase wingbeat frequency while flying together
(Read about it: DML)
New avialans Buccanodon dowsetti and Cercococcyx lemaireae
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club)
Current knowledge of Hydrobates cf. castro from the Gulf of Guinea
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club)
New subspecies of Nesoptilotis leucotis
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club)
History of Falco femoralis subspecies diagnoses
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club)
Phylogeographic divergences within Ara macao
(Read about it: Ibis)
Taxonomy of the Prinia crinigera‐Prinia polychroa complex
(Read about it: Ibis)
Ontogeny of migratory strategy in Calonectris borealis
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Avians from Medieval Norway
(Read about it: Open Quaternary)
New avialan Xorazmortyx turkestanensis
(Read about it: DML)
Review of multispecies hybridzation in avians
(Read about it: Avian Research)
Phylogeography of Schetba rufa
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Phylogeny of ploceids
(Read about it: The Auk)
Interindividually coordinated motor control enables duets in Plocepasser mahali
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Individual spatial consistency and dietary flexibility in the migratory behavior of Morus bassanus
(Read about it: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution)
Evolution of the avian digital pattern
(Read about it: DML)
Guidance system of Parabuteo unicinctus during pursuit of prey
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Flight costs in avians (and chiropterans)
(Read about it: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology)
Climatic shifts drove major contractions in avian distribution throughout the Cenozoic
(Read about it: DML)
Digital dissection of the head of Columba livia
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogenetic position of Cayaoa bruneti
(Read about it: Papers in Palaeontology)
Forelimb muscle architecture of raptorial avians
(Read about it: DML)
New specimens of Cayaoa bruneti
(Read about it: DML)
Behavioral analysis of female Ploceus cucullatus in a breeding colony during incubation
(Read about it: Ostrich)
Prey herding by Spheniscus demersus facilitates foraging by volant marine avians
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Compound-V formations in charadriiform flocks
(Read about it: eLife)
Evolution of body size in paleognaths
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of Pternistis
(Read about it: Ostrich)
Optimal central place foraging flights for marine avians in relation to wind
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Upstroke-based acceleration and head stabilization during swimming in alcids
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Review of feather origins
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of thripophaginins
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Tactical adjustment of temporally clustered courtship displays in Centrocercus urophasianus
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
New genus Camptodontornis for "Camptodontus" yangi
(Read about it: DML)
Neuronal encoding in a high level auditory area of Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Journal of Neuroscience)
Breeding strategies of open-cup-nesting passeriforms on Navarino Island
(Read about it: Revista Chilena de Historia Natural)
Analysis of ancient DNA from Rhea
(Read about it: Journal of Archaeological Science)
Displays of Phaethornis longirostris provide evidence for co-occurrence of vocal and visual learning
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Categorical color perception occurs in both signalling and non-signalling color ranges in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Giant oviraptorosaur eggs from the Wayan
(Read about it: DML)
Review of forelimb postural mechanisms in avians (and mammals)
(Read about it: DML)
Gene flow and genetic admixture between two divergent lineages of Picus viridis
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Diversification of Synallaxis cinerea and Synallaxis ruficapilla
(Read about it: Heredity)
Locomotion of juvenile Opisthocomus hoazin
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Single-cell transcriptomic atlas of the developing limb of Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: BMC Genomics)
Negative covariation between gizzard and pectoral muscle mass in Calidris canutus islandica
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Evolution of flightlessness in Tachyeres
(Read about it: DML)
Beak and skull shape evolution of psittaciforms
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Structure of maniraptor eggshells
(Read about it: DML)
Accelerated redevelopment of vocal skills preceded by lasting reorganization of the song motor circuitry in Serinus canaria
(Read about it: eLife)
Characterization of bone surface modifications on avians from the Pleistocene of Indonesia
(Read about it: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology)
Evolutionary significance of aberrantly-plumaged Oriolus sagittatus
(Read about it: Emu)
Repeated evolution of drag reduction at the air-water interface in alcedinids
(Read about it: Journal of the Royal Society Interface)
Variability of song variability in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
New avialan Alcmonavis poeschli
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Large scale synchronous biological turnover in avifauna from New Zealand
(Read about it: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution)
Alcid diving behavior outside of the breeding season
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Responses to foreign eggs by Turdus merula
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
Genetic variation among Athene cunicularia in North America
(Read about it: Journal of Raptor Research)
New scansoriopterygid Ambopteryx longibrachium
(Read about it: The Atlantic, Science News, Theropoda)
Repeated evolution of flightlessness in Dryolimnas
(Read about it: DML)
Correlated evolution of neck and leg length in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Talon shape of raptorial avians controlled by relative prey size
(Read about it: DML)
Review of auditory species recognition in avians
(Read about it: Biological Reviews)
Architecture of cancellous bone in the hindlimb of dinornithiforms
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny and biogeography of campephagids
(Read about it: Journal of Biogeography)
Costs and benefits of social relationships in the collective motion of avian flocks
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Phylogenetic position of Aptornis
(Read about it: DML)
Prey capture and selection during breeding season in Uria lomvia
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Acrocephalus scirpaceus avicenniaeon on the Red Sea coast near Jazan
(Read about it: Zoology in the Middle East)
Stimulation of flapping motion in Caudipteryx
(Read about it: Nature Research Highlights)
Begging calls provide social cues for prospecting conspecifics in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: The Auk)
Taxonomy of the Cyornis rubeculoides complex
(Read about it: Ibis)
Male Lanius bucephalus use food caches to improve song performance
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Germline-restricted chromosome widespread among oscines
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Comparison of oxidative stress between avians and mammals
(Read about it: Integrative and Comparative Biology)
Immunolocalization of the EDDM feather protein
(Read about it: DML)
Song divergence and plumage convergence in Acrocephalus mendanae and Acrocephalus percernis
(Read about it: Emu)
DNA methylation predicts immune gene expression in Passer domesticus
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Escape behavior increases with flock size in gregarious avians
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Homoploid hybrid speciation in Pachyptila
(Read about it: Molecular Biology and Evolution)
New oviraptorosaur Xingtianosaurus ganqi
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Metatarsal histology of Xixianykus zhangi
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of digestive enzymes in avians
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Phylogeny of meliphagids
(Read about it: Emu)
Clinal variation in morph frequency in Buteo swainsoni
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Ultraviolet light reveals possible flapping adaptations in Archaeopteryx
(Read about it: DML)
Vocal repertoire of Morus capensis at sea
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
New species of Zosterops
(Read about it: EcoEvo@TCD)
Balancing selection of sex-linked color polymorphism in Erythrura gouldiae
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Amino acids in amber-preserved fossil feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of paleognaths
(Read about it: Systematic Biology)
Phylogeny of the Empidonax difficilis-Empidonax occidentalis species complex
(Read about it: Systematic Biology)
Adaptive radiation of meliphagids
(Read about it: Evolution)
Dual function of acoustic signaling in female Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology)
Individually specific songs in Turtur tympanistria
(Read about it: Avian Research)
Seasonal changes in the song control nuclei of Turdus rufiventris
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology Part B)
Avians from the Paleocene of Belgium and France
(Read about it: DML)
Memory performance influences male reproductive success in Petroica longipes
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Probable predation on Ocypode quadrata by Buteo lineatus
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Evolution of feather barbules
(Read about it: DML)
Structure of keratinous layers controls form and growth orientation of the rhinotheca in Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: Journal of Anatomy)
Paleoproteomics of bird bones
(Read about it: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Sexual selection predicts rate and direction of color divergence in tyrannidans
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Phylogeny of West Indian mimids
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Dynamics and population consequences of irruption in Sitta canadensis
(Read about it: The Auk)
No signs of genetic erosion in Psephotellus pulcherrimus
(Read about it: Diversity)
New paravian Imperobator antarcticus
(Read about it: The Theropod Database Blog, Theropoda)
Little gene flow across the Dryobates nuttallii x Dryobates scalaris contact zone
(Read about it: The Auk)
Sex differences in migratory restlessness behavior in Setophaga caerulescens
(Read about it: The Auk)
Speciation despite gene flow in Aegolius acadicus
(Read about it: The Auk)
Correlation between vocalization and division of parental care in Larus fuscus
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Phylogeny of meliphagids
(Read about it: Zoologica Scripta)
Trade-off between parental care and siring success in Centropus grillii
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Phylogenetic position of Numenius tenuirostris
(Read about it: Mitochondrial DNA Part A)
Plunge-diving as antipredator behavior of Atticora fasciata
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Evolution of plumage patterns in picids
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Evolution of avian carotenoid networks
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Bimodal habitat use in Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: The Auk)
New avialan Taphophoyx hodgei
(Read about it: DML)
Phenotypic clines across a hybrid zone in Aphelocoma woodhouseii
(Read about it: The Auk)
Convergence in regulatory sequences of flightless paleognaths
(Read about it: Journal of Evolutionary Biology)
Dromaeosaurid ungual from the Udurchukan
(Read about it: DML)
Sperm head abnormalities are more frequent in oscines with more helical sperm
(Read about it: Journal of Evolutionary Biology)
New avialan Dasyornis walterbolesi
(Read about it: DML)
Migratory divide among Phalaropus lobatus in the western Palearctic
(Read about it: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution)
Scaling of statically derived osteocyte lacunae in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Review of female song in oscines
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Dispersal and speciation of tityrines
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Rampant introgressive hybridization in Pogoniulus
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Increased performance in Camarhynchus parvulus x Camarhynchus pauper hybrids
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Genome-wide population structure of Anas in North America
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Passeriform evolution and phylogeny
(Read about it: OpenWings Project)
Phylogeny of the Accipiter gentilis superspecies
(Read about it: Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research)
Diversification of Neotropical Anthus
(Read about it: Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research)
Evolution of sex chromosomes in passeriforms
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Cyclone avoidance by suliforms
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Supertree of psittaciforms
(Read about it: Data in Brief)
Interhemispheric functional connectivity in the brain of Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: NeuroImage)
Phylogeny of Dendrortyx
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Molecular architecture of the Taeniopygia guttata arcopallium
(Read about it: The Journal of Comparative Neurology)
Foraging behavior influences relevance of social information in Phylidonyris novaehollandiae
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Phenotypic and genetic characterization of Phylloscopus trochilus yakutensis
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Late Pleistocene climate change shapes population divergence of Mionectes rufiventris
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Quaternary climatic fluctuations and resulting climatically suitable areas for Eurasian Athene and Glaucidium
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Epistatic mutations under divergent selection govern phenotypic variation in the Corvus corone x Corvus cornix hybrid zone
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Snow roosting reduces temperature-associated stress in Bonasa umbellus
(Read about it: Oecologia)
Apparent survival of tropical birds in a wet premontane forest in Costa Rica
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
Phylogeny of oriolids
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
New therizinosaur Lingyuanosaurus sihedangensis
(Read about it: The Theropod Database Blog)
Bone histology of Yanornis
(Read about it: DML)
Striatal FoxP2 affects active maintenance of learned vocalizations in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: eNeuro)
Feathers in juvenile enantiornithine revealed using laser-stimulated fluorescence
(Read about it: DML)
Increased sexual dimorphism in dense populations of Cinnyris jugularis on small islands
(Read about it: EcoEvo@TCD)
Genetic diversity and population structure of Antilophia
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Breeders that receive help age more slowly in Acrocephalus sechellensis
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
New avialan Avimaia schweitzerae
(Read about it: Science News)
Pleistocene climatic changes promoted population reconnection in Neothraupis fasciata
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Migration of Setophaga striata
(Read about it: Ecology)
Taxonomic status of Ardea herodias occidentalis
(Read about it: The Auk)
Clarifying the nomenclature of Pomarea from the Society Islands
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club)
New avialan Pycnonotus pseudosimplex
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club)
Species limits in Cypsiurus parvus
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club)
A population of Amalocichla sclateriana from central New Guinea
(Read about it: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club)
Increase in number of host eggs evicted does not impose growth cost for Chrysococcyx basalis chicks
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology)
Sex-specific divergence in Colluricincla harmonica
(Read about it: Heredity)
Distribution and status of Turdus in eastern Colombia
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Behavior of adult and young grassland oscines at fledging
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
Manipulated sex ratios alter group structure and cooperation in Sitta pusilla
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Avian yolk androgens are metabolized instead of taken up by the embryo during the first days of incubation
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Refugial isolation and habitat change lead to incipient speciation in Pseudopodoces humilis
(Read about it: Zoologica Scripta)
Convergent melanism in Monarcha castaneiventris
(Read about it: Emu)
Diversity of Cyornis
(Read about it: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Phylogeography and historical demography of Quiscalus lugubris
(Read about it: Journal of Caribbean Ornithology)
Relating neuromuscular control to functional anatomy of limb muscles in avians (and crocodylians)
(Read about it: A (Palaeo)biologist Postdoc's Views of the Past, Present and Future, Theropoda)
Unrecognized diversity in New Guinean corvidans
(Read about it: Emu)
Distribution of medullary bone in the avian skeleton
(Read about it: DML)
Female Poecile gambeli increase reproductive investment when mates have high spatial cognition
(Read about it: Ecology Letters)
Larus argentatus predation on Ciona intestinalis
(Read about it: Ecosphere)
Ultraviolet sensitivity in strigiforms
(Read about it: Vision Research)
Roles of competition and habitat in occupancy dynamics of Strix occidentalis caurina
(Read about it: Ecological Applications)
Phylogeny of Psittacula sensu lato
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Female and male plumage color signals aggression in Malurus amabilis
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Overland movement and migration phenology in relation to breeding of Sterna paradisaea
(Read about it: Ibis)
Avians from the Tielt
(Read about it: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen)
Factors affecting the vocalizations Corvus brachyrhynchos utter around food
(Read about it: Corvid Research)
Flight muscle protein damage during endurance flight is related to energy expenditure but not dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids in Setophaga coronata coronata
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Evolution of plumage brightness in furnariidans
(Read about it: Evolution)
High genetic diversity in Clanga clanga
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Early-life social environment predicts social network position in Taeniopgygia guttata
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Social parasitism as an alternative reproductive tactic in Crotophaga major
(Read about it: Nature)
Convergent adaptations to nocturnality between avians and mammals
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
High genetic diversity among breeding Lanius collurio
(Read about it: Diversity)
Taxonomic status of "Anabates pulvericolor"
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Fluorescent ornamentation in Cerorhinca monocerata
(Read about it: Ibis)
Sexual size dimorphism, prey morphology, and catch success in relation to flight mechanics in Falco peregrinus
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Spatial genetic structure of Neothraupis fasciata
(Read about it: Biotropica)
Feather arrays are patterned by interacting signalling and cell density waves
(Read about it: PLoS Biology)
Polygyny in oscines linked to accelerated song evolution but not to larger song repertoires
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Low genetic diversity in Notiomystis cincta
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Dietary niche shapes tempo and mode of cranial evolution in avians
(Read about it: DML)
A general role for the Piezo2 ion channel in tactile specialization of anatids
(Read about it: Cell Reports)
Comparative genomics of raptorial avians
(Read about it: DML)
Alleged threskiornithid from Eocene Antarctica reinterpreted
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Naranbulagornis khun
(Read about it: Synapsida)
Rainfall and temperature predict global color variation in passeriforms
(Read about it: Ecology Letters)
Flexible timing of annual movements across consistently used sites by Limosa fedoa beringiae
(Read about it: The Auk)
Rapid changes in nest illumination do not alter rejection behavior of brood parasite eggs in Acanthiza chrysorrhoa
(Read about it: The Auk)
Interseasonal movements and non-breeding locations of Onychoprion aleuticus
(Read about it: Marine Ornithology)
Post‐fledging interactions between Cuculus canorus and Phoenicurus phoenicurus
(Read about it: Ibis)
Phylogenetic position of Aptornis
(Read about it: Diversity)
Origin and biogeography of Turdus
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Divergent mitochondrial lineages arose within a large, panmictic population of Passerculus sandwichensis
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Sex-influenced flexible foraging strategy in Fregata magnificens
(Read about it: Marine Ecology Progress Series)
Social learning about construction behavior in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Animal Cognition)
Mitochondrial genome of Emberiza elegans and Emberiza leucocephala
(Read about it: Mitochondrial DNA Part B)
Syntactic rules in avian vocal sequences as a window into the evolution of compositionality
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Thermoregulatory function of casques in Casuarius casuarius
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Genetic basis of the loss of maternal care in icterids
(Read about it: Genes, Genomes, Genetics)
Review of paravian phylogeny
(Read about it: DML)
Sex-specific patterns of senescence in Sula granti linked to mating system
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Eocene avians from the Okanagan Highlands
(Read about it: DML)
Variation in multicomponent recognition cues alters egg rejection decisions in Mimus saturninus
(Read about it: Science News)
Higher-level pattern features inform Prinia subflava in recognizing and rejecting parasitic eggs
(Read about it: Science News)
Population processes driving genetic divergence in Palearctic Buteo
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Plumage coloration follows Gloger's rule in Platycercus elegans
(Read about it: Journal of Biogeography)
Origin of Circus teauteensis and Hieraaetus moorei
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Introgression across a Sphyrapicus ruber and Sphyrapicus nuchalis hybrid zone
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
New avialans Eofringillirostrum boudreauxi and Eofringillirostrum parvulum
(Read about it: OpenWings Project)
New avialan Laurillardia smoleni
(Read about it: Historical Biology)
Corvus moneduloides use mental representations to solve metatool problems
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Evolution of the avian syrinx
(Read about it: DML)
Spatial cognition in Poecile gambeli
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Wintering distribution and habitat use of Setophaga kirtlandii
(Read about it: Endangered Species Research)
New oviraptorosaur Gobiraptor minutus
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Speciation rate is independent of the rate of morphological evolution in avians
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
Raw material selectivity in Corvus moneduloides during tool making
(Read about it: DML)
Breeding status influences timing but not duration of molt in Fulmarus glacialis
(Read about it: Ibis)
New avialan Eudyptes warhami
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Standing genetic variation as the predominant source for adaptation in Sinosuthora webbiana
(Read about it: DML)
Reevaluation of isolated "Archaeopteryx" feather
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Genetic structure of Henicorhina leucophrys
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Elevational differentiation accelerates trait evolution but not speciation rates in Amazonian passeriforms
(Read about it: Ecology Letters)
Three-dimensional architecture of the pectoral muscles in Sturnus vulgaris
(Read about it: Integrative Organismal Biology)
Presence, activity, and habitat choice of Sarothrura ayresi
(Read about it: Bird Conservation International)
Learning-by-consequence foraging model of Amazona guatemalae
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Neural activation in response to conspecific songs in Taeniopygia guttata embryos and nestlings
(Read about it: NeuroReport)
Role of female social feedback in song learning by Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Science News)
Characterization of a fossil feather from the Crato
(Read about it: DML)
Diet of Pterodroma incerta during non-breeding season
(Read about it: Marine Ornithology)
Feathered enantiornithine foot in amber
(Read about it: Theropoda, Laelaps)
Mitochondrial genome of Tetrao urogallus
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Molecular evolution of feathers in maniraptors
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Genomic regions of speciation and adaptation in tetraonines
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Interspecific aggression among oscines on a tropical elevational gradient
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Photoluminescence in the bill of Fratercula arctica
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Rapid adjustment of pecking trajectory to prism-induced visual shifts in Corvus macrorhynchos compared to Columba livia
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
New avialan Shangyang graciles
(Read about it: DML)
Genomic features potentially involved in the evolution of paradisaeids
(Read about it: GigaScience)
Conspicuous plumage does not increase predation risk in malurids
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
Food allocation and feeding behaviors of Spheniscus magellanicus
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Little variation in heart structure of avians
(Read about it: DML)
Multiple parasitism reduces egg rejection of Cuculus canorus by Acrocephalus arundinaceus
(Read about it: Journal of Comparative Psychology)
How the observed color of Tersina viridis changes with viewing geometry
(Read about it: Optik)
Seasonal differences in immune function better explained by environment than annual cycle stage in Pycnonotus barbatus
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Delimitation of call types of Loxia curvirostra
(Read about it: Écoscience)
Functional relations between body mass and risk-taking behavior in Parus major
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Phylogeographic variation within Syndactyla rufosuperciliata
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Foraging behavior of juvenile Aptenodytes forsteri
(Read about it: Marine Ecology Progress Series)
Individuality of foraging behavior in Phalacrocorax aristotelis
(Read about it: Marine Ecology Progress Series)
Review of avian emotions
(Read about it: DML)
Diversification of trogonids
(Read about it: Ibis)
Sex-specific effects of testosterone on vocal output in Manacus vitellinus
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Cranial osteology of Beipiaosaurus inexpectus
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeography of Merops apiaster
(Read about it: Diversity)
Gene flow and genetic divergence across the southwestern range of Certhia familiaris
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Contrasting divergence across an environmental barrier in Neotropical avians
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Female Melopsittacus undulatus prefer problem-solving males
(Read about it: Science)
New avialan Conflicto antarcticus
(Read about it: Synapsida)
Corvus moneduloides infer weight of objects from observing their movements in a breeze
(Read about it: Nature Research Highlights, New Scientist)
Resetting of the annual cycle in Tachycineta bicolor
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Flight activity in Apus pallidus during non-breeding period
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Intensity and timing of avian migration over the Gulf of Mexico
(Read about it: Global Change Biology)
Evolutionary dynamics of hybridization and introgression in Plegadis falcinellus
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
New avialan Zygodactylus ochlurus
(Read about it: DML)
Feather quality in Riparia riparia
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Geographic patterns of mtDNA and Z-linked sequence variation in Phylloscopus collybita
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Recent advances in understanding trochilid drinking mechanics and bill morphology
(Read about it: Integrative Organismal Biology)
Early-life telomere length predicts lifespan and reproductive success in Malurus coronatus
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Review of avian tracks from the Yacoraite
(Read about it: DML)
Neural activation in response to conspecific songs in Taeniopygia guttata embryos and nestlings
(Read about it: NeuroReport)
Phylogenetic affinities of Calcardea junnei
(Read about it: Journal of Paleontology)
Age estimation of Ardenna tenuirostris
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology Resources)
New genus Paludicolaptes for the "Dendroplex" picus species group
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Effect of barriers and distance on divergence in Thryorchilus browni
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Population genetics of the last Coracias garrulus in Austria
(Read about it: Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research)
Highly differentiated genetic cluster of Accipiter gentilis in Haida Gwaii
(Read about it: Evolutionary Applications)
Niche affects lineage evolution differently across latitude in Sitta europaea
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Synchronization of speed, sound and iridescent color in the courtship dive of Selasphorus platycercus
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Protoporphyrin content of Charadrius alexandrinus eggshells better predicted by fractal dimension of spottiness than by color
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Divergent foraging strategies in Pterodroma ultima
(Read about it: Marine Biology)
Rachis-dominated feathers preserved in amber
(Read about it: Science News)
Little aerodynamic force generated by the wings of Caudipteryx
(Read about it: DML)
Evolutionary links between multiple signaling traits in trochilids
(Read about it: Evolution)
Secondary flightlessness does not correlate with appreciable modification of brain anatomy in neornithines
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Development of avian forelimb position
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Expansion in geographical and morphological space drives diversification in corvidans
(Read about it: DML)
Anti-predator behavior by a nesting Amazilia tzacatl in response to a Oxytenis modestia larva
(Read about it: Ecology)
Interannual repeatability of eggshell phenotype in individual female Uria aalge
(Read about it: Canadian Journal of Zoology)
Genomic divergence in allopatric Cardinalis cardinalis linked to behavioral differentiation
(Read about it: Audubon News)
The evolutionary relationship between avian beak shape and feeding ecology
(Read about it: DML)
Expression of androgen signaling molecules and insulin-like growth factor-1 in skeletal muscles of Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii
(Read about it: Journal of Comparative Physiology A)
Migration routes and non-breeding staging sites of adult male Acrocephalus paludicola
(Read about it: Bird Conservation International)
Vane structure of avian primary feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Genomic basis of cognition and longevity in psittaciforms
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Review of the avian hybrid speciation continuum
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Medullary bone in an enantiornithine
(Read about it: DML)
Different rates of ageing in Zonotrichia albicollis between morphs with differing reproductive strategies
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Interspecific information on predation risk affects nest site choice in Ficedula hypoleuca
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
New specimen of Anomalopteryx didiformis
(Read about it: Historia Naturalis Bulgarica)
The buzz segment of Passerculus sandwichensis song is a population marker
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Contrasting phylogeographic pattern among Eudyptes around the Southern Ocean
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Quantification, temporal analysis, and influence of atmospheric conditions on a roost of Turdus migratorius
(Read about it: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Evolution)
Biomechanics of Pavo cristatus crests reveal frequencies tuned to social displays
