I will update this page with news related to maniraptors and link to websites that discuss these finds, the newest updates at the top.
News from past years can be found archived here.
News from past years can be found archived here.
- Ectomycorrhizal fungus spores in corpolites of Megalapteryx didinus
- Social associations across species during nocturnal avian migration
- Calypte anna use compensatory eye movements to stabilize rotational and translational visual motion
- Torpor frequency and duration of Selasphorus correlated with lipid reserves
- Adjustable wind selectivity in Puffinus puffinus implies knowledge of foraging landscape
- Repeated successful nest sharing and cooperation between Tyrannus verticalis and a Tyrannus verticalis × Tyrannus forficatus hybrid
- New avialans Pseudocrypturus danielsi and Pseudocrypturus gracilipes
- Predator recognition by Lanius collurio
- New specimen of Archaeopteryx
- Drivers of signal evolution in meliphagideans
- Middle ear mechanics of Tyto furcata
- Correlates of beak shape variation in Neotropical passeriforms
- Patterns and consequences of individual variation in behavioral plasticity in Spheniscus magellanicus
- Causes and consequences of divorce in Acrocephalus sechellensis
- Behavioral co-option of plant resin by Sitta canadensis as an adaptation against competition and predation
- Genetic, natal, and spatial drivers of social phenotypes in Parus major
- Hindlimb biomechanics of Nothronychus graffami
- No support for solar radiation as a major evolutionary driver of malar stripes in Falco
- Effect of wing-flashing behavior on prey capture performance of Lanius ludovicianus
- Macroevolution of body extremities in furnariidans
- Comparative oxygen metabolism of Anhinga anhinga and Nannopterum auritum
- Identity of "Ninox dubiosa"
- Ecological niche conservatism and diversification in Cyanocorax
- Sex predicts response to novelty and problem-solving in Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi
- Benefits of mate familiarity realized through sex-specific specialization of parental roles in Ptychoramphus aleuticus
- Phylogeny of Camarhynchus pallidus
- Nocturnal camouflage through background matching against moonlight in Tyto alba
- Body size and evolutionary rates of alvarezsaurs
- Global diet diversity spectrum in avian apex predators
- Mitochondrial remodeling supports migration in Zonotrichia leucophrys
- Stimulus-dependent emergence of understanding the 'same–different' concept in Melopsittacus undulatus
- Helpers at the nest mitigate costs of Molothrus bonariensis brood parasitism in Pseudoleistes virescens
- Genetic basis of avian body size evolution
- Effects of immune status on stopover departure decisions are subordinate to those of condition, cloud cover and tailwind in Turdus merula
- Foraging strategies of juvenile Larus fuscus at their first migratory stopover
- Social interactions do not affect mycoplasma infection in Gyps fulvus
- Phylogeography of Ceratopipra rubrocapilla and Pseudopipra pipra
- Review of avian seed dispersal out of forests since the Pleistocene
- Dietary divergence among sympatric tyrannids and hirundinids
- Natal and breeding dispersal patterns of Motacilla flava in Russia
- Behavior and survival of Molothrus bonariensis fledglings
- Migration of Chlidonias niger and Sterna hirundo breeding in Sweden
- Species limits of North American avians
- Taxonomic status of Streptopelia decaocto xanthocycla
- Taxonomic status of Micrastur guerilla jugularis
- Avian dispersal ability shapes species–area relationships on islands
- Identification and quantification of carotenoids in supra-orbital combs of male Lyrurus tetrix
- Upper bill bending as an adaptation for nectar feeding in trochilids
- Environmental drivers of female reproductive investment in egg quantity and quality in Ammodramus savannarum
- Evolutionary drivers of flash plumage signals in North American passeriforms
- Competition and facilitation influence central place foraging ecology in Morus bassanus
- Avian fibular reduction and evolution of theropod locomotion
- Sequential introgression of a carotenoid processing gene underlies sexual ornament diversity in Manacus
- Selasphorus calliope rapidly respond to loss of visible light during escape manuevers
- Psittaciforms live in smaller groups on islands
- Uropygial secretion changes mouth coloration in juvenile Sturnus unicolor
- Coloration of the uropygial secretion in juvenile Sturnus unicolor
- Acrocephalus schoenobaenus rid themselves of haemoparasite infections when breeding in the temperate zone
- Aggregative responses of marine avians to annual inshore pulse of Mallotus villosus
- Morphological characterization of scaly avian skin
