I will update this page with news related to maniraptors and link to websites that discuss these finds, the newest updates at the top.
News from past years can be found archived here.
News from past years can be found archived here.
- Innovative problem solving in paleognaths
- Distribution of dominant wavelengths predicts color discrimination performance in Coloeus monedula
- Moving as a group constrains energetic efficiency of movement in Acryllium vulturinum
- Morus capensis rely on both social cues and frequently updated memory to search for prey
- Developmental origins and evolution of avian pallial cell types and structures
- Similarities in enhancer-driven cell types between the avian and mammalian pallium
- Syntopy promotes song divergence in rhinocryptids
- Adrenal response to competitive singing in male Saltator similis
- Innovative flavoring behavior in Cacatua goffiniana
- Phylogeny of Asio
- Three-dimensional structure of avian medullary bone
- Genetic characterization of Corvus splendens
- Skull of Vegavis iaai
- Selection for tameness alters play-like behavior in Gallus gallus in line with effects of domestication
- Pair-bond strength is consistent and related to partner responsiveness in Coloeus monedula
- Population structure of Troglodytes aedon
- Courtship behavior of Tinamus major
- Ontogeny of the pelvic girdle in Rhea americana
- Evaluating light environment as a contributor to color differences among Phylloscopus
- Feather evolution in secondarily flightless avians
- Function of distress calls in Cuculus canorus
- Winter diet of Calidris maritima
- Risk assessment during nest defense by female Troglodytes aedon
- Effects of nest locations on foraging behavior and physiological responses in Larus crassirostris
- Alvarezsaurs from the Allen Formation
- Avian olfaction and reproductive isolation
- Synthesized aberrant Cuculus canorus vocalizations disrupt communication but trigger host responses
- Corticosterone predicts double-brooding in female Passerculus sandwichensis
- Vital rates of intermittent nonbreeders and returning breeders strongly influence population dynamics of Somateria mollissima
- Craniofacial modularity in furnariids
- Volitional spatial attention is lateralized in Corvus corone
- Geographic differences in phenology of gonadal development and molt are genetically based in Parus major
- Morphological criteria for staging near-hatching embryos of Anas platyrhynchos and Anser cygnoides
- Cooperative and plural breeding in Acryllium vulturinum
- Evidence that flocking behavior in Sturnus vulgaris is rewarded by singing, flock mates, and mu opioid receptors in the nucleus accumbens
- Extreme migratory connectivity and apparent mirroring of non-breeding grounds in Luscinia megarhynchos
- Trophic niche partitioning by marine avians off Montague Island
- Modeling inevitability of dinornithiform extinction under human hunting
- Review of methodological insights into avian olfaction
- New avialan Apus boanoi
- A single gene orchestrates androgen variation underlying male mating morphs in Calidris pugnax
- Avian diversity divide in major global desert realms
- Review of endocrine and molecular regulation of seasonal avian immune function
- Broad geographic dispersal is not a diversification driver for emberizoids
- Migration of Halcyon senegalensis cyanoleuca
- Immune response accelerated telomere shortening in juvenile Cyanistes caeruleus
- Review of avian origins
- Review of vocal communication in corvids
- Diversification of Attila spadiceus
- Influence of migration timing and local conditions on reproductive timing in Arctic-breeding charadriiforms
- Avian escape behavior under different hunger pressure
- Weaker avian frugivore–plant trait matching towards the tropics and on islands
- Review of ecological drivers of variation in extent of post-fledging dependence period in accipitrids
- New avialan Novavis pubisculata
- Comparative development of the avian syrinx
- Winter survival of Glaucidium passerinum determined by the amount of food in hoards
- Ectomycorrhizal fungus spores in corpolites of Megalapteryx didinus
- Social associations across species during nocturnal avian migration
- Calypte anna use compensatory eye movements to stabilize rotational and translational visual motion
- Torpor frequency and duration of Selasphorus correlated with lipid reserves
- Hindlimb muscle ontogeny of Aptenodytes forsteri
- Adjustable wind selectivity in Puffinus puffinus implies knowledge of foraging landscape
- Repeated successful nest sharing and cooperation between Tyrannus verticalis and a Tyrannus verticalis × Tyrannus forficatus hybrid
- New avialans Pseudocrypturus danielsi and Pseudocrypturus gracilipes
- Predator recognition by Lanius collurio
"Avialian status of Gargantuavis philoinos confirmed"
ReplyDeleteWas there ever any doubt about this?
It appears that some suggested it may have been a pterosaur at one point.
ReplyDelete"Unenlagiines may be avialians after all"
ReplyDeleteSpinosaurian avialians = Crazy Awesome.
"New species of Jeholornis J. palmapenis"
ReplyDeleteGreat. Another name to add to the list of pervosaurs. Stand aside Pedopenna and Erectopus. -_-
"Unenlagiines may be avialians after all"
ReplyDeleteIsn't the same true for microraptorines & troodontids?
It is possible, though I don't know of any recent studies specifically tackling the possibility of those.
Delete"Review of Jurassic maniraptors (and other coelurosaurs) with new, yet-to-be-analyzed hypothesis on phylogeny"
ReplyDeleteCare to explain? The Dinosaur Tracking link is dead; the Theropoda link is unintelligible even when translated.
DeleteCould you add an option to view news by category (Therizinosaurs, Alvarezsauroids, Oviraptorosaurs, Deinonychosaurs, Avialians & All)?
I don't think I can add such a function to the page itself (unless I do it by HTML, which I don't know how to). I could try making new pages and linking to them on this main page, though I'm not sure if I'd want to.
DeleteWill you mention the Unquillosaurus news?
Probably not, as that's not something that paper was focused on.
DeleteWhat, no mention of Erlikosaurus' bite force?
I'm not always punctual in updating this page, and I was waiting for the DML archives to update.