(Read about it: Science News, The Atlantic)
Pleistocene glaciation explains disjunct distribution of Sitta nagaensis
(Read about it: Zoologica Scripta)
Enzymatic antioxidants but not baseline glucocorticoids mediate the reproduction-survival trade-off in Parus major
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Diving behavior of Ardenna creatopus
(Read about it: Marine Ornithology)
Oceanodroma castro colony in the Hawaiian Islands
(Read about it: Marine Ornithology)
Tyto alba from the Rising Star Cave
(Read about it: South African Journal of Science)
Divergence in Aphelocoma unicolor
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Phylogeny of Hylopezus and Myrmothera
(Read about it: Zoological Scripta)
Avian extinctions from the Late Pleistocene and Holocene of Timor Leste
(Read about it: Quaternary Science Reviews)
Type locality of Ploceus philippinus
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Evolutionary history of Anthus correndera
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Evolution of correlated complexity in the courtship signals of paradisaeids
(Read about it: PLoS Biology)
Genetic basis of bill size in Pyrenestes ostrinus
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Development of the avian skull Junco hyemalis oreganus
(Read about it: DML)
Biomechanics of foraging flight in Apus apus
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Genome‐wide signals of drift and local adaptation during rapid lineage divergence in Junco hyemalis oreganus
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Patterns of microchromosome organization in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Wing morphology, flight type, and migration distance predict accumulated fuel load in avians
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Microraptorian tracks from the Jinju
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Effect of geomagnetic field on migratory activity in Prunella modularis
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Significant Asia‐Europe divergence in Dendrocoptes medius
(Read about it: Zoologica Scripta)
Thermoregulation in rapidly-growing Gallus gallus domesticus compromised by constraints on radiative and convective cooling performance
(Read about it: Journal of Thermal Biology)
New avialans Gettyia gloriae and Mirarce eatoni
(Read about it: The Historian Himself)
Relationship between social rank and spatial learning in Phasianus colchicus
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Cellular and molecular evidence that avian scutate scales were derived from feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Molecular systematics of Hylexetastes
(Read about it: Ibis)
Status signalling as an explanation of individual variation in Passer domesticus challenged
(Read about it: eLife)
Parallel plumage color evolution and introgressive hybridization in Oenanthe
(Read about it: Journal of Evolutionary Biology)
Genetic structure among Charadrius in Africa
(Read about it: Ibis)
No evidence for sibling or parent-offspring coadaptation in Cyanistes caeruleus
(Read about it: Evolution)
Population genetics of hybridizing Dendrocopos major and Dendrocopos syriacus
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Autumn migration and wintering site of Phylloscopus sibilatrix
(Read about it: Animal Biotelemetry)
Evolution of iridescent feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Reduced song complexity in founder populations of Acridotheres tristis
(Read about it: Ibis)
Baseline blood glucose concentration coevolves with life history traits in oscines
(Read about it: Functional Ecology)
Cacatua goffiniana adjust the lengths but not the widths of their tools
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Social eavesdropping allows for a more risky gliding strategy in Gyps
(Read about it: Journal of the Royal Society Interface)
Three-species hybrid between Vermivora chrysoptera, Vermivora cyanoptera, and Setophaga pensylvanica
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Inclusive fitness consequences of dispersal decisions in Aegithalos caudatus
(Read about it: PNAS)
Plumage patterns of Confuciusornis
(Read about it: DML)
Sensory ecology of aepyornithiforms
(Read about it: DML)
A dynamics and stability framework for avian jumping take-off
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Eggshell pigmentation widespread in pennaraptors
(Read about it: Science News)
Differential sperm‐egg interactions in experimental pairings between two subspecies of Poephila acuticauda
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Taxonomy of Brachypteryx montana
(Read about it: Avian Research)
Physiological constraint on acrobatic courtship behavior underlies speciation in Manacus
(Read about it: eLife)
Combinatorial neural inhibition for stimulus selection across space in Tyto alba
(Read about it: Cell Reports)
Breeding activity of Streptoprocne zonaris on Hispaniola
(Read about it: Journal of Caribbean Ornithology)
Postcopulatory sexual selection reduces Z-linked genetic variation in passerines
(Read about it: Heredity)
Prenatal sound discrimination positively correlates with song complexity in Malurus cyaneus
(Read about it: BMC Zoology)
Dating the origin of telluravians
(Read about it: DML)
Hormonal correlates of molt phenology in Ramphocelus carbo
(Read about it: Frontiers in Zoology)
Multiple intra‐tropical migrations in Apus pallidus
(Read about it: Oikos)
Senses used for detecting food by scavenging avians
(Read about it: Animal Cognition)
Mitochondrial genome of Ardea insignis
(Read about it: Mitochondrial DNA Part B)
Survival of Poecile montanus
(Read about it: Ornis Norvegica)
New avialan Orienantius ritteri
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Archaeopteryx albersdoerferi
(Read about it: DML)
Compound tool construction by Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Temporal activity patterns of avian predators and prey across broad geographic scales
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Rearing Cuculus canorus is not extra costly for Phoenicurus phoenicurus
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Testing of the European Pleistocene refugial paradigm with Prunella modularis
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Estimating apparent survival of Catharus ustulatus crossing the Gulf of Mexico during fall migration
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Migratory connectivity in Lanius ludovicianus
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Universal nuclear protein-coding loci markers for avians
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
New avialan Phylloscopus rotiensis
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Simulating the ontogeny of wing-assisted incline running in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Identification and characterization of the Taeniopygia guttata sperm proteome
(Read about it: Journal of Proteomics)
Morphology and geography predict the use of heat conservation behaviors in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Size and shape correlation of the avian pelvis and egg
(Read about it: DML)
Central-periphery gradient of individual quality within a colony of Chroicocephalus ridibundus
(Read about it: Ibis)
Preserved lung tissue in Archaeorhynchus spathula
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Role of sexual imprinting in assortative mating and premating isolation in Geospiza
(Read about it: PNAS)
Consistent individual and sex-specific differences in behavior of Cuculus canorus chicks
(Read about it: Behaviour)
Gyps respond to challenges of near-ground thermal soaring by varying bank angle
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Clade‐specific evolutionary diversification along ontogenetic major axes in avian limb skeleton
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of multi-modal signals in avians
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Diversification of Todiramphus chloris and Todiramphus sanctus
(Read about it: EcoEvo@TCD)
Marine avians from the Pleistocene of Japan
(Read about it: Historical Biology)
Migratory route choice in Phylloscopus trochilus yakutensis
(Read about it: Movement Ecology)
Male and female Sialia sialis sing statistically equivalent songs
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Origin of Atlantisia rogersi
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Phylogeny of timaliids and kin
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
The avian hippocampus in the context of evolutionary connectomics
(Read about it: DML)
Origins of "Mascarenotus"
(Read about it: Journal of Biogeography)
Ancestrally duplicated mitogenome region in psittaciforms
(Read about it: Molecular Biology and Evolution)
Evolution of iris color in strigiforms
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Emotional responses to conspecific distress calls are modulated by affiliation in Nymphicus hollandicus
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Avian eggshell from the Brule
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Population genomics of Plectrophenax hyperboreus and Plectrophenax nivalis
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Passerculus sandwichensis learn songs from experimental vocal tutors
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Genetic basis of head color polymorphism in Erythrura gouldiae
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Audience promotes multimodal courtship display in Uraeginthus cyanocephalus
(Read about it: Science Advances)
Year-round flight behavior of Acrocephalus arundinaceus and Upupa epops
(Read about it: Movement Ecology)
Effect of long-term atmospheric changes on avialan evolution
(Read about it: DML)
Personality shapes pair bonding in Parus major
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Size dimorphism does not explain sexual segregation in Phasianus colchicus
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Morphological adaptations for relatively large brains in trochilid skulls
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
New avialan Vorombe titan
(Read about it: Laelaps)
New avialan Oreotrochilus cyanolaemus
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Similar hybrid composition among different age and sex classes in the Setophaga coronata coronata x Setophaga coronata auduboni hybrid zone
(Read about it: The Auk)
Influence of early-life nutritional stress on memory formation in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Genetic basis for variation in melanic plumage coloration in Junco hyemalis
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
New avialan Jinguofortis perplexus
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Novelty of the avian syrinx
(Read about it: DML)
Formation of striped patterns in galliforms
(Read about it: Science)
Gastric pellets in Anchiornis
(Read about it: DML)
Gut microbiome of Geospiza septentrionalis
(Read about it: Microbiome)
Innate development of acoustic signals for host parent–offspring recognition in Molothrus rufoaxillaris
(Read about it: Ibis)
Weight regulation in passerines
(Read about it: Trends in Ecology and Evolution)
Seasonal abundance and survival of migratory avians in North America
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Subordinate Malurus coronatus foster strong bonds with relatives and potential mates
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Strength of migratory connectivity for avians en route to breeding through the Gulf of Mexico
(Read about it: Ecography)
Low survival of strongly footed Phasianus colchicus
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Diel fledging patterns among grassland passerines
(Read about it: The Auk)
Preservation of feathers in Shuvuuia deserti
(Read about it: DML)
Prohibitive costs of ejecting brood parasite eggs in Spiza americana
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Evolution of parental activity in avians shaped by the risk of nest predation and ambient temperature
(Read about it: Evolution)
Primary molt in gruiforms
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Comparison of genomic islands of differentiation across young avian species pairs
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Reflection of near-infrared light confers thermal protection in avians
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Visual attention of Columba livia
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Killing kinematics in Lanius ludovicianus
(Read about it: The Atlantic, Science News, Audubon News)
Endocrine bases of defense against avian brood parasites
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Feather growth rate increases with latitude in Neotropical avians
(Read about it: The Auk)
Overlap and selection of dust-bathing sites in sympatric galliforms
(Read about it: The Auk)
Accurately quantifying the shape of avian eggs
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Molothrus ater use consistent cognitive strategies for nest prospecting and foraging tasks
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Commentary on the origin of avian flight
(Read about it: DML)
Historical demography of Hirundo rustica
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Colonization of terrestrial habitat "islands" by Phylloscopus trochilus
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
High resolution but low contrast sensitivity in the color vision of Parabuteo unicinctus
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Long-range dispersal in Eudyptes pachyrhynchus during their pre-molt period
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Development of pseudoteeth in pelagornithids
(Read about it: DML)
Small caenagnathid from the Horseshoe Canyon
(Read about it: DML)
Hormonal responses of Turdus merula to non-mimetic eggs
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology)
Plotopterid from the Jinnobaru
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Genomic structure of Mixornis gularis
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
New alvarezsaurs Bannykus wulatensis and Xiyunykus pengi
(Read about it: DML)
Economic decision-making in psittaciforms
(Read about it: New Scientist)
The pyriform egg of Uria aalge is more stable on sloping surfaces
(Read about it: Science News)
Effect of future reproduction on cooperative behavior in avians
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Facial display in Ara ararauna
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Correlates of rate heterogeneity in avian ecomorphological traits
(Read about it: Ecology Letters)
Incubation period of Troodon formosus
(Read about it: DML)
Swimming kinematics and turning strategies in Gavia immer
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Evolution of egg shape in avians
(Read about it: Ibis)
Relatedness within and between leks of Manacus vitellinus differ between sexes and age classes
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Evidence of globuli ossei in Delphinornis arctowskii
(Read about it: Historical Biology)
Impacts of Hurricane Matthew on the demography of Haematopus palliatus
(Read about it: Ecosphere)
Migration strategies of Clanga clanga x Clanga pomarina hybrids
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Prevalent transoceanic fall migration by Dolichonyx oryzivorus
(Read about it: The Auk)
In Taeniopygia guttata, learning auditory discriminations from observation is efficient but less robust than learning from experience
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Phasianus colchicus slow to reverse a learned association survive for longer in the wild
(Read about it: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B)
Stress hormones, social associations and song learning in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B)
Heritabilities and co-variation among cognitive traits in Gallus gallus
(Read about it: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B)
Local extinctions of avians on Tristan da Cunha
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Breakdown of brain–body allometry and the encephalization of avians (and mammals)
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Rufous Cuculus canorus chicks are not always female
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Genomic population structure aligns with vocal dialects in Probosciger aterrimus
(Read about it: Emu)
Effects of temperature on the timing of breeding and molt transitions in Haemorhous mexicanus
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Review of the relationship between latitude, migration, and avian song complexity
(Read about it: Ibis)
Endocranial anatomy of oviraptorosaurs
(Read about it: DML)
Male Thryophilus rufalbus use duets and physical behaviours to guard mates
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Ecology and breeding biology of Malurus amabilis
(Read about it: Emu)
Characterizing partial migration of Corvus brachyrhynchos
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Non-passeriform avians from the Pleistocene of northeast Japan
(Read about it: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica)
Morphological variation in Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Signatures of human-commensalism in the genome of Passer domesticus
(Read about it: Audubon News, Science News, BBC Earth)
Genetic map of the Struthio camelus Z chromosome
(Read about it: Genome Biology and Evolution)
Genomic and plumage variation in a hybrid zone between Platycercus adscitus and Platycercus eximius
(Read about it: Heredity)
New avialan Yangavis confucii
(Read about it: DML)
Association of therizinosaur and hadrosaur tracks in the Cantwell
(Read about it: DML)
Food diversity of Psittacus timneh in the Bijagós archipelago
(Read about it: African Journal of Ecology)
Quantitative genetics in Myiopsitta monachus
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Malurus cyaneus learn to recognize heterospecific alarm calls by acoustic association
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Categorical perception of color signals in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Nature)
Habitat associations and abundance of Loxia sinesciuris
(Read about it: The Condor)
Combined measurements of prey availability explain habitat selection in marine avians
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Role of Amazonian rivers in the generation and maintenance of avian diversity
(Read about it: Science Advances)
Genome assembly of Corvus hawaiiensis
(Read about it: Nature Research Highlights)
Evidence for sexual conflict over major histocompatibility complex diversity in Acrocephalus arundinaceus
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Responses of Cyanocitta cristata to raptorial avians that differ in predatory threat
(Read about it: Avian Biology Research)
Basicranial soft tissue anatomy of Nothronychus mckinleyi
(Read about it: DML)
Gating-related activity in a syringeal muscle allows the reconstruction of Taeniopygia guttata song
(Read about it: Chaos)
Sex‐biased gene expression in Ficedula albicollis
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Previously unrecognized vascular trait of the middle ear in cold-adapted oscines
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Increased egg–nest visual contrast does not induce egg ejection in Sayornis phoebe
(Read about it: Journal of Comparative Psychology)
Plumage manipulation in Zonotrichia atricapilla only fools unfamiliar individuals
(Read about it: Ecology Letters)
Only natural local odours allow homeward orientation in Columba livia
(Read about it: Journal of Comparative Physiology A)
Coping with compliance during take-off and landing in Geopelia cuneata
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
New avialan Pandion pannonicus
(Read about it: Ornis Hungarica)
Coraciiform from the London Clay
(Read about it: DML)
Review of limb development in Gallus gallus
(Read about it: Genesis)
Anatomy of the forelimb musculature and ligaments in Psittacus erithacus
(Read about it: Journal of Anatomy)
Comparative morphology of the avian maxillary bone
(Read about it: DML)
Morphological analysis of avian egg shape in the context of displacement dynamics
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Recovery from stress response in Tachycineta bicolor
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Genetic drivers of plumage pattern diversity in Columba livia
(Read about it: eLife)
Solar-positional and behavioral effects on color appearance in Calypte costae during courtship
(Read about it: Ecology Letters)
Evidence for mtDNA capture in the Galbula leucogastra/chalcothorax species complex
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Sperm head morphology is associated with sperm swimming speed in passeridans
(Read about it: Evolution)
Tactile interactions between Corvus brachyrhynchos and dead conspecifics
(Read about it: Corvid Research, The Atlantic, Audubon News)
Multiple introgression events among Andean Spinus
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Review of factors correlated with diet in Neotropical psittaciforms
(Read about it: Ibis)
Leaf-slicing behavior in Pionus menstruus as selective insectivory
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Melanerpes formicivorus recognize associations between individuals in other groups
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Brief acute glucocorticoid exposure has sustained effects on reproduction in Tachycineta bicolor
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Phalacrocorax perspicillatus was a relict
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Environmental drivers of Tyrannus migration
(Read about it: The Auk)
Phylogeny of Chaetura
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Variance in glucocorticoid hormones and speciation rates in avians
(Read about it: Integrative and Comparative Biology)
Evidence of sociality in the timing and location of foraging in Morus serrator
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Large dromaeosaurid tooth from the Tar Heel
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Cinclosoma elachum
(Read about it: DML)
Large Eudromia from the late Pleistocene of Argentina
(Read about it: DML)
Visual discrimination of polymorphic nestlings in Gerygone flavolateralis
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Fossilized eggshell cuticle from alvarezsaurids and oviraptorids
(Read about it: DML)
Understanding the agility of running avians
(Read about it: DML)
Avians from the late Pleistocene of Basque Country
(Read about it: Historical Biology)
Interspecific aggression directed by Corvus brachyrhynchos and Corvus caurinus toward Corvus corax
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Genetic mating system of Morus serrator
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Coordinated misdirection as an anti-nest predation behavior in Neotropical avians
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Year‐round movements of sympatric Oceanodroma furcata and Oceanodroma leucorhoa
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
Convergent evolution in brain circuits in psittaciforms and primates
(Read about it: DML)
Host species determines egg size in Cuculus optatus
(Read about it: Journal of Zoology)
Flight altitude and stopover elevation in migrating Acrocephalus arundinaceus and Lanius collurio
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Mental template matching as a potential cultural transmission mechanism for tool manufacturing traditions in Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Genetic structure of Passerina ciris
(Read about it: Ibis)
New avialan Pelecanoides whenuahouensis
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Conventional and molecular analysis of the diet of Pygoscelis papua
(Read about it: Polar Biology)
High level of self-control ability in Parus major
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology)
Phylogenetic position of Foro panarium
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Zygodactylus grandei
(Read about it: DML)
Sexual segregation by space and time in Phasianus colchicus
(Read about it: Ibis)
Gait alterations associated with domestication in Meleagris gallopavo
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Evolution of vocal mimicry in oscines
(Read about it: DML)
Time‐selected last leg of migration in Ficedula albicollis
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Age and performance at fledging are cause and consequence of passeriform juvenile mortality between life stages
(Read about it: Science News, Audubon News)
Cultural conformity generates extremely stable traditions in song of Melospiza georgiana
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Cranial morphology of Sinovenator changii
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of a mobile tongue in avialans and other ornithodirans
(Read about it: Laelaps)
New avialan Dicrurus occidentalis
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Species-specific auditory forebrain responses to non-learned vocalizations in juvenile Agelaius phoeniceus
(Read about it: Brain, Behavior, and Evolution)
Georeferenced sighting and specimen occurrence data of Conuropsis carolinensis from 1564-1944
(Read about it: Biodiversity Data Journal)
Tempo and timing of ecological trait divergence in avian speciation
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Macroecological dynamics of species coexistence in avians
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Review of avian prenatal auditory stimulation
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology)
Perceptual and chemical bases of egg discrimination in Crotophaga major
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Transgressive phenotypes and evidence of weak postzygotic isolation in Sporophila hybrids
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Ontogeny of the avian tail
(Read about it: DML)
Evidence of genetic structure in Vultur gryphus
(Read about it: Diversity and Distributions)
Individual repeatability and heritability of divorce in Melospiza melodia
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Phylogeny of Antilophia and Chiroxiphia
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Experimental subaqueous burial of avian carcasses
(Read about it: DML)
Review of evidence for cultural evolution in avians
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Genomic data distinguish Colaptes auratus taxa despite low levels of divergence
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Ontogeny of foraging behavior of Morus bassanus
(Read about it: Journal of the Royal Society Interface)
Recognition of nestlings by Gerygone magnirostris selects for mimetic chicks in Chalcites minutillus
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
High-altitude colonization in Oxyura jamaicensis
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Avialan egg from the Allen
(Read about it: DML)
Hindlimb bone maturation in Rhea americana
(Read about it: DML)
Mitochondrial divergence between Otis tarda dybowskii and Otis tarda tarda
(Read about it: Journal of Heredity)
Picid drumming behavior linked to elevated expression of genes that encode calcium handling proteins in neck musculature
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Homoplasy-free numt insertions in avian genomes
(Read about it: Molecular Biology and Evolution)
Taxonomic revision of confuciusornithiforms
(Read about it: The Theropod Database Blog)
Male age associated with extra-pair paternity but not extra-pair mating behavior in Passer domesticus
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Taxonomic status of Buteo jamaicensis harlani
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Survey of bony cranial protuberances in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Redescription of Hulsanpes perlei
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Bent feathers recover shape and strength in water
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Collective migratory patterns in Ciconia ciconia
(Read about it: Science)
Preserved skin ultrastructure in Cretaceous maniraptors
(Read about it: Lost Worlds Revisited)
Developmental constraints in avian coloration
(Read about it: Trends in Ecology and Evolution)
New avialan Panraogallus hezhengensis
(Read about it: DML)
Global deforestation at the K-Pg as factor in differential survival in Cretaceous avialans
(Read about it: The Atlantic, Audubon News, All About Birds, Science News, Nature Research Highlights)
Morphogenesis and development of feathers in Anas platyrhynchos domesticus
(Read about it: BMC Genomics)
Extreme drought alters frequency and reproductive success in Empidonax traillii extimus floaters
(Read about it: The Auk)
Ligamentous constraints on avian hip mobility
(Read about it: DML)
Tooth loss as a possible adaptation for shortened incubation times in maniraptors and other dinosaurs
(Read about it: DML)
Age‐related changes in the gut microbiota of Passer domesticus nestlings
(Read about it: Ibis)
Scaling of avian bipedal locomotion
(Read about it: DML)
Fear‐based niche shifts in neotropical avians
(Read about it: Ecology)
Optimal propagule size for Passer domesticus in a fluctuating environment
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Song recognition and heterospecific associations between Malurus lamberti and Malurus splendens
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Behavioral isolation and incipient speciation in avians
(Read about it: Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics)
Visual field shape and foraging ecology in raptorial avians
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Incubation behavior of oviraptorosaurs in relation to body size
(Read about it: Nature Research Highlights)
Body temperatures of breeding Poecile palustris reach nearly lethal levels
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Multimodal sensory configuration influences mate choice in female Molothrus ater
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Choreography of song and dance in Psarocolius montezuma
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Habitat use by Porzana carolina during fall migration
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Inbreeding depression does not fully explain infidelity in Malurus cyaneus
(Read about it: Evolution)
Relative salience of syllable structure and syllable order in the song of Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Animal Cognition)
Evolution of nest characters in avians
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Breeding plumage as a reliable signal of innate immunity in Limosa limosa
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Biogeographic origins of geospizins
(Read about it: Lost Worlds Revisited)
Caller characteristics influence recruitment to mobbing events in Corvus monedula
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Synchronisation of parental behaviors reduces the risk of nest predation in Sylvia atricapilla
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Comparison of Bambusicola thoracicus and Gallus gallus genomes
(Read about it: BMC Genomics)
Development of activity rates in Spiza americana
(Read about it: Behaviour)
Energy efficiency drives avian migration
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
How body mass and winds shape avian flight behaviors across a North American migratory flyway
(Read about it: Ecology Letters)
New avialan Vanellus liffyae
(Read about it: Emu)
Male and female signaling behavior varies seasonally during territorial interactions in Basileuterus rufifrons
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology)
Extinct megapodes as builders of gravel mounds in inland Australia
(Read about it: Australian Journal of Earth Sciences)
Assembly of the avian body plan
(Read about it: DML)
Complete skull of Ichthyornis dispar
(Read about it: Science News)
Difference in avian responses to Cuculus parasitism in western and eastern Beringia
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
Epigenetic regulation of transcriptional plasticity associated with developmental song learning in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Widespread movements from breeding to molting grounds in North American avians
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Genetics of social behavior in Gallus gallus
(Read about it: Genetics)
Avians from the late Pleistocene of Azerbaijan
(Read about it: Vestnik Zoologii)
Genomic insights into aquatic adaptation in Gavia immer
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
New specimen of Citipati osmolskae
(Read about it: DML)
Feeding mechanics of predatory coelurosaurs (including maniraptors)
(Read about it: Pseudoplocephalus, Laelaps)
Fraternal polyandry and clannish spatial organization in Rhynochetos jubatus
(Read about it: Nature Research Highlights)
Demographic causes of adult sex ratio variation and consequences for parental cooperation in Charadrius
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Biological responses of Aethia cristatella and Aethia pusilla to volcanic destruction of nesting habitat
(Read about it: The Auk)
Areas of endemism of trochilids in the Andean and Neotropical regions
(Read about it: Zoologia)
Group size but not whole-clutch egg color contributes to ovicide in Crotophaga ani
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Potential for local adaptation in Passer italiae
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
Morphometrics of skull shape in accipitrids