- Immigrant Parus major learn from socially observed differences in payoffs when their environment changes
- Evolution of avian foot morphology through anatomical network analysis
- Theoretical basis for range expansion in Stelgidopteryx serripennis
- New avialan Navaornis hestiae
- Phylogeny of parulids
- Acrocephalus scirpaceus can extract positional information from magnetic inclination and magnetic declination alone
- Wing metrics linked to avian dispersal ability predict species occurrence on remote islands
- Host nest defense does not act as selective agent against plumage polymorphism in Cuculus canorus
- Extreme spatial cohesion in Taeniopygia castanotis pairs
- Behavioral and social consequences of stress transmission in Taeniopygia castanotis flocks
- Temporal shifts in habitat use in nonbreeding Limosa limosa limosa
- Rainfall is associated with divorce in Acrocephalus sechellensis
- Troglodytes musculus predation on Tropidurus hispidus
- Species-specific evolutionary processes among passeriforms on oceanic islands
- Migration of Buteo lagopus
- Correlates of avian extinction timing in historical times
- Effect of malaria infection on predation risk in migratory passeriforms
- Global analysis of avian acoustic frequency characteristics
- Aerodynamic efficiency explains avian flapping strategies
- Nestor notabilis do not appear to infer weight from movement of objects in a breeze
- Open-ended vocal learning in Calypte costae
- Review of the diet of Attila rufus
- Climate and ecology predict latitudinal trends in avian sexual selection
- Spread of yellow-bill-color alleles favored by selection in the Poephila acuticauda hybrid system
- Imprinted habitat selection varies across dispersal phases in Milvus milvus
- Molecular mechanism for bright color variation in psittaciforms
- Strong winds reduce foraging success in diomedeids
- Sperm as a speciation phenotype in promiscuous oscines
- Effect of haemosporidian infection on hirundinids
- Inertial coupling of the trochilid body in the flight mechanics of an escape maneuver
- Population trends are more strongly linked to environmental change and species traits in avians than mammals
- Age-dependent shaping of social environment in Sterna hirundo
- Demography as driver of decreasing sociality in Passer domesticus
- Use of vocalizations by nesting Limosa limosa limosa
- New oviraptorosaur Yuanyanglong bainian
- Species limits in Cacatua galerita
- Evolution of sex differences in cooperation can be explained by trade-offs with dispersal in Plocepasser mahali
- Age difference may drive brood reduction in Ara macao
- Receiver response to high-intensity courtship differs with courter status in Ptilonorhynchus maculatus
- Use and definitions of terms describing avian courtship sites
- Distinctive and highly variable avian migration system in Eastern Australia
- Evolution of aggression in Pezophaps solitaria
- Genome of Ciconia boyciana
- Evidence of aerial behavior in microraptorians based on trackways
- Duets convey information about pair and individual identities in Furnarius rufus
- Review of fossil avialans from Brazil
- Decline and extinction of Sitta insularis
- Genetic basis of adaptation to Antarctic environment in Aptenodytes forsteri
- Role of androgen receptor signaling in sexual development of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Female calls promote song learning in male juvenile Taeniopygia guttata
- Season-specific genetic variation underlies early-life migration in Gulosus aristotelis
- Seeds of language-like generativity in call combinations of Turdoides bicolor
- Alvarezsaur femur from the Plottier Formation
- New avialans Avisaurus darwini and Magnusavis ekalakaensis
- Poecile gambeli sing different songs in sympatry versus allopatry with Poecile atricapillus
- Variation in thermal plasticity of Passer domesticus embryos produced by developmental environment
- Brood parasitism of Hirundo rustica by Cuculus canorus recorded in the 3rd Century
- Variation in air sac morphology and postcranial skeletal pneumatization patterns in Psittacus erithacus
- Avian phylogenetic diversity increases with temperature worldwide
- Migrating Pluvialis squatarola killed by Falco peregrinus
- Global loss of avian functional and phylogenetic diversity from anthropogenic extinctions
- MHC-II genes of paleognaths
- New avialans Sulcitarsus aenigmatus, Xenavicula pamelae, and Masillatrogon incertus
- Mitogenomics of muscicapoids
- Gait simulations of Dromaius novaehollandiae reveal optimality of grounded running
- Species morphology better predicts plant–trochilid interactions across elevations than nectar traits
- Highly virulent avian brood parasites show elevated embryonic metabolic rates at specific incubation stages
- Fruit resources shape sexual selection processes in Manacus manacus
- Juvenile Gallus gallus domesticus produce consonant, sometimes jazzy, sounds
- Migratory gruids modulate niche tradeoffs in rhythm with seasons and life history
- Visual fields of larids
- Immobilization during embryonic development contributes to wing reduction in Dromaius novaehollandiae
- Diverse assemblage of migrantory avians supported by grasslands in the Northern Prairie region
- Tactile bill-tip organs in procellariimorphs
- Migratory lifestyle carries no added overall energy cost in Turdus merula
- Colonization history of the Acrocephalus luscinius species complex
- Neighbors affect vocal behavior of Thryophilus rufalbus
- Functional evolution of facial bristles in passeriforms
- Mechanics of male courtship display behavior in Ptiloris
- Comment and response on avian divergence times
- Predation on juvenile Panthera leo by Polemaetus bellicosus
- Review of over-water offspring ferrying behavior in aquatic avians
- New avialan Lumbrerornis rougieri
- Brain shapes of flightless paleognaths emerge through distinct developmental allometries
- Evolution of coloration in nectariniids
- Herbivorous anatids track multiple resource waves during spring migration
- Energy benefits of in-wake flying for Geronticus eremita
- Individual quality and environmental factors interact to shape reproduction and survival in Tyto alba
- Developmental stage shapes the realized energy landscape of Aquila chrysaetos
- Migration of Scolopax rusticola at the turn of the 19–20th Centuries
- Gut contents of Longipteryx indicate frugivory
- Genetic basis of feather color variation in Strigops habroptila suggests selection by an extinct predator
- Demographic history of Clangula hyemalis and Melanitta fusca
- Amazonian rivers as leaky barriers to gene flow in forest understory suboscines
- Foraging trip length of Morus bassanus increases with colony size and decreases with latitude
- Diet of Falco eleonorae during passeriform fall migration
- Taxonomic status of Coua cristata maxima
- Taxonomy of Campocolinus and Pternistis
- Validity of Patagona chaski
- Architectural traditions in the structures built by Plocepasser mahali
- Genetic and phenotypic differentiation in Thamnophilus ruficapillus
- Effects of assortative mating for personality on reproductive success in Anser anser
- Evolution of nest characteristics in troglodytids
- Size differences among fringillids may explain correlated evolution of song and color
- Genomic convergence between avians and chiropterans
- Hearing capabilities of Eudyptula minor
- Maternal stress effects across generations in Coturnix japonica
- Horse-hair fungus used in nests of Tolmomyias sulphurescens and Icterus pustulatus alters behavior of Pseudomyrmex
- Genetic and telomeric variability in Manacus candei × Manacus vitellinus hybrid zone
- Evaluation of the usefulness of morphological characters in avian phylogenetics
- Ecological correlates of phenology in Alle alle
- Ecosystem engineers show variable impacts on habitat availability for cavity-nesting avians in Chile
- Effects of forest structure on breeding success in tetraonins
- Interplay of avian T cell receptor-V gene copy numbers and MHC selection pressure
- Hormonal control of plumage sexual dimorphism in Gallus gallus domesticus
- Genomics of Alectoris rufa
- Review of trait variation and spatiotemporal dynamics across avian secondary contact zones
- Taphonomy of feather biomolecules
- Impact of Oecophylla on avian elevational diversity patterns
- Dialect shifts in Amazona auropalliata
- Changes of epidermal proteins immunolocalization during avian beak development
- Behavioral plasticity shapes population aging patterns in Gyps fulvus
- Home ranges, habitat selection, and energy expenditure of Strix varia
- Song determined by phylogeny and body mass in piprids and cardinalids
- Seasonal resource tracking and use of sea-ice foraging habitats by procellariiforms
- Prehistorical and historical occurrence of Platalea leucorodia and Ciconia ciconia in Europe
- Rediscovery of Pulsatrix perspicillata pulsatrix
- Systematics and nomenclature of Raphus cucullatus and Pezophaps solitaria
- Effect of nest design in Phoenicurus phoenicurus on parasitism rates by Cuculus canorus
- Genomic basis of diversification in Spheniscus
- Drivers of scavenging and social interaction in Aquila audax
- Exposure to calls before hatching affects post-hatching behavior of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Taphonomic signatures of early scavenging by Coragyps atratus and Cathartes aura
- Evidence of adaptation of truffle-like fungi for avians in New Zealand
- Juvenile specimen of Microraptor
- Persistent species relationships in migratory avian communities across stopover sites and seasons