(Read about it: DML)
Redescription of Madrynornis mirandus
(Read about it: DML)
Sandcoleids from the Messel
(Read about it: DML)
Characteristics determining host suitability for Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Rise and fall of an ancient Pygoscelis adeliae supercolony
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Dinornithiforms did not disperse large seeds
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Trade-off between molt and parental care in Setophaga citrina
(Read about it: The Auk)
Thick eggshells of Molothrus protect their eggs and damage host eggs during laying
(Read about it: Science News)
Evolutionary history of Meleagris gallopavo in Mexico
(Read about it: Genetics Selection Evolution)
Courtship display of Lophorina niedda
(Read about it: Audubon News, All About Birds)
Evolution of male and female songs in Thryophilus rufalbus
(Read about it: Journal of Evolutionary Biology)
Strategic acoustic control of courtship dive in male Calypte costae
(Read about it: The Atlantic, Nature News)
Stooping at high speed increases maneuverability in Falco peregrinus
(Read about it: Science News, Audubon News)
Genetic structure of European breeding populations of Emberiza hortulana
(Read about it: Conservation Genetics)
Habitat preference and dive behavior of non‑breeding Aptenodytes forsteri
(Read about it: Marine Ecology Progress Series)
New avialan Rallus gracilipes
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Evolution of display complexity in paradisaeids
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Stable social relationships between unrelated females increase individual fitness in Crotophaga major
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Mesotocin influences Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus prosociality
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Cranial morphology of Confuciusornis sanctus
(Read about it: DML)
Multiple parallel deinonychosaur trackways from the Tianjialou
(Read abut it: DML)
Evolution of immunity in relation to colonization and migration in passeriforms
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Diversification dynamics of Neotropical furnariids
(Read about it: Evolution)
Diet of sympatrically breeding Merops bullockoides and Merops nubicoides
(Read about it: Ostrich)
Enantiornithine coracoids from the Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan
(Read about it: DML)
Genetic diversity and drivers of dwarfism in extinct island Dromaius populations
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Phylogeny of neoavians
(Read about it: DML)
Pleistocene land bridges act as semipermeable agents of passeriform gene flow in Wallacea
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Teeth account for negligible proportion of body mass in Mesozoic avialans
(Read about it: DML)
Colour polymorphism in strigiforms linked to light variability
(Read about it: Oecologia)
Eggshell pigmentation predicts hatching success and offspring sex ratio in Hirundo rustica rustica
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Within‐clutch variance in incubation temperature of Aix sponsa eggs
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
The Rocky Mountains as a dispersal barrier between Tyto alba populations
(Read about it: Journal of Biogeography)
Nanostructure, osteopontin, and mechanical properties of avian eggshell
(Read about it: Science Advances)
Interspecific competition promotes habitat and morphological divergence in Luscinia luscinia and Luscinia megarhynchos
(Read about it: Journal of Evolutionary Biology)
Expression patterns of cryptochrome genes in avian retina suggest involvement of Cry4 in magnetoreception
(Read about it: Journal of the Royal Society Interface)
Postcranial anatomy of Buitreraptor gonzalezorum
(Read about it: DML)
Hybrids between Poecile atricapillus and Poecile carolinensis are deficient in learning and memory
(Read about it: Audubon News)
New avialan Proardea? deschutteri
(Read about it: DML)
Dietary preferences of Platalea leucorodia leucorodia in the Wadden Sea
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
New oviraptorosaur Anomalipes zhaoi
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Melanin coloration variation in relation to sex and sunlight exposure in Gyps fulvus
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
Temporal variation in the effects of individual and environmental factors on nest success in Melospiza melodia
(Read about it: The Auk)
Avians from the Pleistocene of the Bahamas
(Read about it: The Auk)
Benefits of delayed dispersal in Turdoides bicolor
(Read about it: Journal of Animal Ecology)
Familiarity recognition of conspecific calls in Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: Behavioural Processes)
Genetic structure and helping decisions in Aegithalos caudatus
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Validity of "Pogoniulus makawai"
(Read about it: Ibis)
Energy allocation and behaviour in growing Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Divergence in problem-solving skills associated with differential expression of glutamate receptors in thraupids
(Read about it: Science)
Dietary habits of Mesozoic avialans
(Read about it: DML)
Diurnal mass gain and foraging strategies in wintering Parus major
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Wing bone geometry supports active flapping flight in Archaeopteryx
(Read about it: DML)
Corvus corax food calls indicate sender’s age and sex
(Read about it: Frontiers in Zoology)
Phylogeny of tytonids
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
New avialan Kischinskinia scandens
(Read about it: Paleontological Journal)
Diversification of Myiothlypis coronata along the Andes
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Nest defense intensity in Lanius collurio
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Three-dimensional orientation of vascular canals and cross-sectional geometry of cortical bone in avians
(Read about it: Journal of Anatomy)
Mating system in Gerygone flavolateralis in relation to brood parasitism by Chalcites lucidus
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Age effects on survival of Amazon forest avians
(Read about it: The Auk)
Morphologically cryptic Amazonian avian species pairs exhibit strong postzygotic reproductive isolation
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Variation in avian egg shape and nest structure explained by climatic conditions
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
New juvenile enantiornithine specimen
(Read about it: DML)
Evidence of salt glands in Iteravis huchzermeyeri
(Read about it: DML)
Florisuga fusca vocalize above known avian hearing range
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Identification of archaeological avian eggshell using peptide markers
(Read about it: STAR)
Annual cycle of Chordeiles minor
(Read about it: Canadian Journal of Zoology)
Genomic evidence of speciation reversal in Corvus corax
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Early social experience alters transcriptomic responses to species-specific song stimuli in female Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Behavioural Brain Research)
New alvarezsaur Qiupanykus zhangi
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Phalangeal joints kinematics in Struthio camelus during locomotion on sand
(Read about it: DML)
New avialans Litorallus livezeyi and Priscaweka parvales
(Read about it: DML)
Inferred egg size of Mesozoic avialans suggests absence of contact incubation
(Read about it: DML)
Body size reduction in Rhynochetos jubatus following colonization of New Caledonia by Homo sapiens
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogenetic position of Ara tricolor
(Read about it: Ibis)
Avians from the Paleocene of France
(Read about it: DML)
Relationship of beak bone curvature and overlying rhinotheca morphology in avians and other beaked amniotes
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Chenoanas asiatica
(Read about it: DML)
Avian fossil assemblages from the Pleistocene of the Rio Secco Cave
(Read about it: DML)
Flight style of Concornis lacustris and Eoalulavis hoyasi
(Read about it: DML)
Taxonomic composition and phylogenetic affinities of Vegaviidae
(Read about it: DML)
Influence of speed and size on avian terrestrial locomotion
(Read about it: DML)
Review of the status of Phoenicopterus ruber in Florida
(Read about it: The Condor)
Chromosomal diversity of tyrannids
(Read about it: Cytogenetic and Genome Research)
Picid drumming reveals how sexual selection elaborates signals that are under constraint
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Global elevational diversity of avians
(Read about it: Nature)
New avialan Newtonia lavarambo
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Function of mimicry of Picoides villosus by Picoides pubescens
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Phylogenetic and skeletal distribution of medullary bone in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Courtship and copulation in Larus glaucescens
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Infanticide in Spiza americana
(Read about it: The Wilson Journal of Ornithology)
Avians from the Pleistocene of Olduvai Gorge
(Read about it: Journal of Human Evolution)
New avialans Muriwaimanu tuatahi and Sequiwaimanu rosieae
(Read about it: DML)
Buphagus africana roost on mammalian hosts
(Read about it: African Journal of Ecology)
Novel visual fixation strategy in Sturnus vulgaris
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology)
A three-legged specimen of Spheniscus demersus
(Read about it: Marine Ornithology)
Neocortical association cell types in the forebrain of avians and other archosaurs
(Read about it: DML)
Social rank associated with spatial learning performance in Phasianus colchicus
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Troodont eggshell from the Horseshoe Canyon
(Read about it: DML)
Variation in the brightness of white feathers
(Read about it: The Science of Nature)
Sex chromosomes and speciation in avians
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Phylogenetic variation in avian heat tolerance
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Thermoregulation in Australian psittaciforms
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Rapid effects of estradiol on aggression depend on genotype in Zonotrichia albicollis
(Read about it: Hormones and Behavior)
Evolution of the CYP2J19 gene in avians
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Coprolites of dinornithiforms and Strigops habroptila
(Read about it: Science News, Lost Worlds Revisited)
Long-term change in the trophic ecology of Antrostomus vociferus
(Read about it: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution)
Maneuverability of trochilids
(Read about it: Science)
New specimens of Anchiornis huxleyi
(Read about it: DML)
Cognitive performance is linked to group size in Gymnorhina tibicen
(Read about it: Nature)
Vocal individuality in drumming in great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Color change in a structural ornament is related to individual quality in Cyanistes caeruleus
(Read about it: The Science of Nature)
Community assembly of passeriforms in the Ailao Mountains
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Avian eggshells from the El Collado Sandstone and Clay
(Read about it: DML)
No evidence that carotenoids boost immune or antioxidant defenses in Serinus canaria
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Tau accumulations in the brains of picids
(Read about it: Science News, Audubon News)
Anser anser adjust heart rates and body temperatures to season and reproductive context
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
New avialan Eogranivora edentulata
(Read about it: DML)
Juvenile enantiornithine preserved in amber
(Read about it: DML)
Mechanical power curve measured in the wake of Ficedula hypoleuca
(Read about it: Journal of the Royal Society Interface)
Spatial memory important for territorial ownership in Phaethornis longirostris
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Retention of flight-related adaptations in the avian finger-joint complex of Struthio camelus
(Read about it: DML)
Alarm calls evoke a visual search image of a predator in Parus minor
(Read about it: New Scientist)
New specimen of Archaeopteryx
(Read about it: Lost Worlds Revisited)
Sturnus vulgaris use acute vision to check on predators but not on conspecifics
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Testing social learning of anti-predator responses in juvenile Corvus monedula
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Maternal programming of offspring antipredator behavior in Larus michahellis
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Hook innovation boosts foraging efficiency in Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Population genetics of an island invasion by Cettia diphone
(Read about it: The Auk)
Predictors and consequences of nest-switching behavior in Hirundo rustica erythrogaster
(Read about it: The Auk)
Rapid expansion and diversification of fluvicolines
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Development of flight feathers
(Read about it: Zoological Letters)
New basal paravian Caihong juji
(Read about it: Laelaps, Audubon News)
Rate of telomere loss related to maximum lifespan in avians
(Read about it: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B)
Variation and constraints in Passer italiae hybrid genome formation
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Ecological drivers of song evolution in avians
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Climate not the main determinant of geographic range in North American avians
(Read about it: Global Ecology and Biogeography)
Bone histology of Mesozoic paravians
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Reevaluation of dentary strutures of caenagnathids
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Genomic islands of differentiation in Luscinia luscinia and Luscinia megarhynchos
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Night diving by Aptenodytes forsteri during breeding period
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Structural absorption by barbule microstructures of black paradisaeid feathers
(Read about it: The Atlantic, Audubon News)
Three-dimensional kinematics of avian take-off
(Read about it: The Science of Nature)
Hindlimb morphometrics of hesperornithines compared to extant diving avians
(Read about it: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology)
Egg features that predict egg rejection in Turdus migratorius
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Avialan fossils of the Cretaceous of Korea
(Read about it: DML)
Possible role of Cry4 in magnetoreception for Erithacus rubecula
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Intra-tropical movements as a beneficial strategy for migrating Acrocephalus arundinaceus
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Lowering prolactin reduces parental care in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Hormones and Behavior)
Phorusrhacids from the Dolores
(Read about it: DML)
Avian tracks from the Bada
(Read about it: DML)
Tonsala hildegardae from the Pysht
(Read about it: Geobios)
Geographic variation in the calls of Cistothorus palustris
(Read about it: The Auk)
Developmental origins of mosaicism in the avian skull
(Read about it: DML)
Hybrid speciation leads to novel male secondary sexual ornamentation in Lepidothrix vilasboasi
(Read about it: PNAS)
Avian tracks from the Early Cretaceous of Jiangsu Province
(Read about it: DML)
Preserved enantiornithine retina
(Read about it: DML)
Population-level plasticity in foraging behavior of Larus occidentalis
(Read about it: Movement Ecology)
Enantiornithine morphology and taxonomy
(Read about it: Paleontological Journal)
New troodont Almas ukhaa
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Individual variation in female visual systems alters perception of male signals in Molothrus ater
(Read about it: Biology Open)
New avialan Myrmoderus eowilsoni
(Read about it: The Auk)
Phylogenetic position of Camptorhynchus labradorius and Chendytes lawi
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
New avialan Kumimanu biceae
(Read about it: Science News)
Cretaceous ixodid found entangled in pennaceous feather
(Read about it: Science News)
Anatomical evidence for scent guided foraging in Cathartes aura
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Growth of dental tissues in therizinosaurs
(Read about it: DML)
Praeornis sharovi as a rachis-dominated feather
(Read about it: DML)
Neuronal signature of imitative learning in Melospiza georgiana
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Foraging limits of Accipiter henstii
(Read about it: Wildlife Society Bulletin)
New avialan Maaqwi cascadensis
(Read about it: DML)
Causes and consequences of tool shape variation in Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: Current Biology)
New dromaeosaurid Halszkaraptor escuilliei
(Read about it: Theropoda, The Atlantic, Audubon News, Science News)
Severe effect of the last interglacial climate change on East Asian avifauna
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Body mass estimation of Raphus cucullatus
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Rapid song divergence in Pogoniulus bilineatus subspecies
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Non-cortical magnitude coding of space and time by Columba livia
(Read about it: Current Biology)
New basal paravian Ostromia crassipes
(Read about it: DML)
Paranyroca from the Oligocene-Miocene of France
(Read about it: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen)
Evolutionary history of Goura
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Phylogeny of alcedinids
(Read about it: Journal of Biogeography)
Feather structure of Anchiornis
(Read about it: DML)
Pygoscelis adeliae colonization in east Antarctica following the last glacial-interglacial transition
(Read about it: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology)
Ecomorphological convergence in petroicids
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Gastroliths in Jeholornis
(Read about it: DML)
Rapid morphological change in Rostrhamus sociabilis associated with the invasion of Pomacea maculata
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Differences in avian fearfulness between sexes in relation to body size and color
(Read about it: Journal of Zoology)
Function of chick-carrying in Podiceps nigricollis
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Functional anatomy of the Gigantoraptor erlianensis mandible
(Read about it: DML)
Avialan tracks from the Gates
(Read about it: DML)
New genus Guyramemua for "Suiriri" affinis
(Read about it: Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research)
Rapid hybrid speciation in Geospiza
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Review of avian tolerance of brood parasites
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Aerobic performance of tinamids limited by small heart size
(Read about it: DML)
Regulatory modules involved in feather development
(Read about it: Lost Worlds Revisited)
Comparative analysis of avian vestibular ecomorphology
(Read about it: DML)
Multiple origins of secondary temporal fenestrae and orbitozygomatic junctions in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Natural selection shaped the rise and fall of genomic diversity in Ectopistes migratorius
(Read about it: The Atlantic, Science News)
Avian heart size associated with flight capacity
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Discrete circuits support generalized vs. context-specific vocal learning in Lonchura striata domestica
(Read about it: Neuron)
Supposed oviraptorosaur from the Santana reevaluated as a megaraptoran
(Read about it: DML)
Grus americana choose long-term partners years before breeding
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Sex-specific hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis sensitivity in Catharus ustulatus
(Read about it: Hormones and Behavior)
Difference in arrival date at breeding site predicts divorce in Cyanistes caeruleus
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Sounds made by flight feathers signal danger in Ochyphaps lophotes
(Read about it: Science News)
Shape-frame fitting during tool use in Cacatua goffiniana
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Return migration of Cuculus canorus breeding in Hungary
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Gene loci associated with plumage pigmentation in Setophaga coronata
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Molecular basis of tactile specialization in the bill of Anas platyrhynchos domesticus
(Read about it: Science News)
Compass orientation drives fledgling Calonectris leucomelas to cross mountain ranges
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Paravian egg from the Ilek
(Read about it: DML)
New data on the humerotriceps of sphenisciforms
(Read about it: DML)
Confuciusornithid from the Huajiying
(Read about it: DML)
Comparative hindlimb myology of foot-propelled swimming avians
(Read about it: DML)
Redescription of fossil avian track Koreanaornis anhuiensis
(Read about it: Journal of Palaeogeography)
Broad-scale recombination pattern Rhea americana
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
New oviraptorosaur Avimimus nemegtensis
(Read about it: DML)
Taeniopygia guttata learn song vocabulary independently of sequence
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Habitat explains variation in agonistic calls of Eudyptula minor
(Read about it: The Auk)
Sphenisciform cranium from the Submeseta
(Read about it: DML)
Mosaic genome evolution in Lonchura
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Allometric invariance in the mechanical structure of the avian egg
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Alvarezsaur from the Bissekty
(Read about it: DML)
Female-biased natal philopatry and brood parasitism in odontophorids and anseriforms
(Read about it: The Auk)
Female Junco hyemalis thurberi sing in territorial context
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Dispersal influences genetic and acoustic spatial structure in Thryophilus rufalbus
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Direct benefits explain helping behavior in some cooperatively-breeding avians
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Recent natural selection for long bills in Parus major
(Read about it: Science)
Biomechanical origin of extreme wing allometry in trochilids
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Ecological separation between Mesozoic avialans and pterosaurs
(Read about it: DML)
Preservation of uropygial gland lipids in an Eocene bird
(Read about it: DML)
Heterospecific eavesdropping in ant-following avians is a learned behavior
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Reconciliation and third-party affiliation in Corvus corone corone
(Read about it: Ethology)
Hesperornithines from the Late Cretaceous of Russia
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Junornis houi
(Read about it: Laelaps, Lost Worlds Revisited)
Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of large flightless neognaths
(Read about it: Laelaps, Lost Worlds Revisited)
Kinship and familiarity mitigate costs of social conflict in Acrocephalus sechellensis
(Read about it: PNAS)
Growth and bone fusion in Pterygornis dapingfangensis
(Read about it: DML)
Introductory whistle is sufficient for early song recognition by Zonotrichia atricapilla nestlings
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Phylogenetic position of Vegavis iaai
(Read about it: DML)
Biochemical basis of yellow feather pigmentation in Melopsittacus undulatus
(Read about it: Science News)
Complex song elicits aggression in Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae
(Read about it: New Scientist)
The Pliocene avifauna of Kanapoi
(Read about it: Journal of Human Evolution)
Geographic variation in the display call of Pygoscelis papua
(Read about it: The Auk)
Group foraging increases foraging efficiency in Spheniscus demersus
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Function and flexibility of object exploration in Corvus moneduloides and Nestor notabilis
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Ontogenetic loss of dental alveoli in Sapeornis chaoyangensis and caenagnathids
(Read about it: DML)
How Columba livia outperform Homo sapiens at multitasking
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Big brains facilitate colonization of variable habitats in avians
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Hearing sensitivity of Tyto alba does not decline with age
(Read about it: Science News)
Phenotypic plasticity of phallus morphology in anseriforms
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
Wing morphing in Amazilia amazilia during hovering flight
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Blindness in free-living Apteryx rowi
(Read about it: New Scientist)
New avialan Machaeropterus eckelberryi
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Species recognition in Neotropical passerines
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Diversification of anseriforms
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Tail anatomy of Buitreraptor gonzalezorum
(Read about it: DML)
Spontaneous crafting of hook tools in Cacatua goffiniana
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Calls of female Cuculus canorus misdirect host defenses
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
Intraclutch eggshell color variation may allow female Passer montanus to identify individual eggs
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Eggshell coloration of Heyuannia huangi
(Read about it: Lost Worlds Revisited)
Cranial morphology of Avimimus portentosus
(Read about it: DML)
Anosmia impairs homing orientation but not foraging behaviour in Calonectris diomedia
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Individual heterogeneity in Diomedea exulans
(Read about it: Ecological Monographs)
Origin and extirpation of Loxia megaplaga and Sialia sialis in the Bahamas
(Read about it: PNAS)
Bone histology of Raphus cucullatus
(Read about it: Lost Worlds Revisited)
Evolutionary consequences of skeletal traits shaped by embryonic muscle activity in avian evolution
(Read about it: DML)
Epigenetic variation between urban and rural populations of Geospiza fortis and Geospiza fuliginosa
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Kneecap kinematics of Struthio camelus
(Read about it: Zoologger)
New paravian Serikornis sungei
(Read about it: Theropoda, Laelaps)
Dominance hierarchy of North American avians
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Widespread gene flow in Pterodroma between oceans
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
Evolution of avian intelligence and senses
(Read about it: DML)
Range of motion in avian hind limb joints
(Read about it: DML)
Passerines from the Pleistocene of Liang Bua
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Hybridization between Sialia currucoides and Sialia mexicana associated with cycles of ecological succession
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
Sexual dimorphism in striatal dopaminergic responses promotes monogamy in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: eLife)
New avialan Leucocarbo septentrionalis
(Read about it: Molecular Phyogenetics and Evolution)
Stable isotope analyses of feather amino acids identify sphenisciform migration strategies
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Forearm histology of Daliansaurus liaoningensis
(Read about it: DML)
Wing motions of Columba livia during wing morphing
(Read about it: Journal of the Royal Society Interface)
"Tasidyptes hunteri" is not a valid taxon
(Read about it: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Object categorization by parids
(Read about it: Behavioural Processes)
New troodont Latenivenatrix mcmasterae
(Read about it: Theropoda, Laelaps)
New avialan Chupkaornis keraorum
(Read about it: DML)
Seed dispersal by Ara shapes the landscape of Bolivian Amazonian savannahs
(Read about it: In Defense of Plants)
Complex plumage patterns can be produced only with contribution of melanins
(Read about it: DML)
Atlas rib of Archaeopteryx
(Read about it: DML)
Review of the aquatic avian fossil record in the Carpathian Basin
(Read about it: Ornis Hungarica)
Improvement of camouflage through background choice in ground-nesting avians
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Genetic isolation in Charadrius pallidus
(Read about it: Ibis)
New oviraptorosaur Corythoraptor jacobsi
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Parus minor use an ordering rule to decode novel call sequences
(Read about it: Science News, Audubon News)
Genetic differentiation between Strix occidentalis caurina and Strix occidentalis occidentalis
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Extinction and replacement of Cygnus sumnerensis
(Read about it: New Scientist, Inkfish)
Pale and dark morphs of Strix aluco show different telomere dynamics in relation to disease status
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Effects of age and reproductive status on foraging site fidelity in Morus bassanus
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Larus dominicanus and Leucophaeus scoresbii cause perineal wounds in juvenile Arctocephalus australis
(Read about it: The Atlantic)
Correlated evolution of sternal keel length and ilium length in avialans
(Read about it: DML)
Plantar pressure distribution of Struthio camelus during locomotion on different substrates
(Read about it: DML)
Wing development in Dromaius novaehollandiae
(Read about it: DML)
Experimental determination of three-dimensional cervical joint mobility in the avian neck
(Read about it: DML)
Review of antero-posterior patterning of the avian limb
(Read about it: DML)
Thermal soaring capabilities in Sapeornis chaoyangensis
(Read about it: DML)
Divergence of song discrimination is faster in Neotropical passerines with innate song than in song learners
(Read about it: Evolution)
Review of ancient avian DNA
(Read about it: DML)
New troodont Albertavenator curriei
(Read about it: David Evans Lab, Theropoda, Laelaps)
Osteomyelitis in an Eocene sphenisciform
(Read about it: Historical Biology)
Flexible planning for tool-use and bartering in Corvus corax
(Read about it: The Atlantic, Science News, Audubon News, New Scientist, Why Evolution is True)
Genomic signature of avian Lilliput effect across the K-Pg
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Taxonomic status of Phyllastrephus leucolepis
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Bone microstructure of Vegavis iaai
(Read about it: DML)
Unusual trackways of recent avians
(Read about it: Ichnos)
New avialan Tsidiiyazhi abini
(Read about it: Science News, Dr. Neurosaurus, Laelaps)
Explosive radiation and spatial expansion in Prunella
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Halobaena caerulea recognize the odor of their own egg
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Distinct developmental pathways underlying the evolution of flightlessness in paleognaths
(Read about it: DML)
Osteology of Neuquenraptor argentinus
(Read about it: DML)
Setophaga striata make regional-scale movements not oriented toward their migratory goal during fall
(Read about it: Movement Ecology)
Movements and habitat use of Pezoporus occidentalis in southwestern Queensland
(Read about it: Austral Ecology)
Possible acoustic mimicry of tayassuids by Neomorphus
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Cuculus canorus as an indicator of high avian species richness in Eurasia
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Rhythmic drumming in Probosciger aterrimus shares key elements of instrumental music
(Read about it: Science News, New Scientist)
Incubation temperatures of oviraptorosaur eggs
(Read about it: DML)
Effects of phylogeny and locomotor style on the allometry of avian body mass and pelvic dimensions
(Read about it: DML)
Seasonally conspicuous plumage prompts risk avoidance by male Malurus cyaneus
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
New avialan Amazona gomezgarzai
(Read about it: PeerJ)
New avialan Pyrrhula crassa
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Evolution and function of avian egg shape
(Read about it: The Atlantic, Science News, New Scientist)
Phylogeny and biogeography of the Lophorina-Ptiloris species complex
(Read about it: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Species associations among avian attendants of army ants
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialans Latagallina naracoortensis, Latagallina olsoni, Garrdimalga mcnamarai, and Progura campestris
(Read about it: DML)
Pace of migration in Catharus minimus
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Recovering the distribution and migratory patterns of Conuropsis carolinensis
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Possible mechanisms of substrate color-matching in alaudids
(Read about it: Ibis)
New specimen of Buitreraptor gonzalezorum
(Read about it: DML)
New troodont Daliansaurus liaoningensis
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Modelling of mechanobiological factors influencing sesamoid tissue morphology in the patellar tendon of Struthio camelus
(Read about it: What's in John's Freezer?)