- New avialan Agapornis longipes
- Reevaluation of a phoenicopterid from the Pie de Vaca Formation
- The Amazon Basin supports Nearctic-breeding charadriiforms during southward migration
- Strength of flight feathers in psittaciforms is a function of position on the wing
- Negative impacts of Coryphaena hippurus on Calonectris leucomelas foraging behavior
- Human–food association increases novelty exploration in Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi
- Social programming of development and stress physiology in Aptenodytes patagonicus
- Short-term dietary changes are reflected in cerebral content of Larus delawarensis
- Diet of Circus aeruginosus during breeding season
- Avian trophic guilds differ in blood glucose concentrations
- Evolutionary drivers of avian sex-specific parasite prevalence
- Local resource availability drives habitat use by Poephila cincta cincta
- Avian orientation in radiofrequency fields in the absence of the Earth's magnetic field
- Reinterpretation of mandibular anatomy of Asteriornis maastrichtensis
- Bone histology of juvenile enantiornitheans
- Intraspecific variation in group structure arises from directional dispersal in Lamprotornis superbus
- Phylogenomics of the Campylopterus largipennis species complex
- New avialan Pakudyptes hakataramea
- Avian genome and life history evolution linked to the K–Pg extinction
- Vultur gryphus as a top scavenger
- Geographical and ecological allopatry effects on niche change in Basilinna and Calypte
- Mitochondrial genome of Streptopelia decaocto
- New avialan Oceanites barrosi
- Evolution of the jaw apparatus in picines
- Functional role of metabolic suppression in avian thermoregulation in the heat
- Phylogeography of Oenanthe familiaris
- Influences on feather care and unipedal resting in phoenicopteriforms
- Transitions between color mechanisms affect avian speciation dynamics and range distributions
- Genomic patterns in Ceyx
- Avian fossils from the Quaternary of Brazil
- New troodontid Hypnovenator matsubaraetoheorum
- New avialans Mionetta turgaiensis and Uyrekura chalkarica, and new genus Kustokazanser for "Cygnavus" formosus
- Genomic diversity of Tympanuchus pallidicinctus
- Taxonomic revision of Myrmecocichla arnotti
- Genomic analysis of Vermivora bachmanii
- Ecological dynamics of dinornithiform extinctions
- The Great Rift Valley as a biogeographic barrier for Ethiopian Highland passeriforms
- Lifespans of Neotropical forest avians
- Modulation of landing force as motion-induced sound camouflage in Tyto alba
- Body shape correlates with kinematics but not energetics in selectively-bred Anas platyrhynchos
- Facial blushing and feather fluffing as indicators of emotions in Gallus gallus domesticus
- Personality and foraging success in Calidris canutus
- Review of plumage polymorphism in raptorial avians
- Osteological variation of anatids
- Host–parasite contact and sensitivity to parasitism predict clutch abandonment in Molothrus hosts
- Nest cave of Gymnogyps californianus from the Pleistocene of Texas
- Emotional arousal linked to changes in vocalizations of juvenile Gallus gallus domesticus
- New troodontid Urbacodon norelli
- Comparative osteology of the skull in Molothrus
- Rate of W chromosome degeneration in sylviidans
- New avialans Nasiornis messelornithoides, Parvirallus incertus, and Walbeckornis waltonensis
- New troodontid Harenadraco prima
- Eye morphology correlates with ecology in aquatic avians
- Testing hypotheses for male aggregations in Corapipo gutturalis
- Population structure of Campylorhynchus fasciatus and Campylorhynchus zonatus
- Early-life diet does not affect preference for fish in Larus argentatus
- Hurricane-induced pollinator shifts in Heliconia–Eulampis jugularis mutualism
- Wrist osteology of Heyuannia huangi
- Evolution of avian parental care
- Onychoprion benefit from foraging opportunities created by Istiophorus platypterus
- Niche differentiation of Parus minor and Ficedula zanthopygia
- Population structure of Sialia currucoides
- Evidence of primary feather molt in confuciusornithiforms
- Episodic-like memory in Cyanistes caeruleus and Parus major
- Navigation by juvenile Sturnus vulgaris during migration
- Predictors of avian propensity to join mixed-species flocks
- Feeding ecology of Columba palumbus
- Taxonomy of psittaciforms
- Severe genetic erosion in Copsychus sechellarum
- Genetic and epigenetic differentiation in response to genomic selection for lay date in Parus major
- Phylogenetic affinities of fossil passeriforms
- Expansion of learning capacity elicited by hybridization between Aidemosyne modesta and Taeniopygia guttata
- Passeriform predation on dipteran larvae may be governed by infection risk associated with carnivoran carcasses
- Mitogenome structure of scolopacids
- Prediction of individual differences in structural plumage color of Cyanistes caeruleus
- Correlated evolution of avian oxidative physiology and MHC-based immunosurveillance
- Identifying prey capture events of Pygoscelis antarctica
- Effects of weather on group foraging in Estrilda astrild
- New avialan Sakesphoroides niedeguidonae
- Diving adaptations in Fulica
- Metabolic cost of flight is lower for trailing individuals in small groups of Sturnus vulgaris
- New avialan Phalacrocorax bakonyiensis
- The respiratory system influences flight mechanics in soaring avians
- Role-reversed polyandry is associated with faster Z chromosome evolution in charadriiforms
- Effects of body mass and phylogeny on masses of avian jaw muscle groups
- Genetic structure of Cyanistes caeruleus
- Comment and response on preservation of protein structure in feathers
- Comparative anatomy of sphenisciform tarsometatarsi
- Trophic strategy of Pernis apivorus during breeding
- New avialans Fluvioviridavis michaeldanielsi and Fluvioviridavis nazensis
- Diversification of Chordeiles pusillus
- Taxonomy of the Horornis canturians–Horornis diphone species complex
- Spontaneous biases enhance generalization in the neonate brain of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Simulation of spontaneous cumulative route improvements in Columba livia
- Aggressive interactions influence cognitive performance in Gymnorhina tibicen dorsalis
- Social experiences shape song preference learning in Taeniopygia guttata independently of developmental exposure to song
- Brightness cues affect gap negotiation behaviours in Taeniopygia guttata flying between perches
- Evolution of Coturnix based on mitogenomic analysis
- Seasonal patterns and processes of migration in Charadrius dubius
- Changes in adult sex ratio of anatids breeding in Czechia
- Variations in touch representation in the forebrain of Calypte anna and Taeniopygia guttata
- Risk-sensitive response of Milvus migrans to crosswind during migration
- Phylogeography of Histrionicus histrionicus
- Regulatory and evolutionary impact of DNA methylation in Ficedula albicollis, Ficedula hypoleuca, and their hybrids
- Spatial roost networks and resource selection of female Meleagris gallopavo silvestris
- How the shape of wing and hindlimb bones in aquatic avians relate to locomotor abilities
- Small body size is associated with increased evolutionary lability of avian wing skeleton proportions
- Extrapair paternity alongside social reproduction increases male lifetime fitness in Passer domesticus
- Year-round residency of Sula sula in the Chagos Archipelago
- Corvus corone "count" self-generated vocalizations
- Genome of Anomalopteryx didiformis
- Population genetics of melampittids
- Scope and adaptive value of modulating aggression over breeding stages in Tachycineta bicolor
- Sex-specific effects of dietary restriction on physiological variables in Coturnix japonica
- Survival, nest site affiliation and post-fledging movements of Haliaeetus albicilla
- Translocated Ficedula hypoleuca are predisposed to learn songs of their ancestral population
- Promiscuous mating system in Chalcites minutillus
- Neuroanatomy of Lithornis vulturinus
- Sex allocation is color morph-specific and associated with fledging condition in Strix aluco
- Validity of Miotadorna catrionae
- Conserved regulatory switches for the transition from natal down to juvenile feathers
- Ongoing introgression of a secondary sexual plumage trait in a Manacus candei × Manacus vitellinus hybrid zone
- Avian host nestlings eavesdrop on distress calls of Cuculus canorus nestlings
- Redistribution of oscines within a migratory stopover site as a response to sylviid song playback
- Garrulus glandarius exhibit episodic-like memory
- Vocal convergence and social proximity shape the calls of Acanthisitta chloris
- Thermoregulation of understory furnariidans in lowland Amazonia
- Apparent anti-parasite behavior in Cyanoramphus cookii
- Colonization of the Mediterranean Basin by Aquila fasciata
- Population structure of Mixornis
- Evolution of chromosomal inversions in Lonchura
- Microchromosomal organization of picids
- Correlated evolution of beak and braincase morphology present only in select charadriiform clades
- Unexpected acorn caching sites by Garrulus glandarius
- Preen oil chemical composition during incubation in Anarhynchus alexandrinus
- Mitogenomes of Mergus australis and Mergus octosetaceus
- Adaptive strategies of Anas platyrhynchos feet in response to changes in wetness and compactness of sand terrain
- Seasonal migration directs gene flow in Calothorax lucifer and Selasphorus platycercus