Rivers limit species composition but not areas of endemism in Amazonian avians
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Quantitative discrimination of flightlessness in fossil anatids
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Diomedavus knapptonensis
(Read about it: DML)
Juvenile enantiornithine preserved in amber
(Read about it: Theropoda, New Scientist, Audubon News, Lost Worlds Revisited, Laelaps)
Anas platyrhynchos feed on Velella velella
(Read about it: Plankton and Benthos Research)
Genetic signature of the loss of flight in Phalacrocorax harrisi
(Read about it: The Atlantic, Science News)
Petralca austriaca reinterpreted as a gaviiform
(Read about it: Historical Biology)
Positive association between population genetic differentiation and speciation rates in New World avians
(Read about it: PNAS)
Feeding ecology is primary driver of beak shape diversification in anseriforms
(Read about it: Functional Ecology)
Habitat selection by Crax blumenbachii in an Atlantic forest remnant
(Read about it: Emu)
New troodont Liaoningvenator curriei
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Review of recent insights into avian brain development
(Read about it: DML)
Phoenicopterids can stand on one leg using little active muscular force
(Read about it: The Atlantic, Science News, Audubon News)
Anhingid from the Tatrot
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Steatornis caripensis produce echolocation signals beyond their best hearing range
(Read about it: Royal Society Open Science)
Wind conditions and geography shape the first outbound migration of juvenile Pernis apivorus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Repeated divergent selection on pigmentation genes in Sporophila
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Function of slotted wingtips in Corvus monedula during flapping flight
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Oxygen isotope fractionation between avialan bone phosphate and drinking water
(Read about it: DML)
How Forpus coelestis minimize cost of foraging flight
(Read about it: New Scientist, Science News)
Topobiology of chemical elements in procellariiform feathers
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
New avialan Campylopterus calcirupicola
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Safekeeping of tools in Cacatua goffiniana
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Juvenile Cyanistes caeruleus discriminate between odors of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Geronticus from the Pliocene of South Africa
(Read about it: PalZ)
New oviraptorosaur Beibeilong sinensis
(Read about it: New Scientist, Science News, Laelaps, PLOS Paleo Community)
Cosmetic coloration in Neophron percnopterus
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Corvus corax remember the nature of a single reciprocal interaction sequence after a month
(Read about it: Science News)
Phalacrocorax carbo can detect auditory cues while diving
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New troodont Jianianhualong tengi
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Galloanseran from the Bukpyeong
(Read about it: Journal of the Geological Society of Korea)
New volume on avian respiration
(Read about it: DML)
Trochilid feeding behavior in southeastern Brazil
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Turn-taking ceremonies in Uria aalge signal individual condition
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Rates of parasitism vary among hosts of Molothrus ater
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Review of avian paleobiology in New Zealand
(Read about it: DML)
Cumulative culture can emerge from collective intelligence in Columba livia flocks
(Read about it: Science News)
Male Petroica longipes cater to their mate’s desire when sharing food
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Sexually dimorphic gene expression in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis of Columba livia
(Read about it: Audubon News)
Neural basis for password-based species recognition in Molothrus ater
(Read about it: Audubon News)
New specimens of Anchiornis huxleyi
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New avialan Piscivorenantiornis inusitatus
(Read about it: DML)
New dromaeosaurid Zhongjianosaurus yangi
(Read about it: Theropoda, Laelaps)
Evolution of sex-linked barring in Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Within-pair similarity in migration route predicts breeding performance of Fratercula arctica
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Migratory connectivity of Calidris pusilla
(Read about it: Audubon News, Shorebird Science)
Counterintuitive roles of experience of weather in Aquila chrysaetos migration
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Revision of non-passerine neoavians of the Miocene of Hungary
(Read about it: DML)
New avialans Crexica crexica and Miohypotaenidia tanaisensis
(Read about it: DML)
Chromosomal mapping of repetitive DNAs in Amazona aestiva and Myiopsitta monachus
(Read about it: Cytogenetic and Genome Research)
Relationship between the anterior blind spot and width of binocular visual field in avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Light-dependent magnetic compass in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Variability in use of tidal stream environments by marine avians
(Read about it: Marine Policy)
Mobbing behavior on ophidians by Cymbilaimus lineatus
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Sources of conflict in resolving neornithine phylogeny
(Read about it: DML)
Thermal impact of avian wing color on flight performance
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Group dynamics of non-breeding Corvus corax
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Pectoral girdle morphology of Mesozoic avialans
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogenetic position of "Neospiza" concolor
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Cellular preservation of tendon- and cartilage-like tissues in Confuciusornis
(Read about it: What's in John's Freezer?)
Why Nipponia nippon join mixed-species flocks
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Scaling and functional morphology in strigiform hind limbs
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Social bonds in phoenicopterids
(Read about it: Applied Animal Behaviour Science)
Play vocalization as a positive emotional contagion in Nestor notabilis
(Read about it: The Atlantic, New Scientist)
Bone histological correlates of flight style in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Enigmatic sphenisciform from La Meseta
(Read about it: Polar Research)
Rapid adjustment of migration in a newly-established population of Hirundo rustica
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Functional variation in therizinosaur jaws
(Read about it: DML)
Selective attention in male Pavo cristatus while assessing rivals
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Internal anatomy of the Accipiter nisus forelimb
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Ichthyornis-like avialan from the Melovatka
(Read about it: DML)
Bony pits in the bill tip of Dromaius novaehollandiae and Struthio camelus
(Read about it: DML)
Craniofacial diversification in Columba livia domestica
(Read about it: Nature Ecology and Evolution)
Sociality correlated with reduced brain size in picids
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Variation in growth drives the duration of parental care in Uria lomvia
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Ancient DNA reveals Pleistocene existence of Struthio in Indian subcontinent
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
New avialan Opisthodactylus kirchneri
(Read about it: DML)
Geographic variation in male territory defense strategies in Phylloscopus trochiloides
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Age impacts survival and territory defense in Gavia immer
(Read about it: The Loon Project)
Potential breeding range of Numenius tenuirostris
(Read about it: Bird Conservation International)
Soft tissues of Anchiornis
(Read about it: Skeletaldrawing.com, Theropoda)
New avialan Scytalopus alvarezlopezi
(Read about it: The Auk)
Telomere dynamics of Sturnus unicolor juveniles depend on nest-building materials used by parents
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Wintering in Europe enhances survival of juvenile Ciconia ciconia
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Discrimination of male Poecile atricapillus songs
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Thermoregulatory function of bare head in Geronticus eremita
(Read about it: Frontiers in Zoology)
Relatedness reduces aggressive male interactions in Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Evolutionary patterns of gestural display in icterids
(Read about it: Evolution)
External measurements of passerines
(Read about it: Ecology)
Male Melospiza melodia adjust aggression towards neighbors based on mate fertility
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Soft tissue of Eoconfuciusornis
(Read about it: DML)
The function of egg shape in Uria aalge
(Read about it: Ibis)
Large sphenisciform from the Waipara Greensand
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins, Laelaps, Lost Worlds Revisited)
Evolutionary consequences of cranial fenestration in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Growth benefit to Troglodytes aedon nestlings of having an asynchronously late-hatching nestmate greater for extra-pair offspring
(Read about it: Tough Little Birds)
Presence of conspecific females influences mobbing behavior in male avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Seed dispersal by Anas platyrhynchos
(Read about it: Audubon News, In Defense of Plants)
Function of egg shape in Uria
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Variability in stable isotopes of Bubo scandiacus feathers
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Group behavior within Chaetura pelagica flocks during approaches to roost
(Read about it: Science News)
New Gargantuavis philoinos specimen from Spain
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Vanolimicola longihallucis
(Read about it: DML)
Habitat suitability and constraints of migration in parulids
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Sentinel behavior of Turdoides squamiceps
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Divergence between phylogenetic diversity and species richness in avians
(Read about it: Journal of Biogeography)
Functional roles of avian cis-regulatory elements
(Read about it: DML)
Long-term variability in diet and reproductive performance of sphenisciforms at Bird Island
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialan Macranhinga ameghinoi
(Read about it: Historical Biology)
Evolution of passerine nests
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Evolutionary dynamics of avian adaptive radiation
(Read about it: BBC News)
New avialan Cruralispennia multidonta
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Correlating avian footprint and wing characteristics
(Read about it: DML)
Record number of Buphagus africanus on a single host
(Read about it: Journal of Threatened Taxa)
Avian higher level biogeography
(Read about it: Journal of Biogeography)
Reproductive success driven by site fidelity in Thalassarche melanophris
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Archaeopterygid tooth from the Early Cretaceous of France
(Read about it: DML)
Migration of Setophaga kirtlandii
(Read about it: Science News)
Deinonychosaur tracks from the Early Cretaceous of China
(Read about it: DML)
Coevolution of the pygostyle and tail feathers in Mesozoic avialans
(Read about it: DML)
A bare-part ornament as a predictor of dominance in Porphyrio melanotus melanotus
(Read about it: The Auk)
Confusion effect generated by large Sturnus vulgaris flocks
(Read about it: Science News)
Demographic history of Larus heermanni
(Read about it: The Auk)
Hind limb morphometry of phorusrhacids
(Read about it: DML)
Cranial osteology of Buitreraptor gonzalezorum
(Read about it: DML)
Phalangeal joint kinematics during locomotion in Struthio camelus
(Read about it: DML)
New material of Garganornis ballmanni
(Read about it: New Scientist, PLOS Paleo Community)
Unattractive male Malurus melanocephalus show greater mate-guarding effort
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Identification of an anomalous Buteo
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Phylogeny of aquilines
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Breeding site sampling in male Calidris melanotos
(Read about it: Nature)
Aepyornis DNA retrieved from eggshell
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Neurons responsive to global visual motion have unique tuning properties in trochilids
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Pair bond duration in Sterna hirundo does not affect breeding output
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Review of cognition in Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialan Aprosdokitos mikrotero
(Read about it: DML)
New juvenile specimen of Sapeornis chaoyangensis
(Read about it: DML)
New dromaeosaurid ootype from the Late Cretaceous of Europe
(Read about it: DML)
Correlations between avian body feather structure and habitat
(Read about it: DML)
Ameghinornithid-like avialan from the Irdin Manha
(Read about it: DML)
Environmental variation and evolution of avian brain size
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Systematics of the Automolus infuscatus complex
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Morphology of the jugal and quadratojugal in maniraptors
(Read about it: DML)
Complexities and novelties in the evolution of avian flight
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of avian genomes
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Tingmiatornis arctica
(Read about it: DML)
Comparative morphometrics of geospizines and drepanidines
(Read about it: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B)
Evolution of paleognaths
(Read about it: DML)
Soft tissues of Confuciusornis
(Read about it: DML)
Influence of wing morphology upon the dispersal and diversification of corvoids
(Read about it: 10,000 Birds)
Planning host exploitation through prospecting visits in Molothrus bonariensis and Molothrus rufoaxillaris
(Read about it: Science News)
Reassessment of Liornis floweri and Callornis giganteus
(Read about it: DML)
Dopamine neurons encode performance errors in singing Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Cosmos)
Neural coding of species identity in passerine song prosody
(Read about it: Cosmos)
Avian community from the Okeechobee
(Read about it: Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History)
Cranial joint histology in Anas platyrhynchos
(Read about it: Journal of Anatomy)
Inferring flight parameters of Mesozoic avialans
(Read about it: DML)
New avialans Eurobambusicola turolicus and Mioryaba magyarica
(Read about it: DML)
New avialans Primozygodactylus longibrachium and Primozygodactylus quintus
(Read about it: DML)
Melanin ornament brightness does not correlate with aggression in female Cardinalis cardinalis
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of charadriiforms
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Experienced Zonotrichia albicollis do not display goal-ward orientation after displacement
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Estimating the number of avian species
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Molecular evidence for keratin and melanosomes preserved in Eoconfuciusornis
(Read about it: DML)
Molecular and microstructural characterization of a feather from the Fur
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogeny of Claravis
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Tool manufacture from different materials by Cacatua goffiniana
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Accipitriforms search for prey using stochastic head turns
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialan Monoenantiornis sihedangia
(Read about it: DML)
Plumage and coloration of an enantiornithine
(Read about it: Lost Worlds Revisited)
First-year survival of Larus argentatus
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
New oviraptorosaur Tongtianlong limosus
(Read about it: Science News, Laelaps)
Preservation of the claws of Citipati osmolskae
(Read about it: DML)
Dating the origins of avian flight and neornithines
(Read about it: PLOS Paleo Community)
Habitat-specific divergence of nasal conchae in Melospiza melodia
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Monocular imprints in Anas platyrhynchos domestica unavailable to opposite eye
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Evolution of avialan reproduction in relation to preferred habitat
(Read about it: DML)
Morphology of Chiappeavis magnapremaxillo
(Read about it: DML)
Ralloid from the Oligocene of Poland
(Read about it: DML)
Annual aerial life phase in Apus apus
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Science News, New Scientist, Nature News and Comment)
Migration of Numenius phaeopus breeding in eastern Canada
(Read about it: Journal of Field Ornithology)
New avialan Bubo ibericus
(Read about it: DML)
Timing of the columbiform radiation
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Decalcification of Cuculus canorus eggshells
(Read about it: Journal of Zoology)
Psittaciform from the Khalagay
(Read about it: Lost Worlds Revisited)
Bonebed of Avimimus
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Two distinct evolutionary lineages in Circus cyaneus
(Read about it: Avian Research)
Influence of flight style on the aerodynamic properties of avian wings as fixed lifting surfaces
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Prosociality in Cyanopica cyana
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
New avialan Eostrix gulottai
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Notoleptos giglii
(Read about it: DML)
New specimen of Vegavis iaai with a preserved syrinx
(Read about it: New Scientist, Laelaps, Dr. Neurosaurus)
Decision-making on route in partially migratory Cyanistes caeruleus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Diet explains red wing feathers in Colaptes auratus auratus
(Read about it: The Auk)
Evolution of the avian bill as a thermoregulatory organ
(Read about it: Biological Reviews)
Migratory life histories explain extreme egg size dimorphism in Eudyptes
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Communal nests of Aplonis metallica create ecological hot spots
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Inhibition of Shh signalling in the Gallus gallus domesticus wing
(Read about it: Development)
How sulids avoid injury while plunge diving
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Strategies for avoiding mid-air collisions in Melopsittacus undulatus
(Read about it: New Scientist)
New avialans Stiphrornis dahomeyensis, Stiphrornis inexpectatus, and Stiphrornis rudderi
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialan Septencoracias morsensis
(Read about it: DML)
Hard polytomy at the root of Neoaves
(Read about it: DML)
Proteins from Pliocene struthionid eggshell
(Read about it: DML)
Pellet from Palaeoglaux artophoron
(Read about it: DML)
Abrupt switch to migratory night flight in Turdus merula
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Ecogeographical gradients in plumage coloration among Australasian passerines
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Synchrotron imaging of Hesperornis regalis and Ichthyornis dispar dentition
(Read about it: DML)
Elemental characterization of melanin in feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Development of the avian grasping foot
(Read about it: DML)
Genetic basis for visual adaptations in hypercarnivorous avians
(Read about it: DML)
Morphology of tracheal and esophageal displacement in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Nonlethal predator effects on the turnover of avian flocks
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Orthographic processing in Columba livia
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Nesting habitat selection influences early offspring survival in Centrocercus urophasianus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Widespread tool use in Corvus hawaiiensis
(Read about it: New Scientist, Science News)
Temporal regularity increases with repertoire complexity in the song of Cracticus nigrogularis
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Trans-seasonal social structure in Parus major
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Misinformed Columba livia leaders lose influence of flock
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Sturnus vulgaris copy each other's lateral scans
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Review of feather development and evolution
(Read about it: DML)
Tap dancing in Uraeginthus cyanocephalus produces non-vocal sounds
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Aerodynamic function of nasal conchae in Meleagris gallopavo
(Read about it: Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology)
Columba livia prefer informative stimuli
(Read about it: BBC Earth)
Phylogeny of cathartids
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Uplift of Wallacea triggered the global passerine radiation
(Read about it: Lost Worlds Revisited)
Explosive diversification of apterygids during the last ice age
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Genomic variation across the Setophaga coronata species complex
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Dating the radiation of crown-Sphenisciformes
(Read about it: Systematic Biology)
Nepotism in Turdoides bicolor
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Prenatal communication primes Taeniopygia guttata embryos for high temperatures
(Read about it: Science News, New Scientist)
Loxigilla barbadensis and Quiscalus lugubris fortirostris pass the string-pulling test
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Trade-offs between reproduction and self maintenance in Alle alle
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
The physiological basis of avian flight
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of avian flight
(Read about it: DML)
Crossing of the Sahara by Apus apus
(Read about it: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B)
The ecology of sternine flight
(Read about it: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B)
Phylogenetic position and terrestrial adaptations of Sceloglaux albifacies
(Read about it: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Review of the evolution of avian reproduction
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Tool bending in Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: New Scientist, Science News)
Phenotypic divergence through sexual selection in Hirundo rustica
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Fregata minor sleep in mid-flight
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Hesperornithine from the Kanguk
(Read about it: DML)
Reciprocal signalling between Indicator indicator and Homo sapiens
(Read about it: Science News, Why Evolution is True)
Familial bias and auditory feedback regulation of vocal babbling in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialan Mioneophron longirostris
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Corvus moneduloides use tools to transport objects
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Visual guidance of forward flight in trochilids
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Relational concept learning in juvenile Anas platyrhynchos domesticus
(Read about it: Science News, New Scientist)
Drivers of divorce in Malurus coronatus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Infanticide and within-clutch competition select for reproductive synchrony in Crotophaga major
(Read about it: Science News)
Social networks predict information spread in Corvus corax
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Diversity of large avians in the Messel
(Read about it: DML)
New avialans Centropus bairdi and Centropus maximus
(Read about it: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Evolution of closed-mouth vocalizations in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Mediation of ultraviolet vision in avians
(Read about it: eLife)
Evaluation of flapping-based locomotion in Mesozoic maniraptors
(Read about it: DML)
Visual pigments in Dromaius novaehollandiae
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Durability of feather keratin
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Factors affecting avian fossil preservation
(Read about it: DML)
Reasons for consumption of meloids by male Otis tarda
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Fregata minor track atmospheric conditions during transoceanic flights
(Read about it: Zoologger, Why Evolution is True)
Evolution of the avian skull
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution and ontogeny of avian locomotion
(Read about it: DML)
Genomic variation in Geospiza
(Read about it: Molecular Ecology)
New avialan Calciavis grandei
(Read about it: DML)
Function of nocturnal singing in Spizella pusilla
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Juvenile enantiornithine wings preserved in amber
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment, New Scientist, Theropoda, Dr. Neurosaurus, Lost Worlds Revisited)
Pelvic elements of Gargantuavis philoinos
(Read about it: DML)
Nest competition between Sialia currucoides and Tachycineta bicolor
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Varying flight speeds in Melopsittacus undulatus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Melopsittacus undulatus and Taeniopygia guttata differ in generalization during grammar learning
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Chemistry of Troodon enamel
(Read about it: DML)
New Cretaceous bird track Koreanaornis lii
(Read about it: DML)
Osteology and phylogenetic position of Bathornis grallator
(Read about it: DML)
High neuronal density in the avian forebrain
(Read about it: Science News)
"Bellulia" rectusunguis given new genus Bellulornis
(Read about it: DML)
Intra-ejaculate sperm selection in female Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Evolution of communal signalling in avians
(Read about it: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution)
Sexual dimorphism in Dromornis stirtoni
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Avian cephalic vascular anatomy
(Read about it: The Anatomical Record)
Genetic basis of muffs and beard in Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Philandering female Passer domesticus promote poor paternal provisioning
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Cognitive development of Nestor meridionalis
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Function of excess fat reserves in migratory parulids
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Microraptorian from the Jiufotang
(Read about it: DML)
Evolutionary history of acanthisittids
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Mechanisms underlying the social enhancement of vocal learning in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Multimodal duetting in Grallina cyanoleuca
(Read about it: BBC Earth)
Phylogeography of the Pyrocephalus rubinus species complex
(Read about it: Extinction Countdown)
Phylogeny of anserinins
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Genetic basis for red coloration in avians
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Genetic basis for red coloration in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Heat exchange in the beak of Tockus leucomelas
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Evolution of bone-associated genes in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Recognition of shapes in Psittacus erithacus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Assortative mating for carotenoid coloration but not size in Larus michahellis
(Read about it: Bird Study)
Structure and mechanics of the feather vane
(Read about it: DML)
No genetic structure in a mixed flock of migratory and non-migratory Anas platyrhynchos
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Review of hybridization in anserinins
(Read about it: Frontiers in Zoology)
Social selection parapatry in Nectarinia moreaui and Nectarinia fuelleborni
(Read about it: Evolution)
Malurus melanocephalus song are similar to their mother's in-nest calls
(Read about it: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution)
Inferring muscle functional roles of the pelvic limb in Struthio camelus
(Read about it: What's in John's Freezer?)
Effects of tidal periodicities on density of foraging Egretta caerulea and Ardea herodias
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Behavioral flexibility and problem solving in Quiscalus mexicanus
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Differential foraging success explains polymorphism in Accipiter melanoleucus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Beak shape in raptorial avians is constrained by non-dietary factors
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Enantiornithine found with pellet containing fish bones
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Reproductive biology of Sapayoa aenigma
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Biomechanics of display in male Pavo cristatus
(Read about it: ABC Science)
The history of sphenisciforms in Australia
(Read about it: Blogozoic, PLOS Paleo Community)
Auditory discrimination in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Genetic basis for beak size in geospizines
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
Skeletal kinematics of wings and legs through avian development
(Read about it: DML)
Dental disparity of paravians prior to the K-Pg
(Read about it: Inside the Royal Tyrell Museum)
New avialans Klallamornis abyssa and Olympidytes thieli
(Read about it: DML)
Mimetic vocal displays by female Menura novaehollandiae
(Read about it: Science News)
Corvids exhibit high performance in motor self-regulation
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Cyanistes caeruleus sing in response to presence of predators
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Superfast muscle contractions support social displays in Ceratopipra mentalis and Manacus vitellinus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Non-stop migration strategies of Ficedula hypoleuca to cross the Sahara Desert
(Read about it: BBC News)
New oviraptorosaur Apatoraptor pennatus
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Vocal communication regulates sibling competition in Tyto alba
(Read about it: Science News)
Taxonomy and osteology of geranoidids from the Willwood
(Read about it: DML)
Predictable evolution towards flightlessness in island avians
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Omnivory as a macroevolutionary sink in avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Rates of morphological evolution in Early Cretaceous avialans
(Read about it: DML)
Patenal age influences early-life performance in Diomedea exulans
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Brain function during flight in Sturnus vulgaris
(Read about it: DML)
Consistent response of avian populations to climate change on two continents
(Read about it: Science)
Phylogenetic position of Sylviornis neocaledoniae
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Smithornis produce wing song by aeroelastic flutter of medial primary wing feathers
(Read about it: Science News)
Mandibular anatomy of Segnosaurus galbinensis
(Read about it: DML)
Unpredictable environments lead to evolution of parental neglect in avians
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Oviraptorid embryos from the Nanxiong
(Read about it: DML)
Tarsometatarsal anatomy and structural mechanics of Struthio camelus
(Read about it: DML)
Phenotypic variation in Coccyzus minor
(Read about it: ABA Blog)
Short-distance migration of Estonian Buteo buteo
(Read about it: Ringing & Migration)
Diversity of pelagornithids in the Eocene of Antarctica
(Read about it: DML)
Morphology of Raphus cucullatus
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Ultra-rapid vision in passerines
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Role of pigmentation in mediating solar radiation damage to avian eggs
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Vocal imitation of mother's calls in nestling Malurus melanocephalus
(Read about it: All About Birds)
New avialan Changzuiornis ahgmi
(Read about it: DML)
Caenagnathid dentaries from the Nemegt
(Read about it: DML)
Development of feathered feet in Columba livia and Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialan Hesperornis lumgairi
(Read about it: DML)
Adaptive bill morphology for enhanced tool manipulation in Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Stopover biology of Archilochus colubris during fall migration
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Compositional syntax in the calls of Parus minor
(Read about it: The Rattling Crow)
Stercorarius antarcticus recognize individual humans
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Patterns of avian coloration on islands
(Read about it: Inkfish)
New avialans Lapillavis incubarens and Cypseloramphus dimidius
(Read about it: DML)
Density fluctuations maintain personality variation in Parus major
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Context of a territorial dispute influences how breeding pairs coordinate aggressive tactics in Picoides pubescens
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Duetting reduces extra-pair paternity in Malurus melanocephalus
(Read about it: All About Birds, Science News)
New avialan Wilaru prideauxi
(Read about it: DML)
Paleocene sphenisciform endocast
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Possible linkage between neuronal recruitment and flight distance in migratory avians
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
How connectivity shapes genetic diversity in Oreothlypis virginiae
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Colony foundation in Calonectris diomedea
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Avian egg from the Liangtoutang
(Read about it: DML)
Endocast of Raphus cucullatus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New possible maniraptor Fukuivenator paradoxus
(Read about it: Theropoda, The Theropod Database Blog)
New avialan Dromornis murrayi
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Development of fibular reduction in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Increased weight reduces stability during walking in Aptenodytes patagonicus
(Read about it: Science News)
Effects of cooperative breeding on fitness consequences in Sialia mexicana
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Hesperornis with healed bite marks from a polycotylid
(Read about it: DML)
Prolonged flight into the day as a strategy for crossing barriers in nocturnally-migrating passerines
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New specimens of Chambicuculus
(Read about it: Palaeovertebrata)
Gastornis and Presbyornis from the Margaret
(Read about it: DML)
Eggshell pigment composition covaries with phylogeny in British passerines
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
"Furculae" assigned to Dakotaraptor steini are Axestemys splendida entoplastra
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Sturnus vulgaris use spectral shape for sound pattern recognition
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Deinonychosaur tracks from the South Platte
(Read about it: DML)
Rapid species turnover in New Zealand Eudyptula
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
High proportion of smaller-ranged trochilids coincides with ecological specialization
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Review of seed dispersal by scatter-hoarding corvids
(Read about it: All About Birds)
New specimen of Archaeorhynchus spathula
(Read about it: DML)
Icephobicity of Spheniscus humboldti feathers
(Read about it: Science News)
Corvus corax attribute visual access to unseen competitors
(Read about it: New Scientist, Why Evolution is True)
Evolution of sexually dimorphic tail feathers not associated with tail skeleton dimorphism
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Camouflage predicts survival in ground-nesting avians
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
Pardalotus quadragintus stimulate manna production for feeding
(Read about it: New Scientist)
Carotenoid-pigmented plumage in Rhodonessa caryophyllacea
(Read about it: Illuminating Fossils)
Why Acrocephalus arundinaceus sing on their wintering grounds
(Read about it: New Scientist)
New avialan Chongmingia zhengi
(Read about it: DML)
The kicking strike of Sagittarius serpentarius
(Read about it: BBC News)
Genome of Parus major sequenced
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Costs of migratory decisions in Ciconia ciconia
(Read about it: BBC News)
Variation among populations of Metallura tyrianthina
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Quill pits in an Eocene sphenisciform
(Read about it: Antarctic Science)
Divergence and functional degradation in a supergene of Zonotrichia albicollis
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
New avialan Zoothera salimalii
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Convergence of broad-scale migration strategies in terrestrial avians
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Darker eggshell spotting indicates poorer female quality in Parus major
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Dominant male song performance reflects immune state in Plocepasser mahali
(Read about it: Ecology and Evolution)
Inhibition during vocal learning in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Science News)
Evolutionary shifts in melanin-based color system of avians
(Read about it: DML)
Multiple reversals of bill length in Hemignathus
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
Skull biomechanics of dinornithiforms
(Read about it: ABC Science)
In-nest chatter of female Malurus cyaneus increases predation risk
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Maternal inheritance of blue egg coloration in Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialan Antarctoboenus carlinii
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
New avialan Linyiornis amoena
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Dingavis longimaxilla
(Read about it: DML)
Body mass estimates of Raphus cucullatus
(Read about it: PeerJ)
New avialan "Bellulia" rectusunguis
(Read about it: DML)
Eggs from Genyornis newtoni reassessed as being from Progura
(Read about it: Quaternary Science Reviews)
New avialan Chiappeavis magnapremaxillo
(Read about it: The Theropod Database Blog)
New avialan Feitianius paradisi
(Read about it: DML)
Identifying the wintering grounds of North American Hirundo rustica
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Hook tool use in Corvus moneduloides filmed
(Read about it: New Scientist, Inkfish)
In-flight turbulence benefits cathartiforms
(Read about it: The Vulture Chronicles, BBC News)
A new method for estimating locomotion of terrestrial avians
(Read about it: DML)
Possible resource defense polygyny in Pezophaps solitaria
(Read about it: Ibis)
Spatially modulated structural color in Garrulus glandarius feathers
(Read about it: Scientific Reports)
New dromaeosaurid Boreonykus certekorum
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New avialan Mangystania humilicristata
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Heat dissipation during flight in Selasphorus calliope
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Spontaneous tool use in Coracopsis vasa
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, New Scientist, ScienceNOW)
Rapid loss of antipredatory behavior in captive-bred avians
(Read about it: 10,000 Birds)
Evolution and diversification of neornithines
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Variation in DRD4 locus associated with wariness in Cygnus atratus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialans Rallus adolfocaesaris, Rallus carvaoensis, Rallus lowei, "Rallus minutus", and Rallus montivagorum
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Cervical pneumatization of Struthio camelus
(Read about it: DML)
Dromaeosaurid from the Bayan Gobi
(Read about it: DML)
Asymmetric limb control during bipedal locomotion in Numida meleagris
(Read about it: Journal of Experimental Biology)
Therizinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan
(Read about it: DML)
Phaethontiform from the Paleocene of New Zealand
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Troodonts from the Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan
(Read about it: DML)
Speed determines leadership in Columba livia
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Associative learning rapidly establishes neuronal representations of upcoming behavioral choices in Corvus corone
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Tap-dancing display in Uraeginthus cyanocephalus
(Read about it: New Scientist, ScienceNOW)
Burst muscle performance predicts speed, acceleration, and turning ability of Calypte anna
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialan Fumicollis hoffmani
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Genomic change and supergene underlying divergent male morphs in Philomachus pugnax
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment, New Scientist)
New genus Paragallinula for "Gallinula" angulata
(Read about it: European Journal of Taxonomy)
Function of foot feathers in early paravians
(Read about it: DML)
Review of avian wing evolution
(Read about it: DML)
Vocal negotiation over parental care in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Social relationships determine foraging behavior in Parus major
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Reappraisal of Cerebavis cenomanica
(Read about it: DML)
Flexible navigation response of displaced Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New specimens of Cretaceous and Paleogene gaviiforms
(Read about it: DML)
Reevaluation of dinornithiform hindlimb myology
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of avian brain modularity
(Read about it: DML)
Effects of life history and sexual selection on avian plumage coloration
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Social network dynamics and information flow in Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Kleptoparasitism in Pygoscelis papua
(Read about it: New Scientist)
New dromaeosaurid Dakotaraptor steini
(Read about it: Saurian Game, Theropoda, Laelaps)
Rapid mitochondrial evolution in Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
The relationship between skeletal mass and total body mass in avians
(Read about it: Musings of a Clumsy Palaeontologist, PLOS Paleo Community)
Role of polyspermy in avian embryo survival
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Evolution of body mass in pan-alcids
(Read about it: Paleobiology)
Density, pattern, and function of Aptenodytes forsteri feathers
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
New avialan Hakawai melvillei
(Read about it: Journal of Systematic Palaeontology)
Phylogeny of neornithines
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Asymmetric visual input and route recapitulation in Columba livia
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Evolution of avian wing shape and trends in covert feathering
(Read about it: DML)
Tolerance and reward equity predict cooperation in Corvus corax
(Read about it: Why Evolution is True)
Soft tissue and dermal arrangement of an enantiornithine wing
(Read about it: DML)
Acrocephalus scirpaceus use geomagnetic map cues
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Review of avian origins
(Read about it: DML)
New troodont material from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Physiological resonance through calls between mated Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Corvus brachyrhynchos gather around their dead to learn about danger
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
New avialan Shiriyanetta hasegawai
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
New avialan Tyto cravesae
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Aptenodytes patagonicus can detect odors associated with conspecifics
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Determining environmental drivers of metabolic flexibility in avians
(Read about it: Ecography)
Evidence for "general" cognitive performance in Petroica longipes
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Mate choice based on behavioral compatibility in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Sphenisciform bone histology
(Read about it: DML)
Identifying Mesozoic avian tracks
(Read about it: DML)
Changing diversity of passerines in northwestern Peru since the last ice age
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Tradeoffs between predation risk and fruit resources shape habitat use of migrating avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Emergence of rank among Myiopsitta monachus social groups
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Segregation of winter distribution among mated pairs of Eudyptes chrysocome
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Linked selection and recombination rate variation drive differentiation across the speciation continuum of Ficedula
(Read about it: Genome Research)
Mutual mate choice based on colored beak spots in Aptenodytes patagonicus
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Avians from the Pleistocene of So'a Basin
(Read about it: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology)
Increased breeding success of Archilochus alexandri nesting in association with Accipiter
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Winter site fidelity and movements of Gavia immer
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Molothrus ater modify use of hosts in response to reproductive success
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Molecular composition and ultrastructure of Anchiornis huxleyi feathers
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Flexibility in timing of song learning in Serinus canaria domestica
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Endocranial anatomy of Eocene stem-sphenisciforms
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Role of passive head stabilization during flapping flight in Cygnus cygnus
(Read about it: Interface)
New avialan Pterygornis dapingfangensis
(Read about it: DML)
Trochilid tongues are elastic micropumps
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Opisthotonic head displacement in Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: Inkfish, Laelaps)
Incomplete lineage sorting across neoavian adaptive radiations
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Chemical defense in juvenile Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: Journal of Avian Biology)
Migration and distribution of Aquila chrysaetos in eastern North America
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Reproductive success of Charadrius nivosus in northern California
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Unexplained altitude changes in migrating Catharus ustulatus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Avian diversification across the K-Pg
(Read about it: DML)
Extant-only comparative methods fail to recover Eocene avian disparity
(Read about it: DML)
Behaviorally-induced camouflage in Sula nebouxii eggs
(Read about it: The American Naturalist)
Inference by exclusion in Cacatua goffini
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
"Dryocopus" galeatus belongs in the genus Celeus
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
New avialan Kuntur cardenasi
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Apteryx mantelli genome sequenced
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Social rank determines order of crowing in male Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Stress causes juvenile Taeniopygia guttata to switch social learning strategies
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Island size predicts frequency of melanism in Monarcha castaneiventris
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New dromaeosaurid Zhenyuanlong suni
(Read about it: Laelaps, Theropoda, ScienceNOW)
Increased aggression in urban Melospiza melodia related to resource availability
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Flight feather moult pattern of Gypaetus barbatus
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Costs of avian brood parasitism explain variation in egg rejection by hosts
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Design of the avian respiratory system
(Read about it: DML)
New oviraptorosaur Huanansaurus ganzhouensis
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Phonemic contrasts in vocalizations of Pomatostomus ruficeps
(Read about it: BBC News)
Altriciality and the evolution of toe orientation in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Reassessment of Eocene stem-psittaciforms
(Read about it: DML)
Pattern induced learning in Sturnus vulgaris
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Core and shell song systems unique to psittaciform brains
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Agapornis roseicollis maneuver rapidly using super-fast head saccades
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Convergent evolution of head crests in domesticated Columba livia and Streptopelia risoria
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Avian diversification in the Galápagos
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Bone histology of Aepyornis
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogenetic position of Balaur bondoc
(Read about it: Theropoda, The Bite Stuff, Tetrapod Zoology)
Chromosomal diversity in South American psittacids
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
New specimens of Tonsala hildegardae
(Read about it: DML)
Phenotypic and genotypic variation across a hybrid zone between Ammodramus caudacutus and Ammodramus nelsoni
(Read about it: The Auk)
Hosts of avian brood parasites of egg signatures with high information content
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Isotopic study of large Paleogene avian eggs
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of sternal ossification in ornithothoracines
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Holbotia ponomarenkoi
(Read about it: DML)
Musculoskeletal modelling of the pelvic limb of Struthio camelus
(Read about it: PeerJ)
External skull measurements cannot estimate endocranial volume in Quiscalus mexicanus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Osteology and taphonomy of Nothronychus mckinleyi and Nothronychus graffami
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Aggressive mimicry in Anomalospiza imberbis
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New parvicursorine specimen from the Wulansuhai
(Read about it: DML)
Ontogenetic shape change in the brain of Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: DML)
Neurons selective to number of items in the corvid endbrain
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New specimens of Masillapodargus longipes
(Read about it: DML)
Review of avian color vision
(Read about it: DML)
Circadian rhythms influence cuckoldry risk in Parus major
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Deceptive vocal mimicry in Acanthiza pusilla
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
New avialan Parapengornis eurycaudatus
(Read about it: DML)
Identification of related Dinornis robustus individuals at a single fossil site
(Read about it: Heredity)
Postnatal growth and energy expenditure in Gavia stellata
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Juvenile enantiornithine from the Crato
(Read about it: DML)
"Ceratopsian" egg reidentified as enantiornithine egg
(Read about it: The Integrative Paleontologists)
Response of Limosa limosa limosa to a spring snowstorm
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Evolution of sexual dimorphism in parulids
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Contagious yawning in Melopsittacus undulatus
(Read about it: Animal Cognition)
Testing for mimicry in Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Phylogeny of hesperornithiforms
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Nesting site fidelity in troodonts
(Read about it: DML)
Unusual deinonychosaurian trace morphology
(Read about it: DML)
Wupus agilis as a large avian trace fossil
(Read about it: DML)
Context-dependent safekeeping of tools in Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Skeletal plasticity underlying development of the reversed hallux in avians
(Read about it: Nature)
Benefits of nomadism for Lathamus discolor
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Molecular mechanism behind origin of avian beaks
(Read about it: The Loom, Nature News and Comment, ScienceNOW)
Differences in exploration behavior between Corvus corax and Corvus corone
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology)
Function of the alula in avian flight
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Archaeornithura meemannae
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
New dromaeosaurid Saurornitholestes sullivani
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Locustella chengi
(Read about it: BBC News)
Determinants of migration timing for nocturnally-migrating avians
(Read about it: All About Birds)
New scansoriopterygid Yi qi
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Lost Worlds, Nature News and Comment, ScienceNOW, Theropoda, Pteroformer, The Bite Stuff, Why Evolution is True, Tetrapod Zoology, Pseudoplocephalus)
Poecile gambeli sing in different dialects at different elevations
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Review of early avialan evolution
(Read about it: DML)
Large oviraptorosaur from the Bayn Shire
(Read about it: DML)
The gastral basket of basal paravians
(Read about it: DML)
Morphological variation within ontogeny of Deinonychus antirrhopus
(Read about it: Theropoda, Tetrapod Zoology)
New ecological information on Tinamus osgoodi hershkovitzi
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New specimen of Longipteryx chaoyangensis
(Read about it: DML)
Transoceanic migration by Setophaga striata
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Undifferentiated genomes in Acanthis
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Passerine origin and diversification
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Natural and sexual selection act on different axes of variation in avian plumage color
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialan Llallawavis scagliai
(Read about it: Synapsida, ScienceNOW, Laelaps)
Modeling waves of agitation in Sturnus vulgaris flocks
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialan Yuanjiawaornis viriosus
(Read about it: DML)
Rediscovery of Oxypogon cyanolaemus
(Read about it: Why Evolution is True)
Review of intertarsal joint comparative anatomy in avialans
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
New avialan Scytalopus perijanus
(Read about it: The Auk)
Climate-related variation in bill morphology of Australian psittaciforms
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Phylogenetic position of Madanga ruficollis and Amaurocichla bocagii
(Read about it: BBC News)
New avialan Dunhuangia cuii
(Read about it: DML)
Responses to challenge of confined flight in Columba livia
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Sea ice extent may have forced Aptenodytes forsteri into refugia during last glacial maximum
(Read about it: Global Change Biology)
Evolution and function of sterna and gastralia in paravians
(Read about it: DML)
Infrasonic signals associated with train displays in Pavo cristatus
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
Mechanics of avian feet
(Read about it: DML)
Craniocervical myology of Falcarius utahensis and Nothronychus mckinleyi
(Read about it: DML)
Kin selection in brood parasitism of Somateria mollissima
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Cycles of species replacement emerge from maternal influence in Sialia
(Read about it: Science)
Molecular phylogeny of Circus
(Read about it: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution)
Song trait similarity in Parus major varies with social structure
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
The postcranial skeleton of Gansus yumenensis
(Read about it: DML)
Problem-solving ability in Poecile gambeli from different elevations
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Loss of taste in sphenisciforms
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Caenagnathasia from the Iren Dabasu
(Read about it: DML)
Geospizine genomes sequenced
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
New avialan Nyctisoma robusta
(Read about it: DML)
Barb geometry of asymmetrical feathers
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Species turnover in extinct New Zealand sphenisciforms
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Evolutionary history of avians in southern Australia
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Trade-off between mating and paternal effort in Volatinia jacarina
(Read about it: Animal Behaviour)
New caenagnathid material from North America
(Read about it: DML)
Estimating body mass of Mesozoic avialans
(Read about it: DML)
Segregation in avian social structure is carried across contexts
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Rapid diversification of Todiramphus
(Read about it: 10,000 Birds)
Sperm of aging Chlamydotis undulata retards development of offspring
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Cooperation during V-formation flight in Geronticus eremita
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Repeated adaptive divergence in Aphelocoma insularis
(Read about it: Evolution)
Number-space mapping in newborn Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Breeding investment in avians
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
Seed dispersal by Dromaius novaehollandiae
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New specimens of Elmisaurus rarus
(Read about it: DML)
Variation in migration patterns of trochilids
(Read about it: Ecosphere)
Variations in avian hypotarsus morphology
(Read about it: DML)
"Cathayornis" caudatus renamed Houornis
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Foshanornis songi
(Read about it: DML)
Flight strategy of Anser indicus during Himalayan migrations
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Pursuit strategies of Accipiter gentilis
(Read about it: Wired Science)
New material of Caenagnathus collinsi
(Read about it: DML)
The taxonomic status of Linheraptor exquisitus
(Read about it: Theropoda, The Theropod Database Blog)
Phylogeny of emberizoids
(Read about it: 10,000 Birds)
Context-dependent categorical perception in Melospiza georgiana
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New material of Caenagnathasia martinsoni
(Read about it: DML)
Three-dimensional anatomy of the Struthio camelus knee joint
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Structure, ontogeny and evolution of the patellar tendon in palaeognaths
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Ontogenetic scaling patterns and functional morphology of pelvic limb musculature in Dromaius novaehollandiae
(Read about it: PeerJ)
New specimen of Microraptor zhaoianus
(Read about it: DML)
Momotus momota predation on Anolis laeviventris
(Read about it: Herpetology Notes)
Avian tracks from Cedar Mountain
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Spontaneous analogical reasoning in Corvus corone
(Read about it: Current Biology)
Storm avoidance behavior in Vermivora chrysoptera
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Comment and response on apparent lack of ossified sterna in basal paravians
(Read about it: DML)
Troodon from the Danek Bonebed
(Read about it: DML)
Review of corvid impact on avian productivity
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Wing versus leg investment in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Melozone cabanisi split from Melozone biarcuata
(Read about it: Zootaxa)
Publication of Avian Phylogenomics Project results
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Nature News and Comment, 10,000 Birds)
Redescription of Conchoraptor gracilis endocranium
(Read about it: DML)
Nanostructural basis for gloss in tinamid eggs
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Trochilids control hovering by stabilizing visual motion
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Persistent culture via conformity induced in Parus major
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
New specimens of Scaniacypselus szarskii
(Read about it: Journal of Ornithology)
Structure and function of Casuarius casques
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of opsin expression in parulids driven by sexual selection and habitat
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Mimicry of megalopygid caterpillars by juvenile Laniocera hypopyrra
(Read about it: The Loom, Zoologger, Why Evolution is True)
The microbiome of cathartids
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
New avialan Muscicapa sodhii
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Comparative osteohistology of Hesperornis and pygoscelids
(Read about it: The Integrative Paleontologists, Laelaps)
Nest destruction elicits indiscriminate brood parasitism in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialan Gansus zheni
(Read about it: DML)
Conflict between groups of Phoeniculus purpureus promotes later defense of a critical resource
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Avian head induces cues for sound localization in elevation
(Read about it: DML)
Corvus corax intervene in others' bonding attempts
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Evolution of avian egg shape
(Read about it: DML)
Preen secretions encode information on MHC similarity in Rissa tridactyla
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Cranial anatomy of Erlikosaurus andrewsi
(Read about it: The Bite Stuff)
New avialan Aegypius varswaterensis
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Overtone-based pitch selection in Catharus guttatus song
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Running avians prioritize leg safety on uneven terrain
(Read about it: DML)
Impact of parental pair bond on offspring personality in Coturnix japonica
(Read about it: Inkfish)
New avialan Iteravis huchzermeyeri
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Prenatal learning in Malurus cyaneus
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Ontogenetic scaling of hindlimb muscles in Rhea americana
(Read about it: DML)
Struthio expansion into India during Pleistocene
(Read about it: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology)
Cranial and vertebral morphology of Palaelodus ambiguus
(Read about it: Zoologischer Anzeiger)
Cranial osteology of Haplocheirus sollers
(Read about it: DML)
Male Otis tarda consume more poisonous foods than females do
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Nanomechanical properties of feather rachises
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Climate and weather drive annual variability in Pygoscelis adeliae fledging mass
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialan Eopengornis martini
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New avialan Jeholornis curvipes
(Read about it: DML)
Aerodynamics of gliding flight and application to Microraptor
(Read about it: DML)
New large enantiornithine specimen
(Read about it: DML)
Phaethornis longirostris bills as sexually dimorphic weapons
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Shifts in stability and control effectiveness during evolution of paravians
(Read about it: DML)
Extreme nomadism in Cladorhynchus leucocephalus
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Zoologger)
Aquila nipalensis use wing tucks as a response to atmospheric turbulence
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Sturnus vulgaris recognize the location of robotic conspecific attention
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Contrast influences female attraction to sexual signals in Melospiza lincolnii
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Phylogeny of cotingids
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Taeniopygia guttata mates use forebrain song system in unlearned call communication
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Development of tool use in Taraba major to feed on invasive Achatina fulica
(Read about it: Zoologic)
Song sharing with neighbors and relatives in Sialia mexicana
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Eocene diversification of crown-rallids
(Read about it: DML)
Limb morphometrics of maniraptors and other theropods
(Read about it: DML)
Restudy of Palaeotis weigelti
(Read about it: DML)
Large caenagnathids from the Late Cretaceous of western Canada
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of avian wrist bones
(Read about it: DML)
Avian tracks from the Huayong
(Read about it: DML)
Digital reconstruction of Pezophaps solitaria
(Read about it: Historical Biology)
Rates of evolution in maniraptors and other coelurosaurs
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Advantage of large size in interspecific aggressive contest declines over evolutionary time in avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Predation pressure on migrating Calidris mauri curtails parental investment
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Elaborate plumage in male Pavo cristatus does not hinder takeoff
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Drivers of tropical speciation in avians
(Read about it: Nature)
Spring phenology of ecological productivity contributes to avian looped migration strategies
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Absence of sterna in Anchiornis and Sapeornis chaoyangensis
(Read about it: DML)
In-flight body awareness in Melopsittacus undulatus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Social transmission of tool use in Cacatua goffini
(Read about it: Zoologger)
New avialan Grabauornis lingyuanensis
(Read about it: DML)
Seasonal modulation of flight speed among nocturnal passerine migrants
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Ontogeny of aerial righting and wing flapping in Alectoris chukar
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Evolution of sweet taste perception in trochilids
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Behavior of juvenile Hylocichla mustelina on their inaugural spring migration
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Coevolution of the caudal skeleton and tail feathers in avians
(Read about it: DML)
No evidence for attraction to shiny objects in Pica pica
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Foraging associations in Eudyptula minor
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Evolution of the theropod semilunate carpal
(Read about it: DML)
Mapping migration in Cardellina pusilla using genetic markers
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Dispersal has limited Australasian avian diversification
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Corvus monedula dominance increases with age but shortens lifespan
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Temperate origins of long-distance migration in New World passerines
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Phylogeny of tinamids
(Read about it: DML)
Sustained miniaturization in avian evolution
(Read about it: Tetrapod Zoology, Theropoda)
Vocal repertoire of Spheniscus demersus
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
Avian eggshell thickness and pigmentation mediates UV exposure
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Wing efficacy of trochilids
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Evolution of the avian tail
(Read about it: DML)
Information transfer and behavioural inertia in Sturnus vulgaris flocks
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
The oldest known avian eggshell
(Read about it: DML)
Modifications to Aesop's fable experiment with Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New large specimens of Palaeeudyptes klekowskii
(Read about it: DML)
Correlation between bone histology and phylogeny in palaeognaths
(Read about it: DML)
Migratory connectivity of Hylocichla mustelina
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Fruit preferences of avians in tropical Asia
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Physiology but not behaviour declines with age in Uria lomvia
(Read about it: Functional Ecology)
The prevalence and diversity of pollen transported by migratory sylvioids
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New dromaeosaurid Changyuraptor yangi
(Read about it: Theropoda, ScienceNOW, Laelaps, Why Evolution is True)
Authenticity and phylogenetic position of Caloenas maculata
(Read about it: ShukerNature)
New material of Itemirus medullaris
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Stratigraphic distribution of large flightless avians in the Paleogene of Europe
(Read about it: DML)
Three-dimensional flow and lift characteristics in hovering Archilochus colubris
(Read about it: Wired Science)
Chenornis graculoides as a species of Plotornis and "Anas" lignitifila given the new genus Bambolinetta
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Eggshell strength and size variation in Genyornis newtoni
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Sisyphean evolution in Geospiza
(Read about it: Biological Reviews)
New avialan Pelagornis sandersi
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Role of projection in the control of avian flocks
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Kin selection drives cooperative investment in Philetairus socius
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
First record of Ichthyornis dispar from Mexico
(Read about it: DML)
Anatomy of the musculoskeletal respiratory apparatus in Gallus gallus domesticus through ontogeny
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Body segment inertial properties and muscle architecture of the pelvic limb in Gallus gallus domesticus through ontogeny
(Read about it: PeerJ)
New specimen of Archaeopteryx
(Read about it: Laelaps, ScienceNOW)
Phylogeny and forelimb disparity in aquatic avians
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan ootaxon Styloolithus sabathi
(Read about it: DML)
Origins and evolution of carotenoid-pigmented feathers
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Laelaps)
The developmental origin of zygodactyl feet
(Read about it: DML)
New genus Spizelloides for "Spizella" arborea
(Read about it: DML)
Scale effects and morphological diversification in hindlimb segment mass proportions in neognaths
(Read about it: DML)
Clamator glandarius frequently lay eggs while hosts are incubating
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Genomic landscape underlying phenotypic integrity in Corvus corone and Corvus cornix
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment, Why Evolution is True)
Aerial ability of basal paravians
(Read about it: DML)
Leap and strike kinetics of Tyto alba
(Read about it: The Journal of Experimental Biology)
Elaborate visual and acoustic signals evolved multiple times in thraupids
(Read about it: All About Birds)
How avians evolve individual egg patterns
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Nature News and Comment)
Disparity in fossil and molecular divergence dates for avians
(Read about it: DML)
Role of drastic population fluctuations in the extinction of Ectopistes migratorius
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, The Loom)
Bill shape and bite performance in Lanius ludovicianus
(Read about it: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society)
Changing impact of climate change on Pygoscelis
(Read about it: Nature)
The identification and growth of juvenile Euryapteryx curtus
(Read about it: The Integrative Paleontologists)
Avian egg from the Cretaceous of Brazil
(Read about it: DML)
Corvus moneduloides unable to create novel causal intervention
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Pica pica learn to remove brood parasite eggs with age
(Read about it: Zoologger)
Aptenodytes patagonicus demography since the last glaciation
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Cost of teaching embryos in Malurus cyaneus
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Zoologic)
Energy conversion in picids during pecking
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
A supertree of avians
(Read about it: PLOS Currents Tree of Life)
Seeking carotenoid pigments in fossil feathers
(Read about it: Illuminating Fossils)
Wing and hindlimb myology of accipitriforms
(Read about it: DML)
Selection of size of black tie in Parus major may be reversed in urban habitats
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Dicaeum kuehni split from Dicaeum celebicum
(Read about it: EcoEvo@TCD)
Neuronal correlates of visual working memory in the corvid endbrain
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Blood flow for bone remodelling correlates with locomotion in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Garrulus glandarius use visual and acoustic information to pilfer caches
(Read about it: Zoologic, ScienceNOW)
"Saurornitholestes" robustus is a troodont
(Read about it: DML)
New specimen of Zhouornis hani
(Read about it: DML)
Low ecological disparity in Early Cretaceous pygostylians
(Read about it: DML)
Pumiliornis tessellatus ate nectar
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Why Evolution is True, 10,000 Birds)
Prosodic sensitivity of Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
New avialan Galligeranoides boriensis
(Read about it: DML)
Upupa epops eggshells enhance adhesion of symbiont-carrying secretions
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Molecular evidence for elephant birds and kiwis as sister taxa
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Why Evolution is True)
Mechanics and behavior of Petrochelidon pyrrhonota flying in tandem
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Long-axis rotation in avian bipedal locomotion
(Read about it: DML)
Exceptional soft tissue preservation in a Gyps fulvus
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Redescription of Pseudaptenodytes macraei
(Read about it: Alcheringa)
Post-fledging dispersal of Aptenodytes patagonicus
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
Personality predicts risk responsiveness in Parus major
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Reconstruction of extinct tbx5 gene from dinornithiforms
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Genomic support for a moa-tinamou clade
(Read about it: DML)
Flower visitation by European avians
(Read about it: Oikos)
New avialan Tianyuornis cheni
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Morphology and development of flight feather asymmetry
(Read about it: DML)
How Columba livia navigate obstacles
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
The evolution of WAIR
(Read about it: DML)
Function and diversity of therizinosaur claws
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Fortunguavis xiaotaizicus
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New avialan Evgenavis nobilis
(Read about it: Theropoda)
The braincase of Nothronychus mckinleyi
(Read about it: DML)
Role of atmospheric conditions in North American avian migration
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Flexible alarm mimicry allows effective deception in Dicrurus adsimilis
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, ScienceNOW)
The jaw musculature of Dacelo novaeguineae
(Read about it: PeerJ)
Niche filling slows diversification of Himalayan passerines
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Quantification of feather wettability
(Read about it: Interface)
Influence of predation pressure on avian longevity
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Large eggs from the Paleogene of France attributed to gastornithids
(Read about it: DML)
Avian adaptation to ionizing radiation at Chernobyl
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Impact of historical climate change on Pygoscelis papua populations
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
Corvus corax understand third-party relations among conspecifics
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Growth of Gargantuavis philoinos
(Read about it: DML)
Colonization of Brazil by Bubulcus ibis
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Multi-scale effects of nestling diet on breeding performance in Aquila fasciata
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Choice of nesting material can be learned by avians
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
New specimens of Yanornis with fish as gut contents
(Read about it: DML)
Flexibility in the digestive system of Zonotrichia albicolli
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Field observations of Calliope obscura
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Running performance of Anser indicus under hypoxic conditions
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Reassessment of wing feather arrangement in Archaeopteryx lithographica
(Read about it: DML)
The diversification of trochilids
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Visual effects of Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis bowers
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Causal understanding of water displacement by Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: Why Evolution is True)
Adaptive function of melanin-based coloration for Columba livia domestica
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Leptin sequences from avians
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
Corvus corone can benefit from brood parasitism by Clamator glandarius
(Read about it: Nothing in Biology Makes Sense!)
New oviraptorosaur Anzu wyliei
(Read about it: Theropoda, Jersey Boys Hunt Dinosaurs, The Theropod Database Blog, Laelaps, ScienceNOW, The Bite Stuff)
Origins and dispersal of Gallus gallus domesticus across the Pacific
(Read about it: PNAS)
The extinction of dinornithiforms
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Origins of neornithines
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Eudyptes calauina
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
The avian fossil record in insular Southeast Asia
(Read about it: PeerJ)
High breeding density does not disrupt monogamy in Athene cunicularia
(Read about it: Zoologger)
Behavioral lateralization in flying Melopsittacus undulatus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Hybrid zone between Poecile atricapillus and Poecile carolinensis moving north
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Melanosomes in fossilized feathers may actually be microbes
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Female song widespread and ancestral in passerines
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Male Pavo cristatus make deceptive copulation calls
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Phylogenetic position of Elachura formosa
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, 10,000 Birds)
Plastic behaviors in hosts promote retaliatory brood parasites
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Coloration mechanisms in Parotia lawesii
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Parus major hide eggs from information parasites
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, The Loom)
Efficiency of lift production in Apus apus
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
Ecology and caudal skeletal morphology in avians
(Read about it: The Integrative Paleontologists)
Female Molothrus ater have better spatial memory than males
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Vocal signals predict alliances among Spizella passerina
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Herbivorous diet in Gastornis
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Acanthiza pusilla mimics different alarm calls in response to different threats
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Habitat geometry does not affect levels of extrapair paternity in Malurus elegans
(Read about it: Behavioral Ecology)
Melanosome evolution in feathered dinosaurs
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Altered developmental events lead to avian digit loss
(Read about it: Developmental Dynamics)
Interaction between color-expressing genes in Columba livia domestica
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Review of post-fledging survival in passerines
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Hindlimb myology of Myiopsitta monachus
(Read about it: Journal of Morphology)
Diving flight aerodynamics of Falco peregrinus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Gallus gallus domesticus with artificial tails provide clues to non-avian theropod locomotion
(Read about it: Lost Worlds)
Pale eyes in Corvus monedula deter conspecific nest intruders
(Read about it: The Rattling Crow)
Mutualism between Sephanoides sephaniodes and cryptogamic plants
(Read about it: The Loom)
Personality and foraging in Thalassarche melanophrys
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
Metabolic intensity of powered flight drove reduced genome size in avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Impact of Antarctic climate change on Pygoscelis adeliae
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
High rates of evolution preceded the origin of avialans
(Read about it: Evolution)
An opisthocomiform from the Miocene of Kenya
(Read about it: The Auk)
The impact of island life on the life history of Sialia sialis
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
The mandible of Chirostenotes pergracilis
(Read about it: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences)
Timing the origin of neornithines
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New avialan Australornis lovei
(Read about it: Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand)
Large anseriforms from the Eocene of China
(Read about it: Vertebrata PalAsiatica)
Histology of Jeholornis and an enantiornithine
(Read about it: Vertebrata PalAsiatica)
Subadult specimen of Pengornis houi
(Read about it: Vertebrata PalAsiatica)
Behavioral analysis of avialan tracks from the Haman
(Read about it: Vertebrata PalAsiatica)
Zhongornis haoae as a close relative of scansoriopterygids
(Read about it: The Theropod Database Blog)
New avialans Parabohaiornis martini and Longusunguis kurochkini
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New troodont Gobivenator mongoliensis
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New avialan Protoazin parisiensis
(Read about it: Naturwissenschaften)
Review of avialan behavior in the fossil record
(Read about it: Tetrapod Zoology)
New specimen of Bohaiornis guoi with raptorial features
(Read about it: Theropoda)
The aerodynamics of Microraptor gui
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
Experimental confirmation of aerodynamics in V-formation flight
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, ScienceNOW, Nature News and Comment)
Falco pursue prey using visual motion cues
(Read about it: Running Ponies, Zoologger)
The costs of soaring for Gyps fulvus and Gyps himalayensis
(Read about it: PLOS ONE)
Aptenodytes forsteri observed breeding on ice shelves
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Narrow-front loop migration in Cuculus canorus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialan Parvavis chuxiongensis
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New specimen of Hongshanornis longicresta
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Scolopax rochussenii is less endangered than expected
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Innovative Sturnus tristis are fast but not flexible learners
(Read about it: Zoologic)
DNA barcoding Dutch avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
The effects of testosterone on Serinus canaria singing
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
How Ibycter americanus prey on social apocritans
(Read about it: Charismatic Minifauna, Why Evolution is True)
Evidence for central place foraging Onychoprion anaethetus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Cooperative nesting in avians associated with distribution of brood parasites
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Energetics of courtship for Manacus vitellinus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Differences in leg robustness in dinornithiforms
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Digital dissection of Buteo buteo
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Gobipipus reshetovi
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogenetic position of Ambiortus dementjevi
(Read about it: DML)
The furcula of Archaeopteryx lithographica
(Read about it: DML)
Origin of traveling waves in Aptenodytes forsteri huddles
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Avian track assemblage from the Tugulu Group
(Read about it: DML)
Linking dietary shift and reproductive failure in Eudyptula minor
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Proceedings of 8th International SAPE meeting published (new avialans Chambiortyx cristata, Miocoracias chenevali, Miotyto montispetrosi, Pastushkinia zazhigini, and Proapteryx micromeros)
(Read about it: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien)
Clamator glandarius young are disadvantaged when reared by and alongside Pica pica
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Object caching in corvids may be an expression of exploration and play
(Read about it: Zoologic)
Nest sanitation may form the basis for ejection of parasitic eggs in Passer montanus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Behavioral lateralization in Melopsittacus undulatus varies by task and individual
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Human-assisted spread of maladaptive behavior in Petroica traversi
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Trochilids metabolize glucose and fructose equally
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Personality determines level of aggressive signalling in Melospiza melodia
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
Repeated evolutionary changes in hemoglobin function of Andean trochilids
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Manipulating the appearance of the frontal shield in Porphyrio porphyrio melanotus causes changes in its expression.
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Evolution and function of beaks in therizinosaurs (and other maniraptoriforms)
(Read about it: DML)
Mass estimation of flying avians
(Read about it: The Integrative Paleontologists)
Abstract rule neurons in the endbrain of Corvus corone
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New oviraptorosaur Nankangia jiangxiensis
(Read about it: Theropoda, The Bite Stuff)
Phorusrhacids from the Eocene of Europe
(Read about it: DML)
Why Phoebastria immutabilis forms same-sex pairs
(Read about it: The Loom)
Individual vocal signatures in juvenile Tyto alba and role in sibling competition
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Variation in the alarm calls of Parus major
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Emberizid pair fidelity varies based on latitude and elevation
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
New deinonychosaur Acheroraptor temertyorum
(Read about it: Theropoda, David Evans Lab, Art of Emily Willoughby)
"Ingenia" yanshini renamed Ajancingenia
(Read about it: The Theropod Database Blog, The Bite Stuff, Theropoda)
Structure and growth of pseudoteeth in Pelagornis mauretanicus
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Timing the origin of spheniscids
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Observing Morus bassanus behavior with bird-borne cameras
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Why timing of avian migration is advancing
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Aquila audax fleayi probably colonized Tasmania via marine dispersal
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Columba livia may use olfactory cues for navigation
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Phylogenetic position of Juncitarsus
(Read about it: DML)
A molecular-morphogenetic approach to avian digit homology
(Read about it: The Cambrian Mammal)
Theropods (including maniraptors) from the Cretaceous of the South Pyrenees Basin
(Read about it: DML)
Duet integration in Pheugopedius felix
(Read about it: Zoologic)
Oldest known avian footprints from Australia
(Read about it: Life Traces of the Georgia Coast)
Maximized song learning in Taeniopygia guttata following BDNF expression
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Genes correlated with timing of dispersal in Buteo buteo
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Type species of Leptorhynchos retroactively assigned
(Read about it: DML)
New Oligocene upupiform
(Read about it: Acta Zoologica)
Hallux development in Eocene sphenisciforms
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Rhinoptilus bitorquatus egg discovered in museum
(Read about it: Extinction Countdown)
Problem-solving abilities in psittaciforms correlated with social structure
(Read about it: Zoologic)
Mechanism of FoxP2 gene expression in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Brain morphology of plotopterids compared with other waterbirds
(Read about it: DML)
Batesian mimicry of raptors common in cuculids
(Read about it: The Loom, Inkfish)
Consonant intervals and patterns in the song of Cyphorhinus arada
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialans Yumenornis huangi, Changmaornis houi, and Jiuquanornis niui
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New avialan Garganornis ballmanni
(Read about it: Comptes Rendus Palevol)
Urban night illumination reduces melatonin release in Turdus merula
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Foraging strategies of passerines
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Calidris pusilla individuals at center of social groups adopt riskier foraging behavior
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
200-day nonstop flight in Tachymarptis melba
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Unusual tail feather arrangement in Jeholornis
(Read about it: Theropoda, The Bite Stuff)
Dinornithiform coprolites reveal lost herbivore community structure
(Read about it: The Integrative Paleontologists)
Distinguishing Palaeeudyptes gunnari and Palaeeudyptes klekowskii
(Read about it: DML)
Extra-pair mating in Malurus melanocephalus prevents speciation
(Read about it: All About Birds)
Life history strategies of Rissa tridactyla predict response to stress
(Read about it: Biology Letters)
Interaction rules underlying group decisions in Columba livia
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Progressive loss of syntax in insular Fringilla coelebs
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Artificial light alters biorhythms of Turdus merula
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Effect of a cold, wet spring on breeding avians
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Anomalospiza imberbis compromise host egg rejection by repeatedly targeting the same nests
(Read about it: Wired Science)
First record of Aquila chrysaetos predation on Cervus nippon
(Read about it: The Thoughtful Animal)
Phylogenetic position of Yixianosaurus longimanus
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Intraspecific variation in mitochondrial respiration of Setophaga coronata
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Individual personalities of Parus major predict social behavior
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Aerodynamic performance of Microraptor
(Read about it: Tetrapod Zoology)
Mapping the avian brain
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Benefits of interspecific eavesdropping for Rhinopomastus cyanomelas
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Avians lack tristetraprolin
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Large-brained avian species have lower stress levels
(Read about it: Wired Science)
New avialan Zhouornis hani
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Avian eggs from Willwood and Chadron
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Odor of Junco hyemalis predicts reproductive success
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Specialized frugivorous avians may not be important in seed dispersal
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
The thermoregulatory role of avian tracheae
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Piscivoravis lii
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Social learning in Grus americana
(Read about it: The Thoughtful Animal)
Increase in Pygoscelis adeliae populations in the Ross Sea during the Little Ice Age
(Read about it: LiveScience)
Avians are aware of speed limits on roads
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Digit loss in archosaur (including avian) evolution
(Read about it: DML)
Postbreeding forest avians choose different habitats based on physiological condition
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Female plumage color in Hirundo rustica erythrogaster influences health
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Indicator indicator egg traits are selected through intraspecific competition
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
New Hell Creek theropod teeth morphotypes (including maniraptors)
(Read about it: DML)
New oviraptorosaur Jiangxisaurus ganzhouensis
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Riparian old-growth forests important for Bubo blakistoni
(Read about it: Extinction Countdown)
Exaggerated sexual dimorphism in Meleagris gallopavo is associated with masculinization of gene expression
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Neck flexibility of Struthio camelus
(Read about it: DML)
High rate of hind limb evolution in Mesozoic avialans
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Crown coloration in female Cyanistes caeruleus predicts reproductive success
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Juvenile and adult Melospiza melodia respond to climate change differently
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Effect of Agrilus planipennis invasion on avians
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Relationship between brain volume and brain width in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Male Coturnix japonica secrete foam to increase reproductive success
(Read about it: Zoologger)
Melanism expression covaries with sleep ontogeny in Tyto alba
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Juvenile social experience influences pairing success of Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Evolutionary origins of the avian brain
(Read about it: The Loom, Lost Worlds)
Bone inventory for Gastornis geiselensis
(Read about it: DML)
Predation risk alters the dusk chorus of Catharus fuscescens
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Explaining the iridescence of Chrysococcyx cupreus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Phylogeny of threskiornithids
(Read about it: 10,000 Birds)
Spatial memory and tracking in Cacatua goffiniana
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialan Scytalopus gettyae
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Cognitive navigation in Columba livia
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Corvus macrorhynchos observed preying on Cophotis ceylandica
(Read about it: Anole Annals)
Selective attention in female Pavo cristatus during courtship
(Read about it: Wired Science)
Sexual selection on charadriiform brain size
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Avian forebrain organization
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Calonectris diomedea use olfactory cues to navigate back to their nesting sites
(Read about it: 10,000 Birds)
Hierarchical dominance structure of Gymnogyps californianus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Parus humilis genome sequenced
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Gavia immer choose potentially maladaptive natal-like breeding sites
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Debate over preserved ovaries in Jeholornis and enantiornithines
(Read about it: DML)
Importance of phenotypic plasticity in Parus major
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Sequential problem solving in Cacatua goffiniana
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
PET scanning Corvus brachyrhynchos
(Read about it: DML)
New avialan Xinghaiornis lini
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Air speeds of migrating avians
(Read about it: Animal Flight Lab)
New avialan Otus frutuosoi
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Scale effects in the neognath hindlimb
(Read about it: DML)
Human melody production in Pyrrhula pyrrula
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialan Orthotomus chaktomuk
(Read about it: BBC Nature, ScienceNOW)
Avian cerebellar floccular fossa size not a good proxy for flying ability
(Read about it: DML)
Pleistocene-Holocene avifauna of Liang Bua
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
New avialan Qianshanornis rapax
(Read about it: DML)
Testing avian phylogenies
(Read about it: DML)
Review of avian finger evolution
(Read about it: DML)
New avialans Nystalus obamai, Dendrocolaptes retentus, Lepidocolaptes fatimalimae, Campylorhamphus gyldenstolpei, Campylorhamphus cardosoi, Epinecrophylla dentei, Myrmotherula oreni, Herpsilochmus praedictus, Herpsilochmus stotzi, Hypocnemis rondoni, Zimmerius chicomendesi, Hemitriccus cohnhafti, Tolmomyias sucunduri, Polioptila attenboroughi, and Cyanocorax hafferi
(Read about it: Wired Science)
Social roles influence circadian rhythms in Arctic avians
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Malurus cyaneus learn to identify brood parasites by social learning
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Archaeopteryx lithographica colors analyzed in more detail
(Read about it: Dinosaur CSI, Lost Worlds)
Sturnid iridescence facilitates diversification
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
New observations on the skull of Archaeopteryx lithographica
(Read about it: DML)
Pica pica make decisions faster when watched directly by predators
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Menura novaehollandiae coordinate song and dance displays
(Read about it: Zoologger)
Evolution and loss of avian phalluses
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, ScienceNOW, Nature News and Comment)
Urban Turdus merula breed earlier than rural ones
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Crop damage by Meleagris gallopavo is exaggerated
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Progne subis don't adjust the timing of their migration to temperature change
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Sterna paradisaea migrate record distances
(Read about it: ABA Blog)
Recent human impact on the diet of Pterodroma sandwichensis
(Read about it: Deep Sea News)
Acquisition of vocal ability in Taeniopygia guttata and Lonchura striata domestica
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialan Aurornis xui
(Read about it: Theropoda, Not Exactly Rocket Science, Nature News and Comment, Lost Worlds)
New therizinosaur Jianchangosaurus yixianensis
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Columba livia solve digital string problems
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Splitting up Fulmarus glacialis
(Read about it: 10,000 Birds)
New avialan ichnotaxon from Korea
(Read about it: DML)
Pezophaps solitaria carpal knobs confirmed as weapons
(Read about it: Natural History Museum News)
Wing kinematics during WAIR
(Read about it: DML)
Trade-off between flying and diving ability in marine avians
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment, ScienceNOW)
Clutch size may not be a good proxy for style of parental care
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of the theropod tail for use in flight
(Read about it: DML)
Low genetic diversity in Apteryx owenii
(Read about it: Running Ponies, Extinction Countdown, ScienceNOW)
New avialan Yanornis guozhangi
(Read about it: DML)
Falco sparverius stressed by human disturbance despite high tolerance for humans
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
On doing paravian phylogenetic analyses
(Read about it: DML)
Estrilda astrild personality based on ecology
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Ara macao genome sequenced
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialan Resoviaornis jamrozi
(Read about it: DML)
Female Passer domesticus lay more eggs if males put more feathers in nests
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New oviraptorosaur Wulatelong gobiensis
(Read about it: Theropoda, The Bite Stuff)
Female Molothrus ater that don't select for high-quality male songs disrupt flock behavior
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Vocal cooperation in Apteryx owenii
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialan Eocypselus rowei
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Nothing in Biology Makes Sense!)
Migratory behavior of Puffinus puffinus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Cellular mechanisms behind feather color patterns
(Read about it: DML)
Body and limb size dissociation in avian evolution
(Read about it: DML)
Taphonomy of feather colors
(Read about it: DML)
Gavia immer observed mock brooding
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Parus major populations remain stable despite effects of climate change
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Iron balls found in avian sensory neurons
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Evolution of avian posture
(Read about it: What's in John's Freezer?, Not Exactly Rocket Science)
New oviraptorosaurs Leptorhynchos elegans and Leptorhynchos gaddisi
(Read about it: The Bite Stuff, The Theropod Database Blog)
Juvenile Sapeornis chaoyangensis specimen
(Read about it: DML)
Sorting out the Rallus longirostris and Rallus elegans complex
(Read about it: 10,000 Birds)
Microraptor gui ate fish
(Read about it: Theropoda, Laelaps, Natural Selections, Art of Emily Willoughby, ScienceNOW)
Troodont tooth from India
(Read about it: DML)
Paronychodon teeth from Uzbekistan
(Read about it: DML)
Social learning in Cyanistes caeruleus
(Read about it: Animal Behavior)
New oviraptorosaur Ganzhousaurus nankangensis
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Development of navigational system in Columba livia domestica
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Enantiornithine nesting colony from Argentina
(Read about it: DML)
Color polymorphism in Tyto alba
(Read about it: DML)
Postcranial pneumaticity in charadriiforms and pelecaniforms
(Read about it: DML)
Gallus gallus domesticus with larger gizzards are more efficient
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Turdoides bicolor young put themselves at risk to get fed more
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment, 10,000 Birds)
Evolution of sexual dimorphism in Dinornis
(Read about it: DML)
Pelecaniform and ciconiiform niche stability
(Read about it: DML)
Relationship between energy expenditure and walking speed in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Pygoscelis adeliae may benefit from climate change
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Gruid dances as play
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Debate about fossil melanosome color studies
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
Lunar cycle influences behavior of Creagrus furcatus at sea
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New specimen of Austroraptor cabazai
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Melanin concentration gradients in feathers
(Read about it: DML)
History of African sphenisciforms
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins, Natural Selections)
Changing family dynamics of Fulica americana
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Avian tracks from Xinjiang
(Read about it: DML)
Magnitude of Holocene Pacific avian extinctions
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Genomes of Falco peregrinus and Falco cherrug sequenced
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Cooperative reproductive behavior in Aegithalos caudatus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Extinction patterns of Holocene Hispaniolan avians
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
"Triassic" avian tracks likely from the Eocene
(Read about it: DML)
Unique pigment in sphenisciforms analyzed
(Read about it: Illuminating Fossils, March of the Fossil Penguins)
Sarcoramphus sacer may be a valid taxon
(Read about it: ABA Blog)
Water vapor conductance of Troodon formosus eggs
(Read about it: DML)
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota evolving shorter wings to avoid vehicles
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Nature News and Comment, ABA Blog, 10,000 Birds, Why Evolution is True)
Circadian clock determines timing of crowing by male Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Inkfish)
Jeholornis and enantiornithines had just one functional ovary
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Nature News and Comment, Natural Selections)
New avialan Oligocolius psittacocephalon
(Read about it: Ibis)
Metatarsal feathers widespread in Mesozoic avialans
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Natural Selections, Theropoda, 10,000 Birds)
Patterns of Clamator glandarius brood parasitism on Pica pica
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Self control observed in Cacatua goffini
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Age-related variation in reproductive traits of Diomedea exulans
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Evolution of avian sex roles
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
New avian molecular phylogeny
(Read about it: DML)
Urban noise reduces avian diversity
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Structure of mixed-species corvid flocks
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Aptenodytes forsteri body surfaces cool below air temperature
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, March of the Fossil Penguins)
New avialan Vadaravis brownae
(Read about it: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology)
Predicting distribution of Thalassarche melanophris
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
First record of Cenozoic fossil avian tracks from East Asia
(Read about it: Ichnos)
How Taeniopygia guttata coordinate motor functions while singing
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New maniraptor phylogeny
(Read about it: Theropoda, The Bite Stuff)
Impact of wintering environment on aging in Setophaga ruticilla
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Buteo buteo are only a minor cause of death for Phasianus colchicus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Trochilids generate bilateral vortex loops while hovering
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Dinornithiform gastrointestinal parasites
(Read about it: PLoS One)
Apus apus make twilight ascents
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Corvus respond to inequity
(Read about it: PLoS One)
Age of crown-group passerines
(Read about it: DML)
Osteology of Balaur bondoc
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Effect of artificial light on Turdus merula
(Read about it: 80 Beats)
New avialan Otus jolandae
(Read about it: Running Ponies)
Carotenoid-rich diets make male Notiomystis concta more attractive
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Melospiza melodia use song type matching as threat warnings
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Avians evolved ultraviolet vision more than once
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Modeling flocking behavior of Sturnus vulgaris
(Read about it: Round Robin)
More support for avians using the Earth's magnetic field during migration
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Inferring taxonomy from fossil feather structure
(Read about it: DML)
Behavioral changes and adaptive diversification in columbiforms
(Read about it: Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
Northward spread of Phalacrocorax carbo likely limited
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Non-destructive methods of analyzing sphenisciform diet
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Food sharing in Garrulus glandarius based on perceived desire of others
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Inkfish, Why Evolution is True)
Impact of future climate change on Asian avian species
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Anatids and scolopacids of Neogene Italy
(Read about it: Geobios)
Genomic diversity and head crest evolution in Columba livia domestica
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Columba livia may use infrasound "maps" to navigate
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Cultural evolution in Passerculus sandwichiensis songs
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Costs and benefits of pheomelanin in avians
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Response of male Melospiza georgiana to wing-waving displays
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialan Saintandrea chenoides
(Read about it: Paläontologische Zeitschrift)
Chroicocephalus scopulinus increasing along Otago
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New deinonychosaur Eosinopteryx brevipenna
(Read about it: Theropoda, Art of Emily Willoughby, Laelaps, Natural Selections)
Sex identification of Confuciusornis sanctus
(Read about it: 80 Beats, Laelaps)
Fractal geometry of plumage in Alectoris rufa indicates individual quality
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Multivariate analyses of small theropod (including maniraptor) teeth
(Read about it: The Integrative Paleontologists)
Hunting methods of Pygoscelis adeliae
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Relationship between flightlessness and cranial morphology in avians
(Read about it: DML)
How Aptenodytes patagonicus chicks navigate
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Gallus gallus domesticus don't form friendships
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Coturnix japonica lay their eggs on ideal substrates for camoufalge
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
New oviraptorosaur Yulong mini
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Urban avians sing at higher frequencies because they can call louder that way
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Test of whether recaching behavior in Aphelocoma californica is attributable to stress
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Taeniopygia guttata syrinx visualized in 3D
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New specimens of Archaeorhynchus spathula
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New avialan Sulcavis geeorum
(Read about it: Theropoda, Laelaps)
Function of oviraptorosaur tails
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Laelaps, Endless Forms, Archosaur Musings)
Osteology of Khaan mckennai
(Read about it: The Bite Stuff)
Convergence between dromaeosaurid and basal pterosaur tails
(Read about it: Pterosaur.net Blog)
Piksi barbarulna, Eurolimnornis corneti, and Palaeocursornis corneti are probably pterosaurs
(Read about it: DML)
Birdsong stimulates avian brains similarly to how music stimulates those of Homo sapiens
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Mathematical model for how avians learn to sing
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Copulation calls of male Pavo cristatus attract distant females
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Endocranial anatomy of therizinosaurs
(Read about it: Laelaps, Theropoda)
Mixed species bird flocks tend to be based on phenotypic similarity
(Read about it: PubMed)
Male Taeniopygia guttata in poor condition don't try to fool familiar females
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Population trends in boreal avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Gallus gallus domesticus digit identity review
(Read about it: DML)
Species interaction constrains geographic range in furnariids
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Forelimb of Anthropornis nordenskjoeldii
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Endocranial anatomy of charadriiforms
(Read about it: The Integrative Paleontologists)
Claw curvature of avians and other coelurosaurs
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking, Tetrapod Zoology)
Theory of mind in Garrulus glandarius
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Use of cigarette butts as nesting material by urban avians
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
Youngest Taeniopygia guttata are most explorative
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Numida meleagris unlikely to be effective for controlling ticks
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
No directional evolution in size for oviraptorosaurs and therizinosaurs
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking)
Hip injuries in Cygnus olor
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Influence of psittaciform social structure on evolution of vocal mimicry
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Wing feather arrangement of Archaeopteryx lithographica and Anchiornis huxleyi
(Read about it: Theropoda, Dinosaur Tracking)
Importance of sea ice for Aptenodytes forsteri
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Pyrocephalus rubinus sing longer songs in noisy environments
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Genetic diversity in Meleagris gallopavo
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Model for huddling sphenisciforms
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Columba livia effectively learn flight paths by traveling alongside more experienced individuals
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Large avian footprints from the Eocene
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Malurus cyaneus use vocal passwords to identify brood parasites
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Zoologger, Nature News and Comment)
Avians in urban environments have different escape strategies from those that don't
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Haemorhous mexicanus avoid sick individuals of their species
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Cacatua goffiniana observed making and using tools spontaneously
(Read about it: The Thoughtful Animal)
Importance of aeroelasticity in avian flight
(Read about it: DML)
Avian diversity over space and time
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Anser indicus prefer to fly through valleys rather than over summits
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Alex the Psittacus erithacus could infer the relationship between cardinal and ordinal numbers
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Why malurids are blue
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Corvus moneduloides fail the string-pulling test if food doesn't come toward them
(Read about it: ABC Science)
Ficedula speciation
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New alvarezsaur Alnashetri cerropolicensis
(Read about it: Theropoda, Dinosaur Tracking)
New avialan Shengjingornis yangi
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Parus major good at solving problems more likely to desert nests
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Corvus brachyrhynchos can spread prions in their feces
(Read about it: Endless Forms)
Phoenicopteriform twig nest from the Miocene
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Trochilids have multiple tongue mechanisms for feeding
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Bite force of Erlikosaurus andrewsi
(Read about it: DML)
Ontogeny of enantiornithine sterna
(Read about it: Nature Communications)
Corvus moneduloides is physically adapted for tool-using
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Nature Research Highlights)
Large molecule-based avian phylogeny study
(Read about it: 10,000 Birds)
Pelagic behavior of Puffinus puffinus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Strigops habroptila was a pollinator of Dactylanthus taylorii
(Read about it: Extinction Countdown, Laelaps)
Evolution and development of avian limb skeletal traits
(Read about it: DML)
Erythrura gouldiae choose mates using their right eye
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Avialan material from the Peirópolis site
(Read about it: DML)
New specimen of Mei long
(Read about it: Theropoda, Evolutionary Routes, Dinosaur Tracking)
Backwards flight of trochilids is efficient
(Read about it: 80 Beats)
Garrulus glandarius change foraging and hoarding tactics based on social hierarchy
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Climactic niches of Australian avians shifting
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Corvus moneduloides use causal reasoning
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, 10,000 Birds, 80 Beats, Why Evolution is True)
Role of brain circuits for memorizing birdsong in Taeniopygia guttata
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Mechanisms for development of unique feather types in Mesozoic aviremigians
(Read about it: Geosciences)
Genetic evidence of vicariance in palaeognaths and an Early Cretaceous origin of neornithines
(Read about it: DML)
Social networking in Corvus moneduloides
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Tyto alba furcata feed on polychrotids
(Read about it: Anole Annals)
Corvus brachyrhynchos can use preexisting memories to recognize faces
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Primary feather lengths in Mesozoic avialians may not correlate with flight styles
(Read about it: DML)
Halobaena caerulea use sense of smell to find compatible mates
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
MHC diversity and mate choice in Spheniscus magellanicus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Soaring cycle of Diomedea exulans
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Female Gallus gallus domesticus with larger combs produce more eggs
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Aphelocoma californica react to their dead
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
New therizinosaur Martharaptor greenriverensis
(Read about it: Theropoda, Dinosaur Tracking)
Decline in breeding Pygoscelis antarcticus
(Read about it: Penguinology)
New specimen of Sapeornis
(Read about it: The Theropod Database Blog)
Review of paravian phylogeny
(Read about it: The Theropod Database Blog, Theropoda)
Geospiza fortis genome sequenced
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialians Ninox leventisi and Ninox rumseyi
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Microcerculus philomela songs do not follow Western musical scales
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Elevated levels of glucocorticoid hormones are beneficial to young Catharus ustulatus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Late Cretaceous avialian tracks from Tunisia
(Read about it: DML)
Anser brachyrynchus actively avoid wind farms
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Adaptive sleep loss in Calidris melanotos
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, ScienceNOW)
Earliest record of domesticated Mexican Meleagris gallopavo
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Psittacus erithacus can use inferential reasoning
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
Avian diversity is greater in agroforests than in open farms
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Aggression-specific cell type found in Uraeginthus granatinus
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
New avialian Capito fitzpatricki
(Read about it: Round Robin)
New papers on ratite phylogeny
(Read about it: DML)
Oldest anseriform fossil from Australia
(Read about it: DML)
Avians that live with varying weather have more flexible songs
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Polymorphism helps Cuculus canorus avoid mobbing by hosts
(Read about it: Zoologger, 80 Beats)
Change in extinction patterns of New Zealand avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Female Erythrura trichroa can change the sex ratio of their offspring
(Read about it: ABC Science)
The brain and senses of Paraptenodytes antarcticus
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Investigating global dispersal of Gallus gallus domesticus with mitochondrial DNA
(Read about it: ABC Science)
Migratory avians follow consistent schedules
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialian Australopicus nelsonmandelai
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Aptenodytes patagonicus cope with continuous human disturbance
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Hydrobates pelagicus can recognize close relatives through smell
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Shock-absorbing feathers and postural changes protect trochilids from heavy rain
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Nature News Blog)
Melospiza lincolnii sing at dawn because their songs sound more attractive in the cold
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Infidelity is cost-effective for Diomedea exulans
(Read about it: Zoologger)
Webbed avialian footprints from Late Cretaceous China
(Read about it: DML)
Urban noise may be increasing mortality rate in young Passer domesticus
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Leucophaeus pipixcan can sense day lengths even prior to hatching
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Cancer-fighting lysin found in Gallus gallus domesticus
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Closely-related avians in the same region tend to have divergent calls and colors
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Larus fuscus benefit from climate change
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Hormones control when Puffinus puffinus chicks leave the nest
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Lagopus muta use the same amount of energy for running whether with summer or winter fat reserves
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Model for the origin of avian flight
(Read about it: DML)
Using coprolites to determine the lifestyle of Megalapteryx didinus
(Read about it: Inkfish)
New avialian Lutetodontopteryx tethyensis
(Read about it: DML)
Completeness of the Mesozoic avian fossil record
(Read about it: Aero Evo)
Parental behavior of male Cyanistes caeruleus determined by female ornamentation
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Columba livia can recognize familiar faces
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Alaskan therizinosaur track
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking)
Benefits of long-term monogamy to Branta bernicla nigricans
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Accuracy of vocal mimicry in Menura novaehollandiae
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Avians learn songs least degraded by environmental transmission
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Redescription of Chaoyangia beishanensis
(Read about it: Theropoda)
New material of Gargantuavis philoinos
(Read about it: DML)
Decline in Pygoscelis antarcticus
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Solid wing bones of Machaeropterus deliciosus help generate sounds
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Impact of heavy rainfall on waterfowl communities
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Evidence of sexual selection in anseriforms
(Read about it: Denim and Tweed)
Molothrus rufoaxillaris are more effective than Molothrus bonariensis at brood parasitizing Agelaioides badius
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
Color of Erythrura gouldiae heads indicates their personalities
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Cynanthus latirostris threatened by early blooming of Erythronium grandiflorum
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Functional analysis of the furcula in Mesozoic avialians
(Read about it: DML)
Avians have paedomorphic skulls
(Read about it: Theropoda, Dinosaur Tracking)
Neck flexibility of Andalgalornis steulleti
(Read about it: DML)
Evidence that avian bill coloration is an indicator of health
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
The invasive Zosterops japonicus is the only avian species increasing in the Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Promiscuity can be costly for Melospiza melodia
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Avian legs key to evolutionary success
(Read about it: DML)
Scaling of the avian pelvic limb
(Read about it: DML)
Covert learning skill in Lonchura striata domestica
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
New species of Microraptor M. hanqingi
(Read about it: DML)
Enantiornithine coracoid from the Kaiparowits Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Alle alle are adapting to climate change
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New deinonychosaur Yurgovuchia doellingi
(Read about it: The Theropod Database Blog, Theropoda, Archosaur Musings)
Brightness of egg colors determines male parental investment in Turdus migratorius
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Enantiornithine breeding colony
(Read about it: Tetrapod Zoology, Domain of the C-Rex, Laelaps)
Corvus corone recognize vocalizations from familiar members of other species
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Avians with color variations evolve more quickly than those that don't
(Read about it: Cosmos)
Long-term changes in drinking habits of Pygoscelis adeliae
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
New avialian Xiangornis shenmi
(Read about it: DML)
Gallus gallus embryos display waking-like brain activity long before hatching
(Read about it: 80 Beats)
Molothrus ater females prefer less intensive courtship displays
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Diomedea exulans breeding earlier
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Unenlagiine from the Bauru Group
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Marine avians important in dispersal of parasites
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Neural correlates of magnetic sense in Columba livia identified
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, ScienceNOW, Nature News and Comment)
Parus major more likely to join defensive mobs that contain familiar neighbors
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Arctic avians in decline
(Read about it: Nature News Blog)
Day length affects gene activity in Parus major
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Avians with pheomelanin more susceptible to cataracts
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Ptilonorhynchus maculata cultivate Solanum ellipticum for sexual display
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
New deinonychosaur Philovenator curriei
(Read about it: DML)
Phylogenetic assessment of Yixianosaurus longimanus
(Read about it: DML)
Anseriforms spread Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
(Read about it: Extinction Countdown)
Long-term memory for affiliates in Corvus corax
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Why avians in areas with high radiation contamination call more frequently
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Reasons for decline of Chaetura pelagica
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, ScienceNOW)
Change in egg color of Prinia subflava and Anomalospiza imberbis over time
(Read about it: Inkfish)
Aptenodytes fosteri population counted from space
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Inkfish)
Breeding provenance of Zonotrichia atricapilla
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Accipiter gentilis target odd-colored Columba livia
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
"Neurons" in Columba livia beaks not for navigation, and are actually macrophages
(Read about it: 80 Beats)
Reasons for divorce in Calidris alpina
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
New avialian Crypturellus reai
(Read about it: PalArch)
Production of iridescence in anseriform wing patches
(Read about it: Interface)
Review of Chilean dinosaur fossils (including maniraptors)
(Read about it: DML)
Change in Zonotrichia leucophrys calls in an urban environment
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Troglodytes aedon invest more in offspring when ill
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Tracking of avian climactic niche boundaries
(Read about it: Journal of Morphology)
Basal and maximal metabolic rates of avians
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Differences in crop bacteria of Opisthocomus hoazin based on geographic location
(Read about it: Nothing in Biology Makes Sense!)
Sphenisciform emissions contribute to acidifying air
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Male and female Puffinus mauretanicus migrate to different locations during summer
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
New avialian Otus mauli
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Many new studies on Korean maniraptor tracks
(Read about it: DML)
Luscinia megarhynchos is more competitive when singing at similar heights in a tree
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Effect of global warming of sphenisciform breeding cycles
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Trochilids pay more attention to flower location than to color
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Avians may be able to see the Earth's magnetic field
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Function of the mask of Lanius nubicus
(Read about it: Zoologger)
Limitations on the spread of Zavattariornis stresemanni
(Read about it: Wildlife Extra)
Logging affects sex ratio in Seiurus aurocapilla
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Flocking Sturnus vulgaris behave like magnets
(Read about it: Wired Science)
Blind spots of Gyps fulvus and Gyps africanus
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
Where Cypseloides niger borealis migrate to
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
New avialians Brodavis mongoliensis, Brodavis americanus, Brodavis varneri, and Brodavis baileyi
(Read about it: DML)
Fatal collisions during Morus serrator plunge diving
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Microraptor had iridescent feathers
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, ScienceNOW, Theropoda, Dinosaur Tracking, SOFT DINOSAURS, Archosaur Musings)
Defeaning causes song of Taeniopygia guttata to degrade
(Read about it: The Scicurious Brain)
New study on whether Cuculus canorus select hosts based on egg appearance
(Read about it: Denim and Tweed)
Young Coracias garrulus use projectile vomit as defense
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Triumph displays in Eudyptula minor are informative to eavesdropping individuals
(Read about it: Inkfish, ScienceNOW)
Evidence Velociraptor scavenged on azhdarchid pterosaurs
(Read about it: Archosaur Musings, Dinosaur Tracking)
Poleward shift of foraging range in Aptenodytes patagonicus
(Read about it: Penguinology)
New avialians Kairuku waitaki and Kairuku grebneffi
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
New deinonychosaur tracks from China
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking)
Melopsittacus undulates responds to rhythmic beats
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Influence of climate change on avian migration patterns
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Tolerance for female cobreeders in Porphyrio porphyrio melanotus
(Read about it: Zoologger)
Urban landscapes cause avians to sing at a higher pitch
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Aptenodytes patagonicus has high genetic diversity
(Read about it: 80 Beats, March of the Fossil Penguins)
The last experiment involving Alex the Psittacus eithacus published
(Read about it: Nature News Blog)
New avialian Picavus litencicensis
(Read about it: DML)
Doubt on finding of dinosaur feathers in amber
(Read about it: The Bite Stuff)
Fluctuating environments more likely to cause infidelity in "monogamous" avian species
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Role of keratin in stress dissipation of the Padda oryzivora beak
(Read about it: Interface)
Barriers to gene flow in Foudia
(Read about it: Evolution)
Cross-hemisphere migration in Oenanthe oenanthe
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
New avialian Schizooura lii
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Liaoningornis longidigitrus revised as an enantiornithine
(Read about it: DML)
New specimens of Nemegtomaia barsboldi
(Read about it: The Bite Stuff, Theropoda)
Evolution of avian eggshell structure
(Read about it: DML)
Campephilus principalis likely extinct
(Read about it: BirdWatching)
New enantiornithine specimen from the La Colonia Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Mechanics of uncinate processes in Mesozoic maniraptors
(Read about it: DML)
Using ontogeny to understand avian evolution
(Read about it: DML)
Lack of food reduces territorial behavior in Turdoides bicolor
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New assemblage of Raphus cucullatus
(Read about it: Naturwissenschaften)
Complete Linhenykus foot described
(Read about it: Archosaur Musings)
Taeniopygia guttata observe breeding success of others to select mates for next season
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Avians target specific trees when foraging for insects
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
First probable South American dromaeosaurid tracks
(Read about it: DML)
Amount of time needed for Coragyps atratus to find and consume Homo sapiens carcasses
(Read about it: 80 Beats)
Color of original Archaeopteryx lithographica feather investigated
(Read about it: The Loom, ScienceNOW, Nature News and Comment)
Athene noctua and Otus scops use the alarm calls of other species to find suitable nesting territories
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
More on stiffness of Mesozoic avialian wing feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Mortality factors of Gymnogyps californianus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New research on Tyto alba wings
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Manorina melanocephala recognizes individual voices among its own species
(Read about it: Cosmos)
Changes in molting patterns of native Hawaiian avians
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Chlamydera nuchalis uses optical illusions in nest construction
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, ScienceNOW)
Genetics of domesticated Columba livia
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Critical speed of avians
(Read about it: ScienceDaily)
Increased wind speed has improved Diomedea exulans foraging performance
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Tetrapod Zoology)
Phoebastria nigripes and Phoebastria immutabilis clean parasites off Mola mola
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Tetrapod Zoology)
Taeniopygia guttata lifespan predicted by length of telomeres
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Nature News and Comment)
Sequencing DNA of extinct avians from eggshells
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
How dromaeosaurids used their tails for jumping
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Nature News and Comment, ScienceNOW)
Osteoarthritis in Caudipteryx
(Read about it: DML)
Evidence for explosive radiation of neoavians
(Read about it: DML)
Taeniopygia guttata brain synapses capable of synthesizing estrogen
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Review of Chinese enantiornithines
(Read about it: DML)
Evaluating the conservation of Aphelocoma insularis
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Mystery Illinois trochilid identified
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Research on how sphenisciforms communicate underwater
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Predicting environmental change impact on Iberian avians
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Genetic study on black Gallus gallus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Global marine avian response to fish depletion
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Columbiforms do abstract math
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Clutch size of Ficedula hypoleuca determined by those of competing species
(Read about it: Nature)
Increased predatory behavior in Gyps fulvus
(Read about it: DML)
Model for reproductive behavior of Remiz pendulinus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Evolution of long necks in various taxa (including maniraptors)
(Read about it: DML)
Mixed-species colonies of Falco naumanni and Corvus monedula
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Convergence between pelecanids and balaenopterids
(Read about it: Laelaps)
New alvarezsauroid Bonapartenykus ultimus
(Read about it: Theropoda, Dinosaur Tracking)
Falco peregrinus and Falco cherrug genomes due to be sequenced
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Luscinia obscura breeding area found
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Resilience and stability in tropical avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New hypothesis for predatory behavior in deinonychosaurs
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Theropoda, Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs, The Bite Stuff, Jersey Boys Hunt Dinosaurs)
Ongoing research on the evolutionary history of Pygoscelis adeliae
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Corvus moneduloides can learn to use new tools
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Osteology of Linhenykus monodactylus
(Read about it: DML)
Parus major that know their neighbors well are more reproductively successful
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
How trochilids fly
(Read about it: Nature News and Comment)
Review of blood parasite prevalence in marine avians
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Speciation in Sporophila
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Tropical avians move to higher elevations
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Changes in the behavior of Melospiza melodia in the presence of predators
(Read about it: ScienceNOW, Denim and Tweed)
Differing roles in the two hemispheres of avian brains
(Read about it: DML)
Struthioniform reproductive organs
(Read about it: DML)
Flight styles of Mesozoic avialians
(Read about it: DML)
How psittaciforms use their tongues in speech
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Long-term memory of color stimuli in Corvus macrorhynchos
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Aptenodytes forsteri time their dives with wing flaps
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Farmlands important for avian conservation
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Determinants of egg-pecking behavior in Molothrus bonariensis
(Read about it: Zoologger, 80 Beats)
Heliangelus zusii rediscovered
(Read about it: 200 Birds)
Migration patterns of Catharacta maccormicki
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Divergence from ancestral populations in city-dwelling Turdus merula
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Fluvioviridavis platyrhamphus was a podargid
(Read about it: Laelaps)
New species of Jeholornis J. palmapenis
(Read about it: Paleoexhibit, Theropoda, The Theropod Database)
Use of gestures in Corvus corax
(Read about it: 80 Beats)
Columba livia steer like helicopters
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Pterodroma baraui more active during the full moon
(Read about it: Zoologger)
Gliding performance of Microraptor gui
(Read about it: Integrative & Comparative Biology)
Ongoing research on Meleagris gallopavo genetics
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Feather colors and DNA analysis of Apteribis
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Secondary seed dispersal by Lanius meridionalis and Falco tinnunculus
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Microraptor gui ate enantiornithines
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Dinosaur Tracking, H2VP, Theropoda)
European anseriforms delaying migrations
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Decision making in Sturnus vulgaris
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Monogamy reduces stress in Anser anser
(Read about it: Wired Science)
Evolution of feather beta keratins
(Read about it: DML)
Sleeping Parus major don't respond to predator odors
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Yolk progesterone changes with laying date in Eudyptes chrysocome
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Branta leucopsis don't increase flight behavior prior to migration
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Samrukia nessovi might be a pterosaur
(Read about it: Gwawinapterus)
Variation in egg mass and content in Ficedula hypoleuca
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
New avian ichnotaxon identified
(Read about it: DML)
Large avians more heavily affected by human-created noises
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Day-old Gallus gallus prefer consonant music
(Read about it: The Thoughtful Animal)
Young Aptenodytes patagonicus filmed taking mud baths
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Insectivorous avians important in vineyard pest control
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Permanent female mimicry in Circus aeruginosus
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
How Calypte anna stay dry
(Read about it: Wired Science)
Age-based differences in vocal interaction of Luscinia megarhynchos
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Pheugopedius euophrys sing duets
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
New unnamed deinonychosaur
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Garrulus glandarius plan for the future
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
New specimen of Gansus yumenensis
(Read about it: DML)
Endangered status of Australian avians has generally worsened
(Read about it: Cosmos)
Change in avian body size in response to climate change
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialian Tonsala buchanani
(Read about it: H2VP)
Role of optic flow in avian flight
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Likelihood-based methods result in avialian Archaeopteryx lithographica
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking, Theropoda)
How picids resist head injury
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Mating habits in Erythrura gouldiae
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Avialians from the Northumberland Formation
(Read about it: DML)
Evolution of ultraviolet vision in passerines
(Read about it: BMC Evolutionary Biology)
Levels of testosterone in female Turnix suscitator
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Origin of drepanidines
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Reason for infanticide in Eclectus roratus
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Upcoming new specimen of Archaeopteryx lithographica
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking, Theropoda, Archosaur Musings)
Reproductively active Loxia curvirostra produce fewer stress hormones
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Upcoming research on New Zealand sphenisciforms
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Melanosomes in Gansus yumenensis
(Read about it: PLoS ONE)
Ant-following avians may be capable of mental time travel
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Lophura edwardsi may be extinct in the wild
(Read about it: Extinction Countdown)
Abused Sula granti chicks grow up to become abusers themselves
(Read about it: ScienceNOW)
Corvus macrorhynchos can distinguish symbols
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Limb elements of avians compared to those of pterosaurs and chiropterans
(Read about it: DML)
New avialian Hoazinavis lacustris, and Namibiavis senutae reevaluated as an opisthocomiform
(Read about it: Tetrapod Zoology)
Study on evolution of tooth loss in avians
(Read about it: DML)
Detailed description on the anatomy of Mahakala omnogovae
(Read about it: Theropoda)
London Archaeopteryx specimen is now the neotype
(Read about it: Natural History Museum)
Large groups of Paris major and Cyanistes caeruleus are more efficient at solving problems
(Read about it: The Thoughtful Animal)
Nest building skill in Ploceus velatus is learned through experience
(Read about it: Penguinology)
More evidence for Psittacopasserae
(Read about it: DML)
Review on avian egg colors
(Read about it: Wired Science)
Sphenisciforms use smells to identify mates
(Read about it: Penguinology)
New deinonychosaur Talos sampsoni
(Read about it: Paleoexhibit, Theropoda, Skeletal Drawing, Dinosaur Tracking, The Whirlpool of Life, Art of Emily Willoughby)
Passer italiae confirmed as new species
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
How columbiforms produce "milk"
(Read about it: Discoblog)
Delayed gratification in corvids
(Read about it: ABC Science)
Fossilized feathers in amber
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Wired Science, ScienceNOW, Endless Forms)
Avialian extinctions at the K-Pg
(Read about it: DML)
How Aptenodytes patagonicus finds mates
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Reexamination of Psilopterus lemoinei
(Read about it: DML)
New avialians Nelepsittacus minimus, Nelepsittacus donmertoni, and Nelepsittacus daphneleeae
(Read about it: DML)
Trochilids "sing" with their tail feathers
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Wired Science)
Food processing efficiency in herbivorous avians compared to that of herbivorous mammals
(Read about it: DML)
Hungarian paravian fossils
(Read about it: DML)
New deinonychosaur Linhevenator tani
(Read about it: Theropoda, Paleoexhibit, Dinosaur Tracking)
Indicator indicator brood parasite behavior filmed
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Sphenisciforms colonized Africa multiple times
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Aegypiines threatened by illegal drug sales
(Read about it: Nature News)
Crop found in Hongshanornis longicresta and Sapeornis chaoyangensis
(Read about it: Cosmos)
Support for the frame shift hypothesis
(Read about it: DML)
Long dives in Aptenodytes forsteri
(Read about it: Penguinology)
New avialian Lavocatavis africana
(Read about it: Laelaps)
New avialian Puffinus bryani
(Read about it: Wired Science)
New deinonychosaur discovered in Montana
(Read about it: DML)
Evidence of psittaciforms being closest to passerines, then to falconids
(Read about it: DML)
Struthio camelus sleeps like Ornithorhynchus anatinus
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Waves in Sturnus vulgaris flocks confuse predators
(Read about it: Nature News Blog)
Intact avialian fossil from China
(Read about it: Archaeology News Network)
New avialians Nambashag billerooensis and Nambashag microglaucus
(Read about it: DML)
Taeniopygia guttata die earlier if paired with stressed mates
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Complete accipitrid fossil found
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
New avialian Samrukia nessovi
(Read about it: Tetrapod Zoology, Theropoda, Paleoexhibit)
Ecological setting of avian flight stroke tested
(Read about it: DML)
More evidence modern avialians have manual digits I, II, and III
(Read about it: Cosmos)
Morphological evidence for Gondwanan vicariance in paleognaths
(Read about it: DML)
Sexually extravagant Chlamydotis undulata age faster
(Read about it: Wired Science)
Charadrius alexandrinus pairs cooperate more in the heat
(Read about it: The Thoughtful Animal)
Phylogenetic position of pelagornithids
(Read about it: DML)
New oviraptorosaurs Ojoraptorsaurus boerei and Epichirostenotes curriei
(Read about it: The Bite Stuff, The Theropod Database Blog, Theropoda)
New archaeopterygid Xiaotingia zhengi; archaeopterygids may be deinonychosaurs
(Read about it: Theropoda, Pick and Scalpel, Not Exactly Rocket Science, Superoceras, The Bite Stuff, Postcards from Pangea, Paleoexhibit, Dinosaur Tracking)
How sphenisciforms get (temporarily) airborne
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Dromaeosaurid tooth discovered in Germany
(Read about it: DML)
New unpublished info on the presence of Byronosaurus jaffei skulls in an oviraptorid nest.
(Read about it: DML)
Study of pneumacity in maniraptors (and other theropods)
(Read about it: DML)
Avialian status of Gargantuavis philoinos confirmed
(Read about it: DML)
Confuciusornis sanctus and Gansus yumenensis color patterns analyzed
(Read about it: Dinosaur CSI)
Spread of knowledge among Corvus brachyrhynchos
(Read about it: Cosmos)
Growth rates of Las Hoyas tetrapods (including Coniornis lacustris)
(Read about it: DML)
Why sphenisciforms avoid entering the water at night
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Avian synsacrum from Uzbekistan
(Read about it: DML)
Falco rusticolus is an honorary seabird
(Read about it: BBC Nature)
Reinterpretation of feathers on flattened dinosaur specimens
(Read about it: Jason Brougham's Blog)
A new type of structural color in Eudyptula minor
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
Different problem solving behaviors in Corvus moneduloides and Nestor notabilis
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Coordinated movements in huddles of Aptenodytes forsteri
(Read about it: Penguinology)
New avialian Parahongshanornis chaoyangensis
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Fossilized feathers from Spain
(Read about it: Palaeoblog)
Paleoecology of dromaeosaurids (and other predatory theropods) of Late Cretaceous Russia studied
(Read about it: DML)
New maniraptor feather fossils from Alabama
(Read about it: Laelaps)
New Cenomanian ornithurine fossils
(Read about it: DML)
New record of Hesperornis regalis in the Santonian
(Read about it: DML)
Cooperative behaviors in Psittacus erithacus
(Read about it: BBC Nature News)
New avialian Kaiika maxwelli
(Read about it: March of the Fossil Penguins)
How sphenisciforms survive deep dives
(Read about it: Penguinology)
New papers on avian digit development
(Read about it: DML)
Avian feathers inspire lasers
(Read about it: Wired Science)
Commentary on Linhenykus
(Read about it: DML)
How trochilids really drink revealed
(Read about it: Wired Science)
New volume on avian evolution
(Read about it: Wiley Online Library)
New avialian Qiliania graffini
(Read about it: Theropoda, Archosaur Musings)
Most dromaeosaurids was probably nocturnal, while basal avialians were probably diurnal
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Lars Schmitz, The Bite Stuff, Dinosaur Tracking)
Evolution of olfactory sense in paravians
(Read about it: Pick and Scalpel, Dinosaur Tracking, Penguinology, The Bite Stuff)
Ice-avoiding sphenisciforms still threatened by climate change
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Feather loss disorder found in sphenisciforms
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Review of Unenlagiinae
(Read about it: The Bite Stuff)
Unenlagiines may be avialians after all
(Read about it: The Bite Stuff)
New indeterminate un-named maniraptor from England
(Read about it: Theropoda, Tetrapod Zoology, DinoGoss)
New information on the braincase of Falcarius utahensis
(Read about it: DML)
Feather lengths in basal avialians examined
(Read about it: DML)
Corvus ruficollis cooperatively kleptoparasitize Neophron percnopterus
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Fossilized vomit of Pagodroma nivea show distribution of ancient procellariiform colonies
(Read about it: Conservation Magazine)
New deinonychosaur Pamparaptor micros
(Read about it: Theropoda, The Bite Stuff)
Development of neoptile feathers
(Read about it: DML)
Cause of neck feather loss
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Extinction of Pandanaris convexa associated with extinction of large mammals
(Read about it: Penguinology, Laelaps)
First European deinonychosaur tracks discovered
(Read about it: DML)
Zosterops japonicus might be an invasive species in Hawaii that is "worth saving"
(Read about it: The Loom)
"Super breeder" Pygoscelis adeliae individuals identified
(Read about it: Penguinology)
Jurassic paravian tracks
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking)
Possible Jurassic deinonychosaur teeth
(Read about it: Archosaur Musings)
New mass estimate for Raphus cucullatus
(Read about it: Laelaps)
Avians have manual digits I, II, and III
(Read about it: DML)
New alvarezsauroid Albinykus baatar
(Read about it: Chinleana, Theropoda, Dinosaur Tracking)
New avialian Bohaiornis guoi
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Lack of defense against brood parasitism in Pycnonotus capensis
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Unattractive mates are stressful for Erythrura gouldiae
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
New approach for inferring ecology of Mesozoic birds
(Read about it: DML)
New alvarezsauroid Linhenykus monodactylus
(Read about it: Archosaur Musings, Theropoda, Dinosaur Tracking)
Review of feathered flight
(Read about it: DML)
Flipper bands impair survival of Aptenodytes patagonicus
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Review of enantiornithine skulls
(Read about it: PhysOrg)
Xenicibis xympithecus used wings like clubs
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Laelaps, Theropoda, Tetrapod Zoology)
Redescription of Rapaxavis pani
(Read about it: DML)
Examination of the growth patterns of Confuciusornis sanctus
(Read about it: DML)
New avialian Mystiornis cyrili
(Read about it: DML, Theropoda)
Analysis of size distribution in hesperornithines
(Read about it: DML)
Analysis of herbivory in maniraptor groups (and other coelurosaurs)
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking, The Theropod Database Blog)
Boluochia zhengi is a longipterygid
(Read about it: DML)
New deinonychosaur Geminiraptor suarezarum
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking, Theropoda)
The feathers of Parotia lawesii have microscopic mirrors
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
New avialian Leptoptilos robustus
(Read about it: Laelaps)
New avialian Intiornis inexpectatus
(Read about it: DML)
Reevaluation of Therizinosauria
(Read about it: DML)
Alectura lathami is better at doing WAIR as a hatchling than as an adult
(Read about it: LiveScience)
Juvenile Similicaudipteryx yixianensis specimen might have been moulting
(Read about it: Nature, with rebuttal)
Examination of unenlagiine deinonychosaur teeth
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking)
Dicrurus adsimilis robs other animals by sounding false alarms
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Review of Jurassic maniraptors (and other coelurosaurs), with new, yet-to-be-analyzed hypothesis on phylogeny
(Read about it: Theropoda, Dinosaur Tracking)
Criticism of the idea that the feathers of basal avialians are not strong enough compared to body size for flight
(Read about it: Science, with rebuttal)
New avialian Huoshanornis huji
(Read about it: DML)
Some back-and-forth debate on the flight of Microraptor zhaoianus
(Read about it: Dinosaur Tracking)
New avialian Inkayacu paracasensis
(Read about it: Not Exactly Rocket Science, Theropoda, Penguinology)
Review of Cretaceous Cornet avialians; no good evidence for archaeopterygids or neornithines there, but there's a possible hesperornithine
(Read about it: Tetrapod Zoology)
New species of Confuciusornis, C. jiangchangensis
(Read about it: Theropoda)
Review of basal Chinese avialians; "Didactylornis" is synonymous with Sapeornis chaoyangensis
(Read about it: PDF)
New oviraptorosaur Machairasaurus leptonychus
(Read about it: Theropoda, Dinosaur Tracking)