- Habitat selection in foraging Sula sula rubripes
- Sex differences in play ontogeny of Gallus gallus domesticus
- Temporal pattern in foraging behavior of Vanellus malabaricus
- Body size shapes song in meliphagids
- Evolution and genetic architecture of sex-limited polymorphism in Cuculus
- Possible giant troodontid tracks from the Shaxian Formation
- Evolution of gigantism in phorusrhacids
- Flexibility underlies differences in mitochondrial respiratory performance between migratory and non-migratory Zonotrichia leucophrys
- Wing morphing dynamics of Larus glaucescens × Larus occidentalis
- Prolactin associated with proximity to incubating partner rather than parental care in Chroicocephalus ridibundus
- Flow interactions lead to self-organized flight formations in avian flocks
- Avian family-living and cooperative breeding associated with number of avian predators
- Genomic basis of vocal rhythm in Pogoniulus
- Historical demography of Willisornis
- Evolution of sex chromosomes in paleognaths
- Population structure of Bucorvus leadbeateri
- Review of how structural variants shape avian phenotypes
- Seasonal migration in a Catharus ustulatus hybrid zone
- Possible dromaeosaurid eggs from the Lianhe Formation
- Importance of migratory drop-off for avian island colonization
- Itinerant breeding in Scolopax minor
- Social restructuring during harsh environmental conditions promotes cooperative behaviour in Malurus cyaneus
- Brain surface morphology of tyrannideans
- Experience reduces route selection for conspecifics by Ciconia ciconia
- Association between the gut microbiome and carotenoid plumage phenotype in Vermivora chrysoptera × Vermivora cyanoptera hybrid zones
- Genetic basis of spatial cognition in Poecile gambeli
- Morphological disparity and structural performance of dromaeosaurid skulls
- Parallel executive pallio-motor loops in the brain of Columba livia
- Removal of older males increases extra-pair siring success of yearling males in Cyanistes caeruleus
- Growth factors during post-hatching growth of the spleen in Coturnix japonica
- Babbling opens the sensory phase for imitative vocal learning in Taeniopygia guttata
- Avian responses to unfamiliar alarm calls
- Remote-tactile foraging success of Bostrychia hagedash is positively affected by the water content of foraging substrates
- Review of avian island radiations
- New avialans Waltonirrisor tendringensis, Septencoracias simillimus, Pristineanis minor, and Pristineanis major
- Evolution of cranial biomechanics in oviraptorosaurs
- Evidence for and drivers of plumage mimicry in Garrulax monileger and Pterorhinus pectoralis
- Comparative reproductive ecology of trogonids
- Cervical anatomy of aquatic neoavians
- Phylogeography of Branta bernicla in North America
- Dryocopus martius use stepping stones between woodland units
- Sexual differences in bite force not related to testosterone level in Gallus gallus jabouillei
- First-sight recognition of touched objects in juvenile Gallus gallus domesticus
- Beak iridescence in Spermophaga
- Language-like efficiency and structure in song of Haemorhous mexicanus
- Haemoparasite infection intensity but not telomere length is associated with plumage morph in Astur melanoleucus
- Aggressiveness predicts dominance rank in Anser anser
- Heterogenous resources associated with components of offspring fitness in Centrocercus urophasianus
- Phylogeny of neornitheans
- A region of suppressed recombination misleads neoavian phylogenomics
- Light conditions and the evolution of the avian visual system
- Role of climatic variables on nest evolution in thraupids
- Foraging behavior of ardeids in Oman
- Long-term trends in the abundance and breeding performance in Pygoscelis adeliae
- Review of avialans from the Cretaceous of Antarctica
- Barcoding of episodic memories in the hippocampus of Poecile atricapillus
- Lack of genetic structure in Anous stolidus
- Osteology of Nothronychus
- Alternative explanations for call sequence in Parus minor
- Preening correlates with lower feather bacteria abundance but not feather coloration in Pavo cristatus
- Drivers of flight altitude during nocturnal avian migration over the North Sea
- Flying fast improves aerodynamic economy with mass increase in Columba livia
- Grasping-related musculature of accipitrids
- Sex-linked supergene with large effects on sperm traits has little impact on reproductive traits in female Taeniopygia guttata
- Drivers of forced extra-pair copulations in Coloeus monedula
- Patterns of integrated growth in Corvus frugilegus
- Immune gene expression and epigenetic potential affect consumption of risky food by female Passer domesticus
- Taxonomic status of Phylloscopus collybita tristis
- Genetic basis for color differences between Sporophila beltoni and Sporophila plumbea
- Social network centrality predicts dietary decisions in Parus major
- New avialans Eocypselus geminus, Eocypselus grandissimus, and Eocypselus paulomajor
- Phylogeny of accipitrids
- Synchronous timing of return to breeding sites in Stercorarius parasiticus
- Consistency of spottiness and colouration across avian eggshells
- Avian foraging traces from the Tanjung Formation
- Hidden fitness of the male Taeniopygia guttata courtship song
- Turbulence causes kinematic and behavioural adjustments in Columba livia
- Ontogeny of limb bone microstructure in Aptenodytes patagonicus
- Evolution of avian sexual size dimorphism
- Evolution of avian thermal tolerance
- Reproductive tract anatomy of Chlamydotis undulata
- Sex-specific nest attendance rhythm and foraging habitat use in Platalea leucorodia
- Nuclear parcellation and numbers of orexinergic neurons in larger-brained avians
- Rainforest avians avoid biotic signal masking only in cases of high acoustic saturation
- Use of social information in Gyps flight decisions
- Heritability of cognitive performance in Gymnorhina tibicen dorsalis
- Convergent evolution of plumage coloration in Agapornis
- Population trends in Aptenodytes forsteri
- Early developmental carry-over effects on exploratory behaviour and DNA methylation in Parus major
- Migration of Stercorarius parasiticus
- Apparent range expansion or recolonization of Antrostomus noctitherus on the Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge
- Effect of biogeographical barriers on historical dynamics of thamnophilids
- Male Sturnus unicolor floaters preferentially visit nests of males with reduced resource holding potential
- Taxonomic and conservation status of Ceyx sangirensis
- Learning shapes development of migratory behavior in Ciconia ciconia
- Decoupling of avian migration from the changing phenology of spring green-up
- Potential role of brain parasites in misorientation of migratory avians
- Inventory of Urile perspicillatus specimens
- Evolution of Pseudocolopteryx
- Compensation for chromatic changes in nest illumination during egg rejection by Phoenicurus phoenicurus
- Hissing as part of threat display in Aegotheles cristatus
- Genetic basis and evolution of structural color polymorphism in Malurus leucopterus
- Migration of Pluvialis squatarola
- Interplay of cooperative breeding and predation risk on egg allocation and reproductive output in Philetairus socius
- Seasonal and annual variation in the diet of Lagopus lagopus lagopus
- New avialan Imparavis attenboroughi
- Correlates of wing- and tail-feather molt sequence in passeriforms
- Phylogenomic conflict in Prunella
- Evolutionary dynamics of microsatellites in Pygoscelis adeliae
- H3 histone acetylation in Passer domesticus
- Species limits in Puffinus
- Social associations are predicted by nest proximity but not kinship in Myiopsitta monachus
- Macroevolutionary drivers of morphological disparity in the avian quadrate
- Energetic trade-offs in migration decision-making and reproductive effort in Anser albifrons flavirostris
- Extended incubation recesses in Calidris alba impacted by temperature and body condition
- Only rare classical MHC-I alleles are highly expressed in Passer domesticus
- Diet of Gulosus aristotelis during non-breeding season
- Seasonal migration and the evolution of an inverse latitudinal diversity gradient in charadriiforms
- Syrinx morphology of apodids
- Osteology of Oksoko avarsan
- Reconstructing locomotor joint poses in paravians
- Detecting cultural evolution in Spizella passerina
- Functional constraints on flight feather number and shape in pennaraptorans
- Diversification of neornitheans
- Effect of avian guano on intertidal food webs in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago
- Possible neornithean from the Lance Formation
- Axial anatomy of Struthio camelus
- Cathartes aura from the Pleistocene of Brazil
- Evolution of avian cryptochromes
- Male Taeniopygia guttata with high levels of oxidative damage form weak pair bonds
- New genus Driophlox for "Habia" gutturalis and closely related species
- Review of avian chromosomic evolution
- Diversification of certhioids
- Relationship between avian flock size and flight initiation distance
- Genetic differentiation of Leiothrix lutea
- Effect of building ability and object availability on bower construction in Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis
- Honest signalling of age in Gavia immer
- Personality-related differences in timing of migration in Calidris canutus
- Population genomics of Pygoscelis papua
- Song differences in Spizella breweri subspecies
- Review of niche segregation across sympatric breeding marine avian assemblages
- Functional imaging of the Columba livia brain
- Object permanence in Anthracoceros albirostris
- Beakiation as a novel arboreal gait in Agapornis roseicollis
- Variation in avian abundance in North America
- Evolution of multiple color mechanisms correlated with diversification in nectariniids
- Diversification of alaudids
- Phorusrhacid from the Sarmiento Formation
- Phylogenetic position of Ptilinopus arcanus
- Phylogenetic position of "Amazilia" boucardi
- Population dynamic life history models of avians (and mammals)
- Migration patterns of Circus cyaneus breeding in Spain
- Characterization of diagentiforms in a dinornithid proteome
- Prey flushing as a potential adaptive advantage of proto-wings in pennaraptorans
- Avians that breed exclusively on islands have smaller clutches
- Ciconia ciconia nests as an attractant to avians and chiropterans
- Functional neurogenomic responses to acoustic threats in the auditory forebrain of Agelaius phoeniceus
- New oviraptorosaur Eoneophron infernalis
- Spatial variation in meliphagidean bill size is associated with temperature extremes
- Bone microstructure of Musivavis amabilis
- Population links between Cyanistes caeruleus and lepidopterans
- Structure and composition of avifauna in two forest areas in Brazil
- Experimental manipulation of population density in Parus major alters social structure but not patch discovery rate
- Diet composition explains interannual fluctuations in reproductive performance in Aquila chrysaetos
- Year-round movements of Pterodroma longirostris
- Michener's Paradox in cooperatively breeding avians
- An evolutionary approach to molt terminology
- Review of avialans from the Cretaceous of China
- Thermal tolerance of Alle alle
- Grus grus soar on thermal updrafts behind cold fronts as they migrate across the sea
- Role of recombination dynamics in shaping signatures of selection across the Ficedula genome
- Timing of fall migration in Antrostomus vociferus
- Noise constrains heterospecific eavesdropping more than conspecific reception of alarm calls in Malurus cyaneus and Sericornis frontalis
- Limited ecological opportunity influences the tempo of avian morphological evolution
- Evolution of bill morphology in thraupids
- Historical biogeography of Francolinus francolinus
- Xiphorhynchus fuscus excavate nest cavities in trees
- New genus Wunketru for "Telmabates" howardae
- Nest architecture influences host use by avian brood parasites
- Evolution of bare parts in galliforms
- Calypte anna use distinct control strategies for forward and hovering flight
- Genomic architecture of continuous plumage color variation in Tyto alba
- Buzzes as signals of aggressive intent in Camarhynchus
- Vocal complexity in male Corvus frugilegus
- Early corticosterone increases vocal complexity in Forpus passerinus
- Sexual dimorphism of Confuciusornis sanctus
- Patterns of avian species richness and turnover in mountains
- New genus Rufiphonia for "Euphonia" rufiventris and closely related species
- Unfamiliarity generates costly aggression in interspecific avian dominance hierarchies
- Review of avian integumentary development
- Development of vocal folds in the avian syrinx
- Climatic variation influences annual survival of Charadrius alexandrinus on Maio
"Avialian status of Gargantuavis philoinos confirmed"
ReplyDeleteWas there ever any doubt about this?
It appears that some suggested it may have been a pterosaur at one point.
ReplyDelete"Unenlagiines may be avialians after all"
ReplyDeleteSpinosaurian avialians = Crazy Awesome.
"New species of Jeholornis J. palmapenis"
ReplyDeleteGreat. Another name to add to the list of pervosaurs. Stand aside Pedopenna and Erectopus. -_-
"Unenlagiines may be avialians after all"
ReplyDeleteIsn't the same true for microraptorines & troodontids?
It is possible, though I don't know of any recent studies specifically tackling the possibility of those.
Delete"Review of Jurassic maniraptors (and other coelurosaurs) with new, yet-to-be-analyzed hypothesis on phylogeny"
ReplyDeleteCare to explain? The Dinosaur Tracking link is dead; the Theropoda link is unintelligible even when translated.
DeleteCould you add an option to view news by category (Therizinosaurs, Alvarezsauroids, Oviraptorosaurs, Deinonychosaurs, Avialians & All)?
I don't think I can add such a function to the page itself (unless I do it by HTML, which I don't know how to). I could try making new pages and linking to them on this main page, though I'm not sure if I'd want to.
DeleteWill you mention the Unquillosaurus news?
Probably not, as that's not something that paper was focused on.
DeleteWhat, no mention of Erlikosaurus' bite force?
I'm not always punctual in updating this page, and I was waiting for the DML archives to